/* die orig. SW ist vom Hubi, wurde von mir(Ziyat T.) für den MI-WR abgeaendert. Getestet auf ESP8266/ArduinoUNO. https://www.mikrocontroller.net/topic/525778 https://github.com/hm-soft/Hoymiles-DTU-Simulation Alle Einstellungen sind in Settings.h !! modiefied 2022/08/31 JR */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Settings.h" #include "CircularBuffer.h" #include "hm_crc.h" #include "hm_packets.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "wifi.h" #include "mqtt.h" #ifdef ESP8266 #define DISABLE_EINT noInterrupts() #define ENABLE_EINT interrupts() #else // für AVR z.B. ProMini oder Nano #define DISABLE_EINT EIMSK = 0x00 #define ENABLE_EINT EIMSK = 0x01 #endif #define RF_MAX_ADDR_WIDTH (5) #define MAX_RF_PAYLOAD_SIZE (32) #ifdef ESP8266 #define PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE (30) #else #define PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE (20) #endif // Startup defaults until user reconfigures it //#define DEFAULT_RECV_CHANNEL (3) // 3 = Default channel for Hoymiles //#define DEFAULT_SEND_CHANNEL (75) // 40 = Default channel for Hoymiles, 61 #define DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE (RF24_250KBPS) // Datarate #include "NRF24_sniff_types.h" static HM_Packets hmPackets; static uint32_t tickMillis; static uint32_t UpdateTick; // Set up nRF24L01 radio on SPI bus plus CE/CS pins // If more than one RF24 unit is used the another CS pin than 10 must be used // This pin is used hard coded in SPI library static RF24 radio1 (RF1_CE_PIN, RF1_CS_PIN); static NRF24_packet_t bufferData[PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE]; static CircularBuffer packetBuffer(bufferData, sizeof(bufferData) / sizeof(bufferData[0])); static Serial_header_t SerialHdr; static uint16_t lastCRC; static uint16_t crc; uint8_t channels[] = {3, 23, 40, 61, 75}; //{1, 3, 6, 9, 11, 23, 40, 61, 75} uint8_t channelIdx = 1; // fange mit 23 an uint8_t DEFAULT_SEND_CHANNEL = channels[channelIdx]; // = 23 uint8_t DEFAULT_RECV_CHANNEL = channels[channelIdx-1]; static bool scanning = true; static bool rfQualOk = false; static uint8_t optTxCh = 10; // Do we have a "good" sending channel for this MiInv? >4 means unknown, last tested = hoptx+10 //static bool waitSts = false; static bool complete = false; //static bool received[4] = {false}; static bool stsmsg[2] = {false}; static bool swrxrc = false; static uint8_t retry[4] = {0}; //static unsigned long timeLastPacket = millis(); //static unsigned long timeOutChanAck = 60000; // wenn zu lange nichts kommt, müssen wir wechseln; 1 Minute? //static unsigned long timeLastSend = 4294967295; //millis(); //static unsigned long timeLastAck = 4294967295 - timeOutChanAck; // wenn ein Hardware-Ack kommt, haben wir vorläufig einen akzeptablen Channel für rx //static unsigned long timeLastAck = 4294967295; // wenn ein Hardware-Ack kommt, haben wir vorläufig einen akzeptablen Channel für rx //static unsigned long backtickDuration = 60; // wie lange auf STS-Message warten? (Nur MI-600, ggf. jünger?) static unsigned long tickDuration = 200; // reguläre Zeit für Rollieren static unsigned long maxTimeForNextPing = 30000;//50000; // MI-1500 wechselt spätestens nach einer Minute static unsigned long forceTimeForNextPing = 0; // try to send request at startup // Function forward declaration //static void SendPacket(uint64_t dest, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len); static void LowerChannelConfidence(); char * getChannelName (uint8_t i); static const int ANZAHL_VALUES = 8; static float VALUES[4][ANZAHL_VALUES] = {}; static const char *CHANNEL_NAMES[ANZAHL_VALUES] = {"PanelNr ", "P [W] ", "Udc [V]", "Idc [A]", "E [Wh] ", "Status ", "FCnt ", "FCode "}; //static const uint8_t DIVISOR[ANZAHL_VALUES] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; static const char BLANK = ' '; static boolean istTag = true; char CHANNELNAME_BUFFER[15]; //char WRdata[120]; float U_DC =0; float I_DC =0; float U_AC =0; float F_AC =0; float P_DC =0; float Q_DC =0; float TEMP =0; uint8_t DataOK=0; int STAT =0; int FCNT = 0; int FCODE = 0; uint8_t PV = 0; uint16_t PMI = 0; //uint16_t P_DSU = 0; uint16_t LIMIT=0; //for ModWebserver uint8_t pvCnt[4]={0,0,0,0}; float TotalP[5]={0,0,0,0,0}; //0 is total power, 1-4 are 4 PV power #ifdef ESP8266 #include "wifi.h" #include "ModWebserver.h" //#include "Sonne.h" #endif //MI-WR Data uint8_t sendBuf[MAX_RF_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; //read from Serial for testing char SerialIn[10]=""; int Limit=0; //setup int SerCmd=0; int OldLimit = MINPOWER; uint8_t WRInfo=1; static uint8_t SendLimitSts=0; //quiet static uint8_t RcvCH = channels[channelIdx-1]; static uint8_t TxCH = channels[channelIdx]; //String mStr = ""; // empty string char cStr[100]; char * getChannelName (uint8_t i) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ memset (CHANNELNAME_BUFFER, 0, sizeof(CHANNELNAME_BUFFER)); strcpy (CHANNELNAME_BUFFER, CHANNEL_NAMES[i]); //itoa (i, CHANNELNAME_BUFFER, 10); return CHANNELNAME_BUFFER; }//-----getChannelName----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline static void dumpData(uint8_t *p, int len) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ while (len--){ if (*p < 16) DEBUG_OUT.print(F("0")); DEBUG_OUT.print(*p++, HEX); } DEBUG_OUT.print(BLANK); }//----dumpData------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef ESP8266 IRAM_ATTR #endif void ReadRFBuf(void){ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static uint16_t lostPacketCount = 0; uint8_t pipe; // Loop until RX buffer(s) contain no more packets. while (radio1.available(&pipe)) { if (!packetBuffer.full()) { NRF24_packet_t *p = packetBuffer.getFront(); p->timestamp = micros(); // Micros does not increase in interrupt, but it can be used. p->packetsLost = lostPacketCount; radio1.setChannel(RcvCH);//setChannel(DEFAULT_RECV_CHANNEL); //radio1.setChannel(channels[hoptx]); uint8_t packetLen = radio1.getPayloadSize(); if (packetLen > MAX_RF_PAYLOAD_SIZE) packetLen = MAX_RF_PAYLOAD_SIZE; radio1.read(p->packet, packetLen); packetBuffer.pushFront(p); lostPacketCount = 0; } else { bool tx_ok, tx_fail, rx_ready; // Buffer full. Increase lost packet counter. if (lostPacketCount < 255){ lostPacketCount++; DEBUG_OUT.println(F("Lost packet full buffer")); } if(INTERRUPT) radio1.whatHappened(tx_ok, tx_fail, rx_ready);// Call 'whatHappened' to reset interrupt status. radio1.flush_rx();// Flush buffer to drop the packet. } } } //----ReadRFBuf----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR handleNrf1Irq() { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISABLE_EINT; ReadRFBuf(); ENABLE_EINT; }//---handleNrf1Irq------------------------------------------------------------------- void setRxPipe(void){ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (SNIFFER){ radio1.openReadingPipe(0, 0x00aa); radio1.openReadingPipe(1, 0x0055); } else { radio1.openReadingPipe(1, DTU_RADIO_ID); } }//----setRxPipe---------------------------------------------------------------------- static void activateRFConf(void) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- radio1.begin(); // Use lo PA level, as a higher level will disturb CH340 DEBUG_OUT usb adapter radio1.setAutoAck(0); radio1.setRetries(0, 0); radio1.setDataRate(DEFAULT_RF_DATARATE); radio1.disableCRC(); radio1.setPALevel(PA_LEVEL); radio1.setPayloadSize(MAX_RF_PAYLOAD_SIZE); radio1.setAddressWidth(5); setRxPipe(); // We want only RX irqs, if(INTERRUPT) radio1.maskIRQ(true, true, false); // Attach interrupt handler to NRF IRQ output. Overwrites any earlier handler. if(INTERRUPT) attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(RF1_IRQ_PIN), handleNrf1Irq, FALLING); // NRF24 Irq pin is active low. // Initialize SerialHdr header's address member to promiscuous address. uint64_t addr = DTU_RADIO_ID; for (int8_t i = sizeof(SerialHdr.address) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { SerialHdr.address[i] = addr; addr >>= 8; } radio1.printDetails(); delay(2000); tickMillis = millis() + 200; }//--activateRFConf------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void setup(void) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBUG_OUT.begin(SER_BAUDRATE); DEBUG_OUT.flush(); DEBUG_OUT.println(F(".....................")); DEBUG_OUT.println(F("DTU for MI Simulation")); DEBUG_OUT.println(F("Setup---------")); #ifdef ESP8266 if (WITHWIFI){ if(!SNIFFER){ while (!setupWifi()) DEBUG_OUT.println(F("Setup Wifi...")); DEBUG_OUT.println(F("Setup other IP services...")); setupClock(); MQTT=setupMQTT(); setupWebServer(); // setupUpdateByOTA(); //calcSunUpDown (getNow()); // istTag = isDayTime(); // DEBUG_OUT.print ("Es ist "); DEBUG_OUT.println (istTag?"Tag":"Nacht"); //hmPackets.SetUnixTimeStamp (getNow()); } } #else //hmPackets.SetUnixTimeStamp(0x62456430); #endif delay(2000); //---NRF-------------------------- DEBUG_OUT.println(F("Setup NRF")); // Configure nRF IRQ input if(INTERRUPT) pinMode(RF1_IRQ_PIN, INPUT); activateRFConf(); delay(2000); UpdateTick = millis() + 2000; uint64_t sn = SerialWR; longlongasbytes llsn; llsn.ull = sn; if(llsn.bytes[5] == 0x10) { switch(llsn.bytes[4]) { case 0x21: { MI300 = 1; MI600 = 0; MI1500 = 0; NRofPV = 1; break; } case 0x41: { MI600 = 1; MI300 = 0; MI1500 = 0; NRofPV = 2; break; } case 0x61: { MI1500 = 1; MI600 = 0; MI300 = 0; NRofPV = 4; break; } } MAXPOWER = NRofPV * PVPOWER; MINPOWER = int(MAXPOWER / 10); } /*INVERTERTYPE *p = &mInverter[mNumInv]; p->id = mNumInv; p->serial.u64 = serial; memcpy(p->chMaxPwr, chMaxPwr, (4*2)); DPRINT(DBG_VERBOSE, "SERIAL: " + String(p->serial.b[5], HEX)); DPRINTLN(DBG_VERBOSE, " " + String(p->serial.b[4], HEX)); if(p->serial.b[5] == 0x11) { switch(p->serial.b[4]) { case 0x21: p->type = INV_TYPE_1CH; break; case 0x41: p->type = INV_TYPE_2CH; break; case 0x61: p->type = INV_TYPE_4CH; break; default: DPRINTLN(DBG_ERROR, F("unknown inverter type: 11") + String(p->serial.b[4], HEX)); break; } } */ if (MI300) strcpy(MIWHAT,"MI-300"); if (MI600) strcpy(MIWHAT,"MI-600"); if (MI1500) strcpy(MIWHAT,"MI-1500"); DEBUG_OUT.print(F("Microinverter is "));DEBUG_OUT.println(MIWHAT); DEBUG_OUT.println(F("Setup finished --------Type 1 for HELP-----------")); radio1.setChannel(RcvCH);//setChannel(DEFAULT_RECV_CHANNEL); radio1.startListening(); }//---setup------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static void SendPacket(uint64_t dest, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len) { //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(INTERRUPT) DISABLE_EINT; //static uint8_t hoptx = 0; radio1.flush_tx(); if (CHANNEL_HOP_TX){ if (DEBUG_TX_DATA) { DEBUG_OUT.print(millis()); DEBUG_OUT.print(F(" ")); if (TxCH<10) //channels[hoptx]<10) DEBUG_OUT.print(F("Send... CH0")); else DEBUG_OUT.print(F("Send... CH")); DEBUG_OUT.print(TxCH); //channels[hoptx]); DEBUG_OUT.print(F(" ")); } /*TxCH=hoptx; if (millis() - timeLastAck > timeOutChanAck) { TxCH=++hoptx; // hoptx++; if (hoptx >= sizeof(channels))// / sizeof(channels[0]) ) hoptx = 0; }*/ } else TxCH=DEFAULT_SEND_CHANNEL; if (DEBUG_TX_DATA){ //packet buffer to output //DEBUG_OUT.print(millis()); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < len; i++){ if (buf[i]==0){DEBUG_OUT.print(F("00"));} else { if (buf[i]<0x10) {DEBUG_OUT.print(F("0"));} DEBUG_OUT.print(buf[i],HEX); } } } radio1.stopListening(); //*************************************** radio1.setChannel(TxCH); radio1.openWritingPipe(dest); radio1.setCRCLength(RF24_CRC_16); radio1.enableDynamicPayloads(); radio1.setAutoAck(true); radio1.setRetries(3, 15); if (DEBUG_TX_DATA) { DEBUG_OUT.println(millis()); } uint8_t res = radio1.write(buf, len); if (DEBUG_TX_DATA) {DEBUG_OUT.print(".....send res "); DEBUG_OUT.println(res); } if ( res ) { //we got an hardware ACK! timeLastAck = millis(); if (scanning || !rfQualOk ) { rfQualOk = true; scanning = false; } } //radio1.print_status(radio1.get_status()); // Try to avoid zero payload acks (has no effect) radio1.openWritingPipe(DUMMY_RADIO_ID); radio1.setAutoAck(false); radio1.setRetries(0, 0); radio1.disableDynamicPayloads(); radio1.setCRCLength(RF24_CRC_DISABLED); if(INTERRUPT) ENABLE_EINT; //radio1.setChannel(HopRcvCh()); }//----SendPacket------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerialCmdHandle(void){ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- switch (SerCmd){ case 1: DEBUG_OUT.println(F("1: help 2:Status 3:PA_LOW 4:PA_HIGH 5:PA_MAX 6:Sniffer 7:ZeroEx 8:OnlyRX 9:ShowTX 10:Wifi 11:CRC")); DEBUG_OUT.println(F("20:WRinfo 21:Gongfa ")); break; case 2: sprintf(cStr,"DEBUG_RCV_DATA %i",DEBUG_RCV_DATA); DEBUG_OUT.println (cStr); sprintf(cStr,"DEBUG_TX_DATA %i",DEBUG_TX_DATA); DEBUG_OUT.println (cStr); sprintf(cStr,"PA_LEVEL %i",PA_LEVEL); DEBUG_OUT.println (cStr); sprintf(cStr,"WITHWIFI %i",WITHWIFI); DEBUG_OUT.println (cStr); sprintf(cStr,"ZEROEXP %i",ZEROEXP); DEBUG_OUT.println (cStr); sprintf(cStr,"INTERRUPT %i",INTERRUPT); DEBUG_OUT.println (cStr); sprintf(cStr,"SNIFFER %i",SNIFFER); DEBUG_OUT.println (cStr); sprintf(cStr,"ONLY_RX %i",ONLY_RX); DEBUG_OUT.println (cStr); sprintf(cStr,"CHECK_CRC %i",CHECK_CRC); DEBUG_OUT.println (cStr); break; case 3: PA_LEVEL = RF24_PA_LOW; radio1.setPALevel(PA_LEVEL); DEBUG_OUT.println(F("RF24_PA_LOW")); radio1.printDetails(); break; case 4: PA_LEVEL = RF24_PA_HIGH; radio1.setPALevel(PA_LEVEL); DEBUG_OUT.println(F("RF24_PA_HIGH")); radio1.printDetails(); break; case 5: PA_LEVEL = RF24_PA_MAX; radio1.setPALevel(PA_LEVEL); DEBUG_OUT.println(F("RF24_PA_MAX")); radio1.printDetails(); break; case 6: if (SNIFFER) SNIFFER = 0; else SNIFFER = 1; DEBUG_OUT.println(F("CMD Sniffer"));DEBUG_OUT.println(SNIFFER); activateRFConf(); break; case 7: if (ZEROEXP) ZEROEXP = 0; else ZEROEXP = 1; DEBUG_OUT.print(F("CMD Zeroexport "));DEBUG_OUT.println(ZEROEXP); break; case 8: if (ONLY_RX) ONLY_RX = 0; else ONLY_RX = 1; DEBUG_OUT.print(F("CMD Only RX "));DEBUG_OUT.println(ONLY_RX); break; case 9: if (DEBUG_TX_DATA) DEBUG_TX_DATA = 0; else DEBUG_TX_DATA = 1; DEBUG_OUT.print(F("CMD Out TX Data "));DEBUG_OUT.println(DEBUG_TX_DATA); break; case 10: if (WITHWIFI) WITHWIFI = 0; else WITHWIFI = 1; DEBUG_OUT.print(F("CMD Wifi "));DEBUG_OUT.println(WITHWIFI); setup(); break; case 11: if (CHECK_CRC) CHECK_CRC = 0; else CHECK_CRC = 1; DEBUG_OUT.print(F("CMD CHECK_CRC "));DEBUG_OUT.println(CHECK_CRC); break; default: break; } SerCmd=0; //stop command } //----SerialCmdHandle----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void isTime2Send (void) { //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static uint8_t MIDataCMD = 0x36; //begin with first PV //static uint8_t MI600_DataCMD = 0x09 ; static uint8_t telegram = 0; int32_t size = 0; uint64_t dest = WR1_RADIO_ID; uint8_t UsrData[10]; char Cmd = 0; // Second timer unsigned long timeNow = millis(); if (timeNow >= tickMillis) { tickMillis += tickDuration/2; //200; HopChannels(); if (swrxrc) return; if ( channelIdx == optTxCh || channelIdx == optTxCh - 10 ) { //right slot? //delete old status data if ( ( timeNow - forceTimeForNextPing >= maxTimeForNextPing ) ) { DEBUG_OUT.println(F("new cycle")); forceTimeForNextPing += maxTimeForNextPing; // reset timer //if (!scanning) { pvCnt[0]=pvCnt[1]=pvCnt[2]=pvCnt[3]=0; //reset PV retry[0]=retry[1]=retry[2]=retry[3]=0; //reset retries /*for (int8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { pvCnt[i] = 0; retry[i] = 0; }*/ stsmsg[0] = stsmsg[1] = false; complete = false; //} } MIDataCMD=0; if (telegram > sizeof(channels)) telegram = 0; if (MI300 || (MI600 && !pvCnt[0] )) { //(!pvCnt[0] || !stsmsg[0] && pvCnt[1]))) { // 1rst PV MIDataCMD=0x09; //DEBUG_OUT.println("MI300"); //tickMillis += 4700; //200; if ( channelIdx == optTxCh || scanning ) { retry[0]++;} if ( retry[0] > 5 ) { LowerChannelConfidence(); retry[0] = 0; return; } } else if (MI600){ // 2. PV? MIDataCMD=0x11; /*if (MI600_DataCMD == 0x09) { MI600_DataCMD=0x11; } else if (MI600_DataCMD == 0x11) MI600_DataCMD=0x09; //DEBUG_OUT.print(MI600_DataCMD); DEBUG_OUT.println(" MI600"); MIDataCMD=MI600_DataCMD;*/ if ( !pvCnt[1] ) { retry[1]++; if ( retry[1] > 5 ) { LowerChannelConfidence(); retry[1] = 0; } } } if (MI1500){ // 4 PVs /*/DEBUG_OUT.println("MI1500"); if (MIDataCMD > 0x0039) { MIDataCMD= 0x0036; tickMillis += 800; //200; }*/ MIDataCMD = 0x0036; for (int8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if ( channelIdx == optTxCh ) { retry[0]++;} if (!pvCnt[i] && retry[i] < 6) { break; } ++MIDataCMD; } if ( retry[3]>5 && retry[2]>5 && retry[1]>5 && retry[0]>5 ) { LowerChannelConfidence(); for (int8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if ( retry[i]>5 ) { retry[i] = 0;} } }; } switch(telegram) { case 0: //set SubCmd and UsrData Limiting if ((Limit > 0) && (SendLimitSts)) { //Limitierung/*&& (abs (P_DTSU) > TOLERANCE))*/ Cmd=0x51; MIDataCMD=0x51; DEBUG_OUT.print(F("CMD 0x"));DEBUG_OUT.print(Cmd,HEX);DEBUG_OUT.print(F(" Sending Limit:")); DEBUG_OUT.println(Limit); UsrData[0]=0x5A;UsrData[1]=0x5A;UsrData[2]=100;//0x0a;// 10% limit UsrData[3]=((Limit*10) >> 8) & 0xFF; UsrData[4]= (Limit*10) & 0xFF; //WR needs 1 dec= zB 100.1 W size = hmPackets.GetCmdPacket((uint8_t *)&sendBuf, dest >> 8, DTU_RADIO_ID >> 8, Cmd, UsrData,5); //Limit=0; will be set after ack limiting pvCnt[0]=pvCnt[1]=pvCnt[2]=pvCnt[3]=0; //reset PV;sts } else if (MIDataCMD) { ////request WR data HM // #ifdef ESP8266 // hmPackets.SetUnixTimeStamp (getNow()); // #endif // size = hmPackets.GetTimePacket((uint8_t *)&sendBuf, dest >> 8, DTU_RADIO_ID >> 8); UsrData[0]=0x0;//set SubCmd and UsrData for data request size = hmPackets.GetCmdPacket((uint8_t *)&sendBuf, dest >> 8, DTU_RADIO_ID >> 8, MIDataCMD, UsrData,1); } break; case 1: switch (SerCmd){ //SrCmd Parts to send case 20: //request WR info Cmd=0x0f; UsrData[0]=0x01; DEBUG_OUT.print(F("CMD 0x"));DEBUG_OUT.print(Cmd,HEX);DEBUG_OUT.print(F(" Sending WRInfo Req:0x")); DEBUG_OUT.println(WRInfo,HEX); size = hmPackets.GetCmdPacket((uint8_t *)&sendBuf, dest >> 8, DTU_RADIO_ID >> 8, Cmd, UsrData,1); break; case 21: //GONGFA Cmd=0x02; UsrData[0]=0x0; DEBUG_OUT.print(F("CMD 0x"));DEBUG_OUT.print(Cmd,HEX);DEBUG_OUT.println(F(" Sending Gongfa")); size = hmPackets.GetCmdPacket((uint8_t *)&sendBuf, dest >> 8, DTU_RADIO_ID >> 8, Cmd, UsrData,1); break; default://request WR data UsrData[0]=0x0;//set SubCmd and UsrData size = hmPackets.GetCmdPacket((uint8_t *)&sendBuf, dest >> 8, DTU_RADIO_ID >> 8, MIDataCMD, UsrData,1); } //SerCmd=0; //stop command break; default: //request WR data UsrData[0]=0x0;//set SubCmd and UsrData size = hmPackets.GetCmdPacket((uint8_t *)&sendBuf, dest >> 8, DTU_RADIO_ID >> 8, MIDataCMD, UsrData,1); } //switch telegram if (!MIDataCMD) { return; } SendPacket(dest, (uint8_t *)&sendBuf, size); timeLastSend = millis(); radio1.setChannel(RcvCH);//setChannel(DEFAULT_RECV_CHANNEL); radio1.startListening(); telegram++; //MIDataCMD++; } //right slot? }//if millis }//----isTime2Send--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DumpRcvPacket(NRF24_packet_t *p, uint8_t payloadLen) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEBUG_OUT.print(F("CH")); DEBUG_OUT.print(RcvCH); DEBUG_OUT.print(F(" ")); // Write packets lost, address and payload length dumpData((uint8_t *)&SerialHdr.packetsLost, sizeof(SerialHdr.packetsLost)); dumpData((uint8_t *)&SerialHdr.address, sizeof(SerialHdr.address)); // Trailing bit?!? dumpData(&p->packet[0], 2); // Payload length from PCF dumpData(&payloadLen, sizeof(payloadLen)); // Packet control field - PID Packet identification uint8_t val = (p->packet[1] >> 1) & 0x03; DEBUG_OUT.print(val); DEBUG_OUT.print(F(" ")); if (payloadLen > 9) { dumpData(&p->packet[2], 1); dumpData(&p->packet[3], 4); dumpData(&p->packet[7], 4); uint16_t remain = payloadLen - 2 - 1 - 4 - 4 + 4; if (remain < 32) { dumpData(&p->packet[11], remain); printf_P(PSTR("%04X "), crc); if (((crc >> 8) != p->packet[payloadLen + 2]) || ((crc & 0xFF) != p->packet[payloadLen + 3])) DEBUG_OUT.print(0); else DEBUG_OUT.print(1); } else { DEBUG_OUT.print(F("Ill remain ")); DEBUG_OUT.print(remain); } } else { dumpData(&p->packet[2], payloadLen + 2); printf_P(PSTR("%04X "), crc); } DEBUG_OUT.println(); }//----DumpRcvPacket---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void HandleSerialCmd(void){ //read from serial for WR control cmd's //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static uint8_t InCnt=0; int temporary=0; if (Serial.available() > 0) { int incomingByte = Serial.read(); if (incomingByte != 13){ //CR SerialIn[InCnt]=incomingByte; InCnt++; } else { SerialIn[InCnt]=0; //eofl temporary = atoi(SerialIn); if ((temporary >1999) || (temporary < 30)){ //other cmds. implemented > 2000, request WR info etc. SerCmd = temporary; //this is a serial command SendLimitSts=0; //no nrf send needed SerialCmdHandle(); } else{ Limit = temporary; //Limit is 1-1999 SendLimitSts=1; //nrf send needed } sprintf(cStr,"\r\nSerialIn: %s Cmd:%i",SerialIn,temporary); DEBUG_OUT.println (cStr); InCnt=0; } } }//---HandleSerialCmd------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SendMQTTMsg(String topic, String value){ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef WITHWIFI if (!checkWifi()) return; if (!MQTT) return; mqttClient.beginMessage(topic); mqttClient.print(value); mqttClient.endMessage(); #endif }//---SendMQTTMsg---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MI1500DataMsg(NRF24_packet_t *p){ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U_DC = (float) ((p->packet[11] << 8) + p->packet[12])/10; I_DC = (float) ((p->packet[13] << 8) + p->packet[14])/10; U_AC = (float) ((p->packet[15] << 8) + p->packet[16])/10; F_AC = (float) ((p->packet[17] << 8) + p->packet[18])/100; P_DC = (float) ((p->packet[19] << 8) + p->packet[20])/10; Q_DC = (float) ((p->packet[21] << 8) + p->packet[22])/1; TEMP = (float) ((p->packet[23] << 8) + p->packet[24])/10; if ((30packet[25] ); FCNT = (uint8_t)(p->packet[26]); FCODE = (uint8_t)(p->packet[27]); } /* else if (p->packet[25]) { p->packet[25] STAT = (int)((p->packet[11] << 8) + p->packet[12]); FCNT = (int)((p->packet[13] << 8) + p->packet[14]); FCODE = (int)((p->packet[15] << 8) + p->packet[16]); }*/ timeLastAck = millis(); if ( timeLastSend + 300 < timeLastAck && timeLastSend + 100 > timeLastAck) { optTxCh = channelIdx; DEBUG_OUT.print(F("new optTxCh: ")); DEBUG_OUT.println(optTxCh); } if (p->packet[2] == 0xB6 || p->packet[2] == 0x89) { PV= 0; TotalP[1]=P_DC; pvCnt[0]=1; }//port 1 if (p->packet[2] == 0xB7 || p->packet[2] == 0x91) { PV= 1; TotalP[2]=P_DC; pvCnt[1]=1; }//port 2 if (p->packet[2] == 0xB8) {PV= 2; TotalP[3]=P_DC; pvCnt[2]=1;}//port 3 if (p->packet[2] == 0xB9) {PV= 3; TotalP[4]=P_DC; pvCnt[3]=1;}//port 4 TotalP[0]=TotalP[1]+TotalP[2]+TotalP[3]+TotalP[4];//in TotalP[0] is the totalPvW if((P_DC>PVPOWER) || (P_DC<0) || (TotalP[0]>MAXPOWER)){// cant be!! sprintf(cStr,"Wrong Data.. PV%1i %5sW Total:%5sW ", PV,String(P_DC,1),String(TotalP[0],1) ); DEBUG_OUT.println(cStr); TotalP[0]=0; return; } VALUES[PV][0]=PV; VALUES[PV][1]=P_DC; VALUES[PV][2]=U_DC; VALUES[PV][3]=I_DC; VALUES[PV][4]=Q_DC; if (MI1500 || STAT) { VALUES[PV][5]=STAT; VALUES[PV][6]=FCNT; VALUES[PV][7]=FCODE; } PMI=TotalP[0]; LIMIT=(uint16_t)Limit; sprintf(cStr,"CH:%2i PV%1i MI:%4iW Grd:%4iW Lm:%4iW %4sW %4sV %3sA %4iWh %4sACV %3sHz %3sC S:%i ", RcvCH,PV,(int)PMI,(int)P_DTSU,Limit,String(P_DC,1),String(U_DC,1),String(I_DC,1), (int)Q_DC, String(U_AC,1), String(F_AC,1), String(TEMP,1), STAT);//, (String)getTimeStr(getNow()) ); DEBUG_OUT.print(millis()); DEBUG_OUT.print(F(" ")); DEBUG_OUT.println(cStr); //if (p->packet[2] != 0xB9) tickMillis = millis(); //tickMillis = millis() + maxTimeForNextPing; //we got a message and will just wait.... if (!complete && checkAllPV() && checkAllSTS()) { complete = true; } }//--MI1500DataMsg------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MI600StsMsg (NRF24_packet_t *p){ //----------------------------------------------------------------------- STAT = (int)((p->packet[11] << 8) + p->packet[12]); FCNT = (int)((p->packet[13] << 8) + p->packet[14]); FCODE = (int)((p->packet[15] << 8) + p->packet[16]); VALUES[PV][5]=STAT; VALUES[PV][6]=FCNT; VALUES[PV][7]=FCODE; /*if (waitSts) { RcvCH = channels[hoptx]; radio1.setChannel(RcvCH);//setChannel(DEFAULT_RECV_CHANNEL); radio1.startListening(); waitSts=0; rfQualOk = true; //we got an answer - most likely within a reasonable time! tickMillis = millis() + tickDuration; } */ if (p->packet[2] == 0x88) {stsmsg[0]=1;}//port 1 if (p->packet[2] == 0x92) {stsmsg[1]=1;}//port 2 sprintf(cStr," CH:%2i: MI300/MI600 status message", RcvCH); DEBUG_OUT.print(millis()); DEBUG_OUT.println(cStr); }//--MI600StsMsg--------------------------------------------------------------------- void MI600DataMsg(NRF24_packet_t *p){ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U_DC = (float) ((p->packet[11] << 8) + p->packet[12])/10; I_DC = (float) ((p->packet[13] << 8) + p->packet[14])/10; U_AC = (float) ((p->packet[15] << 8) + p->packet[16])/10; F_AC = (float) ((p->packet[17] << 8) + p->packet[18])/100; P_DC = (float)((p->packet[19] << 8) + p->packet[20])/10; Q_DC = (float)((p->packet[21] << 8) + p->packet[22])/1; TEMP = (float) ((p->packet[23] << 8) + p->packet[24])/10; if ((30packet[2] == 0x89) {PV= 0; TotalP[1]=P_DC; pvCnt[0]=1;}//port 1 if (p->packet[2] == 0x91) {PV= 1; TotalP[2]=P_DC; pvCnt[1]=1;}//port 2 TotalP[0]=TotalP[1]+TotalP[2];//in TotalP[0] is the totalPV power if((P_DC>400) || (P_DC<0) || (TotalP[0]>MAXPOWER)){// cant be!! TotalP[0]=0; return; } VALUES[PV][0]=PV; VALUES[PV][1]=P_DC; VALUES[PV][2]=U_DC; VALUES[PV][3]=I_DC; VALUES[PV][4]=Q_DC; PMI=TotalP[0]; LIMIT=(uint16_t)Limit; sprintf(cStr,"CH:%2i PV%1i MI:%4iW Grd:%4iW Lm:%4iW %4sW %4sV %3sA %4iWh %4sACV %3sHz %3sC S:%i ", RcvCH,PV,(int)PMI,(int)P_DTSU,Limit,String(P_DC,1),String(U_DC,1),String(I_DC,1), (int)Q_DC, String(U_AC,1), String(F_AC,1), String(TEMP,1), STAT);//, (String)getTimeStr(getNow()) ); DEBUG_OUT.print(millis()); DEBUG_OUT.print(F(" ")); DEBUG_OUT.println(cStr); timeLastAck = millis(); if ( checkAllPV() && checkAllSTS() ) { if (!complete) { //tickMillis = timeLastAck + maxTimeForNextPing; //we got all messages and will just wait.... complete = true; } } }//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AnalyseMI1500(NRF24_packet_t *p,uint8_t payloadLen){ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- switch (p->packet[2]) { case 0xD1: DEBUG_OUT.print (F("Limiting(0x51) is ok CMD=")); DEBUG_OUT.println(p->packet[2], HEX); OldLimit = Limit; //Limit=0; //stop sending Limit SendLimitSts=0; break; case 0x82: //Gongfa DEBUG_OUT.print (F("Gongfa(0x2) is ok CMD=")); DEBUG_OUT.println(p->packet[2], HEX); dumpData(&p->packet[3], payloadLen); SerCmd=0; //stop sending break; case 0x8f: sprintf(cStr,"WRInfo(0x8f) is ok CMD %x ",p->packet[2]); DEBUG_OUT.print (cStr); sprintf(cStr,"WR %x:%x:%x:%x ",p->packet[7],p->packet[8],p->packet[9],p->packet[10]); DEBUG_OUT.print (cStr); sprintf(cStr,"HWPN: %i.%i ",p->packet[11],p->packet[12]); DEBUG_OUT.print (cStr); sprintf(cStr,"HWVers: %i.%i ",p->packet[13],p->packet[14]); DEBUG_OUT.print (cStr); sprintf(cStr,"APPFVers: %i.%i ",p->packet[15],p->packet[16]); DEBUG_OUT.print (cStr); sprintf(cStr,"GPFCode: %i.%i ",p->packet[17],p->packet[18]); DEBUG_OUT.print (cStr); sprintf(cStr,"GPFVers:: %i.%i ",p->packet[19],p->packet[20]); DEBUG_OUT.print (cStr); SerCmd=0; //stop sending WRInfo break; case 0xB6: //4 ports case 0xB7: //4 ports case 0xB8: //4 ports case 0xB9: //4 ports MI1500DataMsg(p); break; case 0x89: //1-2 ports case 0x91: //2 ports MI1500DataMsg(p); //MI600DataMsg(p); break; case 0x88: //1-2 ports case 0x92: //2 ports MI600StsMsg(p); break; default: sprintf(cStr,"New CMD %x \t",p->packet[2]); DEBUG_OUT.print (cStr); DumpRcvPacket (p, payloadLen); //output received data } }//analayseMI1500---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RFAnalyse(void) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- while (!packetBuffer.empty()) { //timeLastPacket = millis(); // One or more records present NRF24_packet_t *p = packetBuffer.getBack(); // Shift payload data due to 9-bit packet control field for (int16_t j = sizeof(p->packet) - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (j > 0) p->packet[j] = (byte)(p->packet[j] >> 7) | (byte)(p->packet[j - 1] << 1); else p->packet[j] = (byte)(p->packet[j] >> 7); } SerialHdr.timestamp = p->timestamp; SerialHdr.packetsLost = p->packetsLost; // Check CRC crc = 0xFFFF; crc = crc16((uint8_t *)&SerialHdr.address, sizeof(SerialHdr.address), crc, 0, BYTES_TO_BITS(sizeof(SerialHdr.address))); // Payload length uint8_t payloadLen = ((p->packet[0] & 0x01) << 5) | (p->packet[1] >> 3); // Add one byte and one bit for 9-bit packet control field crc = crc16((uint8_t *)&p->packet[0], sizeof(p->packet), crc, 7, BYTES_TO_BITS(payloadLen + 1) + 1); if (CHECK_CRC) { // If CRC is invalid only show lost packets if (((crc >> 8) != p->packet[payloadLen + 2]) || ((crc & 0xFF) != p->packet[payloadLen + 3])) { if (p->packetsLost > 0) { DEBUG_OUT.print(F(" Lost: ")); DEBUG_OUT.println(p->packetsLost); } packetBuffer.popBack(); continue; } // Dump a decoded packet only once if (lastCRC == crc) { packetBuffer.popBack(); continue; } lastCRC = crc; }// if checkcrc // Don't dump mysterious ack packages if (payloadLen == 0) { packetBuffer.popBack(); //DEBUG_OUT.println(F(" mysterious ack ")); continue; } if ( (DEBUG_RCV_DATA) || (SNIFFER) ) DumpRcvPacket (p, payloadLen); //output received data if (!SNIFFER) AnalyseMI1500(p,payloadLen); if (p->packetsLost > 0) { DEBUG_OUT.print(F(" Lost: ")); DEBUG_OUT.println(p->packetsLost); } // Remove record as we're done with it. packetBuffer.popBack(); } //while (!packetBuffer.empty()) GET PACKET }//-----RFAnalyse------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* uint8_t HopRcvCh(void){ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static uint8_t hop=-1; hop++; if (hop >= sizeof(channels))// / sizeof(channels[0]) ) hop = 0; RcvCH = channels[hop]; return(RcvCH); }//----HopRcvCh---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ uint8_t HopChannels(void){ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- swrxrc = !swrxrc; if ( swrxrc ) { RcvCH = TxCH; channelIdx++; if (channelIdx >= sizeof(channels))// / sizeof(channels[0]) ) { channelIdx = 0;} } else { TxCH = channels[channelIdx]; } //DEBUG_OUT.println(RcvCH); return(RcvCH); }//----HopRcvCh---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LowerChannelConfidence(void) { if ( rfQualOk ) { rfQualOk = false; } else { //retry[4] = {0}; optTxCh = channelIdx+11; if ( optTxCh - 10 >= sizeof(channels) ) { optTxCh = 10;} scanning = true; DEBUG_OUT.println(F("switch to next channel for tx")); } } uint8_t checkAllPV(void){ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (pvCnt[0]+pvCnt[1]+pvCnt[2]+pvCnt[3]==NRofPV) return 1; else return 0; }//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint8_t checkAllSTS(void){ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (MI1500) { return 1; } else if ( !stsmsg[0] || MI600 && !stsmsg[1]) { return 0; } return 1; }//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DoZeroExport(void){ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!checkAllPV()){//DEBUG_OUT.println(F("PVs not ready:")); return; //not all PV data are in } if (P_DTSU>0){ //Exporting is PLUS zu viel power Limit= PMI - abs(P_DTSU); //327-abs(296) } else { //importing is minus zu wenig power Limit= PMI+ abs(P_DTSU); //327+abs(-296) } if ((abs (P_DTSU) > TOLERANCE) || (abs (Limit-OldLimit) > TOLERANCE )){//if change more than 10 watt if (Limit < MINPOWER) Limit = 100; if (Limit > MAXPOWER) Limit = MAXPOWER; SendLimitSts=1; //we can send } else { Limit=OldLimit; } }//---DoZeroExport---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void loop(void) { //=============================================================================================== //DEBUG_OUT.print(F("loop\b\b\b\b")); //radio1.setChannel(HopRcvCh());//setChannel(DEFAULT_RECV_CHANNEL); /* if ( waitSts && millis() >= tickMillis ) { RcvCH = channels[hoptx]; radio1.setChannel(RcvCH);//setChannel(DEFAULT_RECV_CHANNEL); radio1.startListening(); tickMillis += 200; DEBUG_OUT.println(F("backchannel timed out...")); waitSts = 0; } else { if (!waitSts) { RcvCH = channels[hoptx]; radio1.setChannel(RcvCH);//setChannel(DEFAULT_RECV_CHANNEL); radio1.startListening(); } }*/ if(! INTERRUPT) ReadRFBuf(); //polling //DEBUG_OUT.print(F("0\b"));delay(10); //toe if (istTag) RFAnalyse(); //DEBUG_OUT.print(F("LOOP\b\b\b\b")); if (! SNIFFER){ HandleSerialCmd(); //read from serial any command if (ZEROEXP) DoZeroExport(); if (!ONLY_RX) isTime2Send();//SEND PACKET } #ifdef ESP8266 if (WITHWIFI){ if (!SNIFFER){ if (!checkWifi()){ setup(); //checkUpdateByOTA(); } if (MQTT) mqttClient.poll(); if (millis() >= UpdateTick){//not overload the mqtt server UpdateTick += UPDATETICK; //DEBUG_OUT.print(F("Update Web, Mqtt Services. Are PVs ready? : ")); //DEBUG_OUT.println(checkAllPV()); //if (checkAllPV()) webserverHandle(); if ((MQTT) && (DataOK) && checkAllPV() ){ //&& (checkAllPV())) { //mqttClient.poll(); SendMQTTMsg("Mi01_totalW", (String) PMI); SendMQTTMsg("Limiting", (String) Limit); SendMQTTMsg("Mi01pvPower"+(String)(PV+1), (String) P_DC); SendMQTTMsg("Mi01_UPv"+(String)(PV+1), (String) U_DC); SendMQTTMsg("Mi01_IPv"+(String)(PV+1), (String) I_DC); SendMQTTMsg("Mi01EnergiePV"+(String)(PV+1), (String) Q_DC); SendMQTTMsg("WRtemp", (String) TEMP); SendMQTTMsg("Mi01StsPort"+(String)(PV+1), (String) STAT); SendMQTTMsg("ConsumW", (String) (abs(P_DTSU) + PMI)); SendMQTTMsg("Day", (String)getDateStr(getNow())); SendMQTTMsg("Time", (String)getTimeStr(getNow())); SendMQTTMsg("Error", "NRF24"); } else { //DEBUG_OUT.println(F("No MQTT..")); if (!MQTT) MQTT=setupMQTT(); } } //UpdtCnt=0; }//sniffer }//wifi #endif //esp8266 }//-----loop-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------