00000000 0a c0 RJMP PC+0x000B Relative jump 00000001 19 c0 RJMP PC+0x001A Relative jump 00000002 18 c0 RJMP PC+0x0019 Relative jump 00000003 17 c0 RJMP PC+0x0018 Relative jump 00000004 36 c0 RJMP PC+0x0037 Relative jump 00000005 15 c0 RJMP PC+0x0016 Relative jump 00000006 14 c0 RJMP PC+0x0015 Relative jump 00000007 13 c0 RJMP PC+0x0014 Relative jump 00000008 12 c0 RJMP PC+0x0013 Relative jump 00000009 11 c0 RJMP PC+0x0012 Relative jump 0000000A 10 c0 RJMP PC+0x0011 Relative jump 0000000B 11 27 CLR R17 Clear Register 0000000C 1f bf OUT 0x3F,R17 Out to I/O location 0000000D cf e5 LDI R28,0x5F Load immediate 0000000E d0 e0 LDI R29,0x00 Load immediate 0000000F de bf OUT 0x3E,R29 Out to I/O location 00000010 cd bf OUT 0x3D,R28 Out to I/O location 00000011 10 e0 LDI R17,0x00 Load immediate 00000012 a0 e4 LDI R26,0x40 Load immediate 00000013 b0 e0 LDI R27,0x00 Load immediate 00000014 01 c0 RJMP PC+0x0002 Relative jump 00000015 1d 93 ST X+,R17 Store indirect and postincrement 00000016 a2 34 CPI R26,0x42 Compare with immediate 00000017 b1 07 CPC R27,R17 Compare with carry 00000018 e1 f7 BRNE PC-0x03 Branch if not equal 00000019 64 d0 ???RCALL PC+0x0065 Not supported by current part 0000001A 69 c0 RJMP PC+0x006A Relative jump 0000001B e4 cf RJMP PC-0x001B Relative jump 0000001C 88 ed LDI R24,0xD8 Load immediate 0000001D 8c bf OUT 0x3C,R24 Out to I/O location 0000001E 91 e0 LDI R25,0x01 Load immediate 0000001F 97 bf OUT 0x37,R25 Out to I/O location 00000020 8c bf OUT 0x3C,R24 Out to I/O location 00000021 16 bf OUT 0x36,R17 Out to I/O location 00000022 08 9a SBI 0x01,0 Set bit in I/O register 00000023 10 9a SBI 0x02,0 Set bit in I/O register 00000024 8f b5 IN R24,0x2F In from I/O location 00000025 80 68 ORI R24,0x80 Logical OR with immediate 00000026 8f bd OUT 0x2F,R24 Out to I/O location 00000027 8e b5 IN R24,0x2E In from I/O location 00000028 81 60 ORI R24,0x01 Logical OR with immediate 00000029 8e bd OUT 0x2E,R24 Out to I/O location 0000002A 8e b5 IN R24,0x2E In from I/O location 0000002B 8d 7f ANDI R24,0xFD Logical AND with immediate 0000002C 8e bd OUT 0x2E,R24 Out to I/O location 0000002D 8d b5 IN R24,0x2D In from I/O location 0000002E 88 60 ORI R24,0x08 Logical OR with immediate 0000002F 8d bd OUT 0x2D,R24 Out to I/O location 00000030 8d b5 IN R24,0x2D In from I/O location 00000031 8f 7e ANDI R24,0xEF Logical AND with immediate 00000032 8d bd OUT 0x2D,R24 Out to I/O location 00000033 80 e8 LDI R24,0x80 Load immediate 00000034 90 e0 LDI R25,0x00 Load immediate 00000035 97 bd OUT 0x27,R25 Out to I/O location 00000036 86 bd OUT 0x26,R24 Out to I/O location 00000037 8b b5 IN R24,0x2B In from I/O location 00000038 81 60 ORI R24,0x01 Logical OR with immediate 00000039 8b bd OUT 0x2B,R24 Out to I/O location 0000003A 08 95 RET Subroutine return 0000003B 1f 93 PUSH R17 Push register on stack 0000003C 0f 93 PUSH R16 Push register on stack 0000003D 0f b7 IN R16,0x3F In from I/O location 0000003E 0f 93 PUSH R16 Push register on stack 0000003F 10 e0 LDI R17,0x00 Load immediate 00000040 2f 93 PUSH R18 Push register on stack 00000041 8f 93 PUSH R24 Push register on stack 00000042 9f 93 PUSH R25 Push register on stack 00000043 80 91 40 00 ???LDS R24,0x0040 Not supported by current part 00000045 20 91 41 00 ???LDS R18,0x0041 Not supported by current part 00000047 8f 5f SUBI R24,0xFF Subtract immediate 00000048 8a 30 CPI R24,0x0A Compare with immediate 00000049 f0 f0 BRCS PC+0x1F Branch if carry set 0000004A 22 23 TST R18 Test for Zero or Minus 0000004B 61 f0 BREQ PC+0x0D Branch if equal 0000004C 86 b5 IN R24,0x26 In from I/O location 0000004D 97 b5 IN R25,0x27 In from I/O location 0000004E 8f 5f SUBI R24,0xFF Subtract immediate 0000004F 9f 4f SBCI R25,0xFF Subtract immediate with carry 00000050 97 bd OUT 0x27,R25 Out to I/O location 00000051 86 bd OUT 0x26,R24 Out to I/O location 00000052 86 b5 IN R24,0x26 In from I/O location 00000053 97 b5 IN R25,0x27 In from I/O location 00000054 80 3f CPI R24,0xF0 Compare with immediate 00000055 91 07 CPC R25,R17 Compare with carry 00000056 68 f4 BRCC PC+0x0E Branch if carry cleared 00000057 0f c0 RJMP PC+0x0010 Relative jump 00000058 86 b5 IN R24,0x26 In from I/O location 00000059 97 b5 IN R25,0x27 In from I/O location 0000005A 81 50 SUBI R24,0x01 Subtract immediate 0000005B 90 40 SBCI R25,0x00 Subtract immediate with carry 0000005C 97 bd OUT 0x27,R25 Out to I/O location 0000005D 86 bd OUT 0x26,R24 Out to I/O location 0000005E 86 b5 IN R24,0x26 In from I/O location 0000005F 97 b5 IN R25,0x27 In from I/O location 00000060 8b 30 CPI R24,0x0B Compare with immediate 00000061 91 07 CPC R25,R17 Compare with carry 00000062 18 f0 BRCS PC+0x04 Branch if carry set 00000063 03 c0 RJMP PC+0x0004 Relative jump 00000064 20 e0 LDI R18,0x00 Load immediate 00000065 01 c0 RJMP PC+0x0002 Relative jump 00000066 21 e0 LDI R18,0x01 Load immediate 00000067 80 e0 LDI R24,0x00 Load immediate 00000068 80 93 40 00 ???STS 0x0040,R24 Not supported by current part 0000006A 20 93 41 00 ???STS 0x0041,R18 Not supported by current part 0000006C 9f 91 POP R25 Pop register from stack 0000006D 8f 91 POP R24 Pop register from stack 0000006E 2f 91 POP R18 Pop register from stack 0000006F 0f 91 POP R16 Pop register from stack 00000070 0f bf OUT 0x3F,R16 Out to I/O location 00000071 0f 91 POP R16 Pop register from stack 00000072 1f 91 POP R17 Pop register from stack 00000073 18 95 RETI Interrupt return 00000074 8e b5 IN R24,0x2E In from I/O location 00000075 80 68 ORI R24,0x80 Logical OR with immediate 00000076 8e bd OUT 0x2E,R24 Out to I/O location 00000077 8d b5 IN R24,0x2D In from I/O location 00000078 81 60 ORI R24,0x01 Logical OR with immediate 00000079 8d bd OUT 0x2D,R24 Out to I/O location 0000007A 8f b5 IN R24,0x2F In from I/O location 0000007B 8f 77 ANDI R24,0x7F Logical AND with immediate 0000007C 8f bd OUT 0x2F,R24 Out to I/O location 0000007D 08 95 RET Subroutine return 0000007E f8 94 CLI Global Interrupt Disable 0000007F 9c df ???RCALL PC-0x0063 Not supported by current part 00000080 f3 df ???RCALL PC-0x000C Not supported by current part 00000081 78 94 SEI Global Interrupt Enable 00000082 00 00 NOP No operation 00000083 fe cf RJMP PC-0x0001 Relative jump 00000084 f8 94 CLI Global Interrupt Disable 00000085 ff cf RJMP PC-0x0000 Relative jump