00000095 RJMP PC-0x00E9 Relative jump 00000096 LDI R31,0x6E Load immediate 00000097 SUB R13,R11 Subtract without carry 00000098 LDD R13,Z+9 Load indirect with displacement 00000099 CPI R20,0x8B Compare with immediate 0000009A BRVC PC-0x1C Branch if overflow flag is cleared 0000009B ADC R23,R12 Add with carry 0000009C ADC R25,R0 Add with carry 0000009D OUT 0x14,R26 Out to I/O location 0000009E EOR R14,R4 Exclusive OR 0000009F CPI R18,0x20 Compare with immediate 000000A0 ANDI R24,0x24 Logical AND with immediate 000000A1 AND R5,R30 Logical AND 000000A2 ??? Could not decode instruction 000000A3 BREQ PC+0x3A Branch if equal 000000A4 LDI R18,0xC4 Load immediate 000000A5 LDI R26,0x51 Load immediate 000000A6 EOR R19,R29 Exclusive OR 000000A7 CLR R1 Clear Register 000000A8 OUT 0x3F,R1 Out to I/O location 000000A9 LDI R28,0x5F Load immediate 000000AA LDI R29,0x08 Load immediate 000000AB OUT 0x3E,R29 Out to I/O location 000000AC OUT 0x3D,R28 Out to I/O location 000000AD LDI R17,0x00 Load immediate 000000AE LDI R26,0x60 Load immediate 000000AF LDI R27,0x00 Load immediate 000000B0 LDI R30,0x5A Load immediate 000000B1 LDI R31,0x09 Load immediate 000000B2 RJMP PC+0x0003 Relative jump 000000B3 LPM R0,Z+ Load program memory and postincrement 000000B4 ST X+,R0 Store indirect and postincrement 000000B5 CPI R26,0x64 Compare with immediate 000000B6 CPC R27,R17 Compare with carry 000000B7 BRNE PC-0x04 Branch if not equal 000000B8 LDI R17,0x00 Load immediate 000000B9 LDI R26,0x64 Load immediate 000000BA LDI R27,0x00 Load immediate 000000BB RJMP PC+0x0002 Relative jump 000000BC ST X+,R1 Store indirect and postincrement 000000BD CPI R26,0x7A Compare with immediate 000000BE CPC R27,R17 Compare with carry 000000BF BRNE PC-0x03 Branch if not equal 000000C0 CALL 0x000000E4 Call subroutine 000000C2 JMP 0x000004AB Jump 000000C4 JMP 0x00000000 Jump --- E:\Projekte\AVR-Studio5_Projekte\ATmega32_Berechnungsdauer\ATmega32_Berechnungsdauer\Debug/.././ATmega32_Berechnungsdauer.c { 000000C6 PUSH R1 Push register on stack 000000C7 PUSH R0 Push register on stack 000000C8 IN R0,0x3F In from I/O location 000000C9 PUSH R0 Push register on stack 000000CA CLR R1 Clear Register 000000CB PUSH R24 Push register on stack 000000CC PUSH R25 Push register on stack i++; 000000CD LDS R24,0x0064 Load direct from data space 000000CF LDS R25,0x0065 Load direct from data space 000000D1 ADIW R24,0x01 Add immediate to word 000000D2 STS 0x0065,R25 Store direct to data space 000000D4 STS 0x0064,R24 Store direct to data space } 000000D6 POP R25 Pop register from stack 000000D7 POP R24 Pop register from stack 000000D8 POP R0 Pop register from stack 000000D9 OUT 0x3F,R0 Out to I/O location 000000DA POP R0 Pop register from stack 000000DB POP R1 Pop register from stack 000000DC RETI Interrupt return { //TCCR0 = (1<