// include the library code: #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CONFIG_START 32 #define CMD_ZEIT 1 #define CMD_PMP 2 #define CMD_SAN 3 #define CMD_START_IMP 4 #define CMD_STOP_IMP 5 const byte ROWS = 4; //four rows const byte COLS = 3; //tree columns //define the cymbols on the buttons of the keypads char hexaKeys[ROWS][COLS] = { {'p','u','m'}, {'l','e','r'}, {'b','d','#'}, {'1','2','3'} }; //# Own Chars //# ================================== uint8_t arrow_up[8] = {0x4,0xE,0x15,0x4,0x4,0x4,0x0}; uint8_t arrow_down[8] = {0x0,0x4,0x4,0x4,0x15,0xE,0x4}; byte rowPins[ROWS] = {5, 4, 3, 2}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad byte colPins[COLS] = {6, 7, 8}; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypad boolean sysStatus = false; // Programme Declaration boolean pUpload = false; struct structCMD{ int Befehl; int param1; int param2; } cmdP = { 0, 0 ,0 }; structCMD CMD[100]; int anzCMD = 0; struct StoreStruct{ float impPause; float impDauer; } storage = { 0, 0 }; boolean state_imp = false; //initialize an instance of class NewKeypad Keypad keypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(hexaKeys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS); /*-----( Declare Constants )-----*/ /*-----( Declare objects )-----*/ LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,20,4); // set the LCD address to 0x27 /*-----( Declare Variables )-----*/ const int pumpe = 9; const int injektor = 10; const int v_pneumatik = 12; const int v_leer = 11; const int startposX = 5; long pMillis = 0; // speichert wie viele Sekunden seit derletzten Änderung vergangen sind long intervall_imp = 0; // Interval zwischen zwei Änderungen Menu top("Root"); // menu, lcd, rows, cols, arrow_up_pos, arrow_down_pos LCDMenu2 Root(top, lcd , 4, 20, 0, 1); Menu Item1("Jobs"); Menu Item11("Job 01"); Menu Item12("Job 02"); Menu Item13("Job 03"); Menu Item14("Job 04"); Menu Item15("Job 05"); Menu Item16("Job 06"); Menu Item17("Job 07"); Menu Item2("Einstellungen"); Menu Item21("Impulse"); Menu Item211("Pause"); Menu Item212("IMP-Dauer"); Menu Item22("Uhr"); Menu Item23("Auto-Aus"); Menu Item3("Geraeteinfo"); Menu Item31("Name:"); Menu Item32("Impulse-Cleaner"); Menu Item33("Hersteller:"); Menu Item34("Muster GmbH"); Menu Item35("Gewicht:"); Menu Item36("35 Kg"); Menu *mnuProg[99]; String strPumpe = "PMP"; String strSanosil = "SAN"; String strPneumatik = "IMP"; String tmpString = ""; int i=0; String aktMenu = "main"; int menuPos = 0; int mAnzMain = 3; int mAnzSetup = 3; boolean tmpFF = false; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); loadData(); // setup Relais pinMode(pumpe, OUTPUT); pinMode(injektor, OUTPUT); pinMode(v_pneumatik, OUTPUT); pinMode(v_leer, OUTPUT); warten(500); lcd.init(); // initialize the lcd //lcd.backlight(); lcd.createChar(0, arrow_up); lcd.createChar(1, arrow_down); menuinit(false); keypad.addEventListener(keypadEvent); //add an event listener for this keypad } //## Menu Init void menuinit(boolean prog) { if(prog) { Menu tmpMenu("hhahaha"); mnuProg[1] = &tmpMenu; Item11.addChild(*mnuProg[0]); } else { top.addChild(Item1); Item1.addChild(Item11); Item1.addChild(Item12); Item1.addChild(Item13); Item1.addChild(Item14); Item1.addChild(Item15); Item1.addChild(Item16); Item1.addChild(Item17); top.addChild(Item2); Item2.addChild(Item21); Item21.addChild(Item211); Item21.addChild(Item212); Item2.addChild(Item22); Item2.addChild(Item23); top.addChild(Item3); Item3.addChild(Item31); Item3.addChild(Item32); Item3.addChild(Item33); Item3.addChild(Item34); Item3.addChild(Item35); Item3.addChild(Item36); } } void p_pulse(int ps, int dauer){ digitalWrite(v_pneumatik, HIGH); aktStatus(); warten(dauer); digitalWrite(v_pneumatik, LOW); aktStatus(); warten(ps); } void menu(){ lcd.clear(); Root.display(); } // Aktualisiert de Status in der linken Spalte void aktStatus(){ lcd.setCursor(0,0); if(digitalRead(pumpe)==HIGH) {lcd.print(strPumpe);} else {lcd.print(" ");}; lcd.setCursor(0,1); if(digitalRead(injektor)==HIGH) {lcd.print(strSanosil);} else {lcd.print(" ");}; lcd.setCursor(0,2); if(digitalRead(v_pneumatik)==HIGH) {lcd.print(strPneumatik);} else {lcd.print(" ");}; } //Loop schleife nur für Keypadabfrage void loop() { char key = keypad.getKey(); if (state_imp) {pmp_isr();}; load_program(); } void load_program() { char letra; String progName = ""; while(Serial.available() > 0) { // get incoming byte: letra = Serial.read(); tmpString += String(letra); // CMD ende if (letra == 59) { i++; tmpString = tmpString.trim(); //Serial.println("#" + tmpString + "#"); if (tmpString.substring(0,5) == "pname") { pUpload = true; progName = tmpString.substring(6,(tmpString.length() - 7)); } if (tmpString.substring(0,3) == "end") { pUpload = false; pUploaded(); } String tmpCMD = tmpString.substring(0, tmpString.indexOf("(")); if (tmpCMD == "zeit") { addPZeile(CMD_ZEIT,i); } else if (tmpCMD == "pmp") { addPZeile(CMD_PMP,i); } else if (tmpCMD == "san") { addPZeile(CMD_SAN,i); } else if (tmpCMD == "start_imp") { addPZeile(CMD_START_IMP,i); } else if (tmpCMD == "stop_imp") { addPZeile(CMD_STOP_IMP,i); } tmpString=""; } } } void addPZeile(int bef, int ind) { CMD[ind].Befehl = bef; anzCMD++; } void pUploaded() { for(int ix=0;ix intervall_imp) { pMillis = millis(); // aktuelle Zeit abspeichern // LED Zustand wecheln. if (value == LOW) value = HIGH; else value = LOW; // Wert auf den Ausgang schreiben digitalWrite(v_pneumatik, value); aktStatus(); } } void warten(long zeit) { long aWert = millis(); while(millis() < (aWert + zeit)) { char key = keypad.getKey(); } } //take care of some special events void keypadEvent(KeypadEvent key){ int mAnz; if (aktMenu == "main") { mAnz = mAnzMain; } else if(aktMenu == "Setup") { mAnz = mAnzSetup; }; switch (keypad.getState()){ case PRESSED: switch (key){ case 'p': if(sysStatus) {ausschalten();} else{einschalten();}; break; case 'u': if(tmpFF) { if (Root.curfuncname == "Pause") { storage.impPause = storage.impPause + 0.1; aktPause(); } else if (Root.curfuncname == "IMP-Dauer") { storage.impDauer = storage.impDauer + 0.1; aktDauer(); }; } else { Root.goUp(); aktStatus(); }; break; case 'd': if(tmpFF) { if (Root.curfuncname == "Pause") { storage.impPause = storage.impPause - 0.1; aktPause(); } else if (Root.curfuncname == "IMP-Dauer") { storage.impDauer = storage.impDauer - 0.1; aktDauer(); }; } else { Root.goDown(); aktStatus(); }; break; case 'm': Root.goMenu(top); aktStatus(); break; case '1': if(digitalRead(pumpe) == HIGH) {digitalWrite(pumpe, LOW);} else{digitalWrite(pumpe, HIGH);}; aktStatus(); break; case '2': if(digitalRead(injektor) == HIGH) {digitalWrite(injektor, LOW);} else{digitalWrite(injektor, HIGH);}; aktStatus(); break; case '3': if(state_imp) { state_imp=false; digitalWrite(v_pneumatik, LOW); aktStatus(); } else{ state_imp=true; }; break; case 'b': tmpFF = false; Root.goBack(); aktStatus(); break; case 'e': Root.goEnter(); aktStatus(); funccheck(1); break; } break; case RELEASED: switch (key){ case '*': break; } break; case HOLD: switch (key){ case '*': break; } break; } }