Version 2.02 15/07/2010 Helmut Sennewald Version 2.02: Lib\cmp is no more in the automatic search path Version 2.01: Change in the model selction in a drop-down symbol. Version 2.0: Rearranged version based on the older version 1.8 . Special thanks to Luc Heylen who reorganized the contents of this document. Third party models ================== Installation Path ----------------- In this text {SwCADIII} refers to the installation path. Typically this is C:\program files\LTC\SwCADIII. Simulation subcircuit models ---------------------------- Subcircuits are SPICE models defined with the syntax: .SUBCKT name node1 node2 ... ... .ENDS Libraries of simulation models and subcircuits ---------------------------------------------- If a part(component, subcircuit, partial design) is not on the schematic, then it must be included with a ".include: or ".lib" command in the schematic. Only text files with SPICE lines can be included. A line with a "*" in the first place is treated as a comment line. The filename extension may be any name. Search path for .include ------------------------ .include Search path: Absolute path name {SwCADIII} \lib\sub Path of schematic or netlist Circuit elements/lines of global scope are included. That means that any line of this file becomes part of the whole netlist. Search path for .lib -------------------- .lib Search path priority: Absolute path name LTspiceIV\lib\sub Path of schematic or netlist Circuit elements/lines of global scope are ignored. That means that any line not part of a .SUBCKT, a .MODEL or a .FUNC will be ignored. Some examples for specifying library paths. ------------------------------------------- Example 1: My preferred way!!! Schematic file: ...\working_directory\test.asc Library file: ...\working_directory\myopams.lib The library specification in the symbol have to be myopamps.lib The library specification in the command line have to be .include myopamps.lib Example 2: Schematic file: ...\working_directory\test.asc Library file: {SwCADIII}\lib\sub\myopamps.lib The library specification in the symbol have to be myopamps.lib The library specification in the command line have to be .include myopamps.lib Example 3: Don't do that!!! Schematic file: ...\working_directory\test.asc Library file: {SwCADIII}\lib\sub\Private\myopamps.lib The library specification in the symbol or in a command line() would be (.include) Private\myopamps.lib . The library specification in the symbol or in a command line The library specification in the symbol have to be Private\myopamps.lib The library specification in the command line have to be .include Private\myopamps.lib Making your own Symbols ======================= A symbol is just a picture with ports and properties. The port pins are the interface nodes and the properties are the name of the subcircuit and additional parameters if necessary. Search Path For Symbols ---------------------- LTSPICE looks for symbols instantiated in a schematic in the following directories. Search order: symbol path from where the instance has been instantiated working directory(schematic's directory) {SwCADIII} \lib\sym {SwCADIII} \lib\sym\other folders The given path order is valid for LTSPICE version 2.10i and newer. The advantage is that LTSPICE will find symbols for a schematic even if they aren't stored in its original directory. Basic Types Of Symbols ---------------------- There are basically three types of symbols for subcircuits. I have given them the names "Specific/Individual", "Drop Down" and Universal". Each of them has advantages in one of its features. I mostly use Type 1 and Type 4. All the provided opamp symbols from Linear Technology in LTSPICE are of the "Specific"-type! They can't be changed at the schematic. Features of Symbol Types ------------------------ Overview -------- Type 1 is "Specific/individual" symbol Type 2 is "Drop Down" symbol Type 3 is "Universal" symbol variant 1 Type 4 is "Universal" symbol variant 2 Type 5 is "Universal" symbol variant 3 Features Type: 1 2 3 4 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Selection from Win-Explorer-Box yes no no no no Selection from Drop Down Box no yes no no no One symbol fits all no yes*1 yes yes yes*1 .INCLUDE command needed in schematic no no yes yes no Parameter passing from schematic no yes yes yes yes Node passing from schematic no no no yes yes *1 Only one symbol is needed for all the subcircuits contained in the specified library file, but every library file needs its own symbol, because the name of this file is stored within the symbol. Specific/Individual Symbol (Type-1) ----------------------------------- Selection from Win-Explorer-Box yes Selection from Drop Down Box no One symbol fits all no .INCLUDE command needed in schematic no Parameter passing from schematic no Node passing from schematic no Parameters set in the symbol attribute editor box: Prefix X SpiceModel LTC.lib Value LT1013 Value2 LT1013 SpiceLine SpiceLIne2 Description Dual Precision Amplifier Modelfile A specific symbol is needed for every model, so every part/type can have a very specific picture. All the Opamp symbols in LTSPICE are of this type. The symbols placed in the schematic are not editable. No additional parameter can be passed from the schematic to the subcircuit. The Value-field is what you see in the schematic and the Value2-field contains the exact "modelname" as used in the SPICE model: .subckt modelname ... SpiceModel LTC.lib is the file name of the library file in the example above. The library file contains the specified subcircuit as specified in Value2. The model file can contain other models too. .subckt LT1013 .... Drop Down Symbol (Type-2) ------------------------- Selection from Win-Explorer-Box no Selection from Drop Down Box yes One symbol fits all yes*1 .INCLUDE command needed in schematic no Parameter passing from schematic yes Node passing from schematic no *1 Only one symbol is needed for all the subcircuits contained in the specified library file, but every library file needs its own symbol because the name of this file is stored within the symbol. The symbol attributes for the "select-box"-feature: Prefix X SpiceModel LTC1013 Value (optional parameters) Value2 SpiceLine (optional parameters) SpiceLIne2 (optional parameters) Description Precision Opamp Modelfile LTC.lib One symbol is needed for every library file, because the name has to be specified in the symbol property Modelfile. After you have placed this component on your schematic(circuit), right click the symbol to choose any of the models contained in the library file. You can also fill in additional parameters in the Value2 field. 1. To select a subcircuit for a symbol, right mouse-click on the device body in the schematic. A dialog window will appear. 2. Double click on the name in the field "SpiceModel". 'v' select one of the models. Press "Return". This Double click and the "Return" are necessary since the latest version of LTspice (4.04m or higher). It is very important that the value in "SpiceModel" is the name of a subcircuit in the Modelfile! Otherwise the selection feature will not work! In this example a subcircuit LTC1013 must be in the model file LTC.lib. Universal Symbol (Type-3) ------------------------- Selection from Win-Explorer-Box no Selection from Drop Down Box no One symbol fits all yes .INCLUDE command needed in schematic yes Parameter passing from schematic yes Node passing from schematic no Parameters set in the symbol attribute editor box: Prefix X SpiceModel X-Opamp Value (optional parameters) Value2 SpiceLine (optional parameters) SpiceLine2 (optional parameters) The location of the model has to be specified in the schematic. Richt click the symbol text "X-Opamp" in the schematic or the symbol and change the text "X-Opamp" to the name of the opamp model, e.g. LT1013. Add a command line with .INCLUDE to load the library file to your schematic. Example: .INCLUDE LTC.lib Only one symbol is needed for all these 5-pin opamp models if the netlist order is matching. The same symbol can be used for all library files. Parameters can be passed in up to three fields. Each filed can be made visible in the schematic if needed. The parameters can be entered/changed by clicking with the right mouse button on the symbol. Universal Symbol (Type-4) ------------------------- It's very similar to type-3, except that the model name is specified in the attribute "Value". The symbol "opamp2" in [Opamps] of the LTspice program is of this type. Selection from Win-Explorer-Box no Selection from Drop Down Box no One symbol fits all yes .INCLUDE command needed in schematic yes Parameter passing from schematic yes Node passing from schematic yes Parameters set in the symbol attribute editor box: Prefix X SpiceModel (optional hidden nodes) Value X-Opamp Value2 SpiceLine (optional parameters) SpiceLine2 (optional parameters) The location of the model file has to be specified in the schematic. Richt click the symbol text "X-Opamp" in the schematic or the symbol and change the text "X-Opamp" to the name of the opamp model, e.g. LT1013. Add a command line with .INCLUDE to load the library file to your schematic. Example: .INCLUDE LTC.lib Only one symbol is needed for all these 5-pin opamp models if the netlist order is matching. The same symbol can be used for all library files. Parameters can be passed in up to two fields. Each filed can be made visible in the schematic if needed. The parameters can be entered/changed by clicking with the right mouse button on the symbol. Additional hidden circuit nodes can be passed in the line "SpiceModel". I have used this feature in the HC74xx digital library. Universal Symbol (Type-5) ------------------------- It's very similar to type-3, except that the model file is already specified in the attribute "Modelfile". I have never use it, because I can't see an advantage. Selection from Win-Explorer-Box no Selection from Drop Down Box no One symbol fits all yes*1 .INCLUDE command needed in schematic no Parameter passing from schematic yes Node passing from schematic no *1 Only one symbol is needed for all the subcircuits contained in the specified library file, but every library file needs its own symbol because the name of this file is stored within the symbol. Parameters set in the symbol attribute editor box: Prefix X InstNAme U1 SpiceModel Value X-Opamp Value2 SpiceLine (optional parameters) SpiceLine2 (optional parameters) Modelfile LTC.lib Richt click the symbol text "X-Opamp" in the schematic or the symbol and change the text "X-Opamp" to the name of the opamp model, e.g. LT1013. In this case a subcircuit LTC1013 must be in the model file LTC.lib. General tips for new symbol creation ------------------------------------ I recommend to start by copying of an already existing similar symbol. Shure, you can start from scratch too. The most important thing is the pin order of your model and not the picture itself. The pin order must be set to the functional order used in the the subcircuit definition. Example: The model: The numbers are the interface nodes. Only the order is important, the value itself not! * in+ in- v+ v- out .SUBCKT OP11 2 50 3 19 99 ... .ENDS The symbol: The picture will be drawn in the symbol editor. The numbers of the the pin order are set either directly after placing the port pins or later by right-clicking the port pins. The properties of the symbol can be set/changed with Edit > Attributes > Edit Attributes. 3 ___|___ | v+ | 2--|in- | | out|--5 1--|in+ | | v- | |_______| | 4 Close and restart LTSPICE after you have saved your new symbol before using it in your schematic! Fast creation of a specific Opamp symbol ---------------------------------------- It really saves time to copy existing symbols if they are similar. If you are especially in need for an opamp, then look first the symbols of the LTSPICE opamps. If any of them fits your needs, then just make a copy that symbol and change the obvious names. Example: uA741A, model in file xyz.lib Copy LT1013.asy -> uA741A.asy Change LTC.lib -> xyz.lib Change twice LT1013 -> uA741A Close LTSPICE. Restart LTSPICE and use the new symbol. File xyz.lib must be either in your working directory or in the LTSPICE-"lib\sub" dirctory in this example. The following subcircuit definition line has to be in xyz.lib. .subckt uA741A .... See also: LTspice help file: FAQs/Third-party models. LTSPICE users's group