*OPA847 Wideband, Ultra-Low Noise Voltage Feedback Operational Amplifier with Shutdown * REV. A - Created 7/14/06 X-ramus2@ti.com * * * NOTES: * 1- This macromodel predicts well: DC, small-signal AC, noise, * , and transient performance under a wide range * of conditions. * 2- This macromodel does not predict well: distortion * (harmonic, intermod, diff. gain & phase, ...), * temperature effects, board parasitics, differences * between package styles, and process changes * 3- For Spice3F4 users they might need to un-comment the lines for the F * function and comment out the Lines for PSpice F functions * and subckts. First try the present netlist then comment out lines if * errors appear. * General form: * FXXXXXXX N+ N- VN1 P0 * Examples: * F1 12 10 VCC 1MA 1.3M * 4- For some simulators the subckt for the F statement need to be placed * inside the ends statement followed by carriage return * 5- Known Problems: - None * * |-------------------------------------------------------------| * | This macro model is being supplied as an aid to | * | circuit designs. While it reflects reasonably close | * | similarity to the actual device in terms of performance, | * | it is not suggested as a replacement for breadboarding. | * | Simulation should be used as a forerunner or a supplement | * | to traditional lab testing. | * | | * | Neither this library nor any part may be copied without | * | the express written consent of Texas Instruments Corp. | * |-------------------------------------------------------------| * * CONNECTIONS: * Non-Inverting Input * | Inverting Input * | | Disable * | | | Output * | | | | Positive Supply * | | | | | Negative Supply * | | | | | | * | | | | | | * | | | | | | * | | | | | | .SUBCKT OPA847_Model + - Dis Out V+ V- .PARAM x1 = 0.25 .PARAM x2 = {x1*2} .PARAM x6 = {x2*3} .PARAM x24 = 3 .PARAM x30 = {x2*15} .PARAM x60 = {x30*2} .PARAM x128 = 16 Q_Q1 11 $N_0001 $N_0002 PNP8 {x24} Q_Q47 10 $N_0001 $N_0003 PNP8 {x24} R_R1 $N_0003 $N_0004 175 R_R2 $N_0002 $N_0004 175 V_V1 $N_0005 Vmid 0.0659V X_F1 $N_0006 $N_0007 $N_0004 $N_0008 OPA847_Model_F1 R_R37 Vmid $N_0009 288 X_F4 $N_0010 $N_0009 $N_0004 $N_0011 OPA847_Model_F4 X_F3 $N_0007 $N_0010 $N_0004 $N_0012 OPA847_Model_F3 C_C2 $N_0013 $N_0004 5p C_C3 $N_0013 11 3.95p X_F2 $N_0008 $N_0013 $N_0014 $N_0013 OPA847_Model_F2 E_E1 Vmid $N_0013 $N_0004 $N_0013 0.5 R_R36 $N_0013 $N_0004 49.5kk X_F5 $N_0015 $N_0013 $N_0016 $N_0013 OPA847_Model_F5 Q_Q14 $N_0018 $N_0017 $N_0019 NPN8 .125 X_F8 $N_0020 $N_0018 V+ $N_0021 OPA847_Model_F8 X_F6 $N_0022 $N_0006 V+ $N_0017 OPA847_Model_F6 R_R21 $N_0004 V+ 6 Q_Q44 V+ $N_0016 $N_0023 NPN8 {x30} R_R31 $N_0016 $N_0024 750 R_R8 V- $N_0017 200k Q_Q15 $N_0017 $N_0019 V- NPN8 {x1} R_R6 $N_0013 V- 6 R_R40 V- $N_0019 2.317k Q_Q43 V- $N_0016 $N_0025 PNP8 {x30} Q_Q24 V- $N_0023 $N_0026 PNP8 {x60} Q_Q20 V- $N_0026 $N_0024 PNP8 {x2} Q_Q19 V+ $N_0026 $N_0024 NPN8 {x2} R_R15 $N_0026 Out 2 X_F7 V+ $N_0020 V+ $N_0025 OPA847_Model_F7 X_F9 $N_0021 V- $N_0023 V- OPA847_Model_F9 Q_Q46 10 $N_0027 $N_0014 NPN8 {x128} C_C7 $N_0013 $N_0016 0.25p Q_Q18 V+ $N_0025 $N_0026 NPN8 {x60} C_C6 10 $N_0026 3.428p R_R38 $N_0012 $N_0001 125 R_R39 $N_0001 $N_0011 125 Q_Q48 $N_0016 10 $N_0011 PNP8 {x6} Q_Q41 $N_0015 11 $N_0012 PNP8 {x6} X_S1 $N_0004 Dis $N_0022 $N_0005 OPA847_Model_S1 R_R41 + $N_0027 10 R_R42 - $N_0028 10 Q_Q49 11 $N_0028 $N_0014 NPN8 {x128*1.005} .MODEL NPN8 NPN + IS = 7.604E-18 BF = 1.570E+02 NF = 1.000E+00 VAF= 7.871E+01 + IKF= 3.975E-02 ISE= 3.219E-14 NE = 2.000E+00 BR = 7.614E-01 + NR = 1.000E+00 VAR= 1.452E+00 IKR= 8.172E-02 ISC= 7.618E-21 + NC = 1.847E+00 RB = 1.060E+02 IRB= 0.000E+00 RBM= 2.400E+00 + RE = 2.520E+00 RC = 1.270E+02 CJE= 1.120E-13 VJE= 7.591E-01 + MJE= 5.406E-01 TF = 1.213E-11 XTF= 2.049E+00 VTF= 1.813E+00 + ITF= 4.293E-02 PTF= 0.000E+00 CJC= 8.208E-14 VJC= 6.666E-01 + MJC= 4.509E-01 XCJC=8.450E-02 TR = 4.000E-11 CJS= 1.160E-13 + VJS= 5.286E-01 MJS= 4.389E-01 XTB= 1.022E+00 EG = 1.120E+00 + XTI= 1.780E+00 KF = 3.500E-16 AF = 1.000E+00 FC = 8.273E-01 .MODEL PNP8 PNP + IS = 7.999E-18 BF = 1.418E+02 NF = 1.000E+00 VAF= 4.158E+01 + IKF= 1.085E-01 ISE= 2.233E-15 NE = 1.505E+00 BR = 3.252E+01 + NR = 1.050E+00 VAR= 1.093E+00 IKR= 5.000E-05 ISC= 6.621E-16 + NC = 1.150E+00 RB = 6.246E+01 IRB= 0.000E+00 RBM= 2.240E+00 + RE = 2.537E+00 RC = 1.260E+02 CJE= 9.502E-14 VJE= 7.320E-01 + MJE= 4.930E-01 TF = 1.303E-11 XTF= 3.500E+01 VTF= 3.259E+00 + ITF= 2.639E-01 PTF= 0.000E+00 CJC= 1.080E-13 VJC= 7.743E-01 + MJC= 5.000E-01 XCJC=8.504E-02 TR = 1.500E-10 CJS= 1.290E-13 + VJS= 9.058E-01 MJS= 4.931E-01 XTB= 1.732E+00 EG = 1.120E+00 + XTI= 2.000E+00 KF = 3.500E-16 AF = 1.000E+00 FC = 8.500E-01 .ENDS OPA847_Model