import serial import time from time import sleep from datetime import datetime, timedelta import sys import smtplib import os from sys import stdout import smbus import csv import quick2wire.spi as Spibus from bitstring import Bits import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from smbus import SMBus import subprocess import socket from email.mime.text import MIMEText import thread from sys import modules ##################################################################################################### class MAX31855(object): '''Python driver for [MAX38155 Cold-Junction Compensated Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter]( Requires: - [quick2wire.spi,, quick2wire.spi_ctypes]( - [bitstring]( - [Raspberry Pi]( ''' def __init__(self, pin, units = "c"): '''Initialize SPI bus Parameters: - pin: CS pin used on Raspberry Pi (0 or 1) - units: (optional) unit of measurement to return. ("c" (default) | "k" | "f") ''' = pin self.units = units = None self.spi = Spibus.SPIDevice(, 0) def get(self): '''Reads SPI bus and returns current value of thermocouple.''' return getattr(self, "to_" + self.units)(self.bin_to_tc_temperature()) def get_rj(self): '''Reads SPI bus and returns current value of reference junction.''' return getattr(self, "to_" + self.units)(self.bin_to_rj_temperature()) def read(self): '''Reads 32 bits of the SPI bus for processing and stores as 32-bit bitstring.''' raw_spi = self.spi.transaction(Spibus.reading(4)) = Bits(bytes=raw_spi[0], length=32) self.checkErrors() def checkErrors(self, data_32 = None): '''Checks bit 16 to see if there are any SCV, SCG, or OC faults''' if data_32 is None: data_32 = anyErrors = data_32[15] noConnection = data_32[31] shortToGround = data_32[30] shortToVCC = data_32[29] if anyErrors: if noConnection: raise MAX31855Error("No Connection") elif shortToGround: raise MAX31855Error("Thermocouple short to ground") elif shortToVCC: raise MAX31855Error("Thermocouple short to VCC") else: raise MAX31855Error("???") def bin_to_tc_temperature(self, data_32 = None): '''Takes a 32-bit bitstring and returns a thermocouple temperature in celsius.''' if data_32 is None: data_32 = tc_data = data_32[:14] return self.convert_tc_data(tc_data) def bin_to_rj_temperature(self, data_32 = None): '''Takes a 32-bit bitstring and returns a reference junction temperature in celsius.''' if data_32 is None: data_32 = rj_data = data_32[16:28] return self.convert_rj_data(rj_data) def convert_tc_data(self, tc_data): '''Convert thermocouple bitstring to a useful number (celsius).''' return * 0.25 def convert_rj_data(self, rj_data): '''Convert reference junction bitstring to a useful number (celsius).''' return * 0.0625 def to_c(self, celsius): '''Celsius passthrough for generic to_* method.''' return celsius def to_k(self, celsius): '''Convert celsius to kelvin.''' return celsius + 273.15 def to_f(self, celsius): '''Convert celsius to fahrenheit.''' return celsius * 9.0/5.0 + 32 def test_conversions(self): '''Verify conversion to signed two's complement int and conversion factor from datasheet is working as expected.''' print("Test conversions from MAX31855 datasheet") print("External Thermocouple:") tc_tests = [['0110 0100 0000 00',1600.00], ['0011 1110 1000 00',1000.00], ['0000 0110 0100 11',100.75], ['0000 0001 1001 00', 25.00], ['0000 0000 0000 00', 0.00], ['1111 1111 1111 11', -0.25], ['1111 1111 1111 00', -1.00], ['1111 0000 0110 00',-250.00]] for test in tc_tests: value = self.convert_tc_data(Bits(bin=test[0])) result = (value == test[1]) print('"{}" should equal {}: {}'.format(test[0], test[1], result)) print("Internal Reference Junction:") rj_tests = [['0111 1111 0000',127.0000], ['0110 0100 1001',100.5625], ['0001 1001 0000', 25.0000], ['0000 0000 0000', 0.0000], ['1111 1111 1111',-0.0625], ['1111 1111 0000',-1.0000], ['1110 1100 0000',-20.0000], ['1100 1001 0000',-55.0000]] for test in rj_tests: value = self.convert_rj_data(Bits(bin=test[0])) result = (value == test[1]) print('"{}" should equal {}: {} ({})'.format(test[0], test[1], result, value)) class MAX31855Error(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) ############################################################################################################## def main(): #== GPIO - Setup ================================================================================ GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)#The "GPIO.."numbers based on the diagramm are used GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setup(22,GPIO.OUT)#SPI-Chip-Select1 GPIO.setup(18,GPIO.OUT)#SPI-Chip-Select2 GPIO.setup(23,GPIO.OUT)#SPI-Chip-Select3 GPIO.setup(24,GPIO.OUT)#SPI-Chip-Select4 GPIO.setup(25,GPIO.OUT)#SPI-Chip-Select5 GPIO.setup(27,GPIO.OUT)#SPI-Chip-Select6 #== Temp-Sensor-Verwaltung ====================================================================== #Wird als eigener Thread ausgefuehrt def TempSense(): global temp1 global temp2 global temp3 global temp4 global temp5 global temp6 def selectSensor(select): try: GPIO.output(22,True) GPIO.output(18,True) GPIO.output(23,True) GPIO.output(24,True) GPIO.output(25,True) GPIO.output(27,True) GPIO.output(select,False) thermocouple = MAX31855(0, "c") return ("{}".format(thermocouple.get())) except: print "TempSense Error!!! %d" %select statusTempSense = "Error: Sensor %d" % select raise try: while(1): lock.acquire() temp1 = selectSensor(22) lock.release() sleep(0.1) lock.acquire() temp2 = selectSensor(18) lock.release() sleep(0.1) lock.acquire() temp3 = selectSensor(23) lock.release() sleep(0.1) lock.acquire() temp4 = selectSensor(24) lock.release() sleep(0.1) lock.acquire() temp5 = selectSensor(25) lock.release() sleep(0.1) lock.acquire() temp6 = selectSensor(27) lock.release() sleep(0.3) except: statusTempSense = "Error: Sensor" print " TempSense aborted" thread.interrupt_main() raise ########################################################################################################## #Variablen CYCLES = 100 x=1 #Zaehlvariable der Zyklen lock = thread.allocate_lock()#Lock fuer Threads #Status-Variablen global statusTempSense statusTempSense = "ok" ThreadSense = thread.start_new_thread(TempSense, ()) #Programmablauf try: if(statusTempSense != "ok"): raise exception for x in range(int(CYCLES)): os.system('clear') print temp1 print temp2 print temp3 print temp4 print temp5 print temp6 except: print "Error!!! \n", errMessage return sleep(2) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())