*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * (C) National Semiconductor, Inc. * Models developed and under copyright by: * National Semiconductor, Inc. *///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * Legal Notice: This material is intended for free software support. * The file may be copied, and distributed; however, reselling the * material is illegal *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * For ordering or technical information on these models, contact: * National Semiconductor's Customer Response Center * 7:00 A.M.--7:00 P.M. U.S. Central Time * (800) 272-9959 * For Applications support, contact the Internet address: * amps-apps@galaxy.nsc.com *////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *LMC6484A CMOS Quad OP-AMP MACRO-MODEL *////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * * connections: non-inverting input * | inverting input * | | positive power supply * | | | negative power supply * | | | | output * | | | | | * | | | | | .SUBCKT LMC6484N 1 2 3 4 5 * CAUTION: SET .OPTIONS GMIN=1E-16 TO CORRECTLY MODEL INPUT BIAS CURRENT. * *Features: *Operates from single or dual supplies *Rail-to-rail input and output swing *Ultra low input current = 10fA *Slew rate = 1.2V/uS * *NOTE: Model is for single device only and simulated * supply current is 1/4 of total device current. * Noise is not modeled. * Asymmetrical gain is not modeled. * *****************INPUT STAGE************* * * I1 99 4 17U M1 5 2 4 99 MOSFET R3 5 50 5.651K M2 6 7 4 99 MOSFET R4 6 50 5.651K *Fp2=5.9 MHz C4 5 6 2.3868P G0 98 9 6 5 4.4165E-2 R0 98 9 1K DP1 1 99 DA DP2 50 1 DB DP3 2 99 DB DP4 50 2 DA *For accurate Ib , set GMIN<=1E-16 on .OPTIONS line. * ***********COMMON MODE EFFECT*********** * I2 99 50 420.5U *^Quiescent current EOS 7 1 POLY(1) 16 49 .75E-3 1 *Offset voltage..........^ R8 99 49 40K R9 49 50 40K * ***************POLE STAGE*************** * *Fp=13.3 MHz G3 98 15 9 49 1E-3 R12 98 15 1K C5 98 15 11.967P * ************POLE/ZERO STAGE************* * * Fp=600 KHz, Fz= 1.4MHz G5 98 18 15 49 1E-3 R14 98 18 1K R15 98 19 750 C6 19 18 151.58P * *********COMMON-MODE ZERO STAGE********* * * Fpcm=20 KHz G4 98 16 POLY(2) 1 49 2 49 0 2.812E-8 2.812E-8 L2 98 17 7.958M R13 17 16 1K * **************SECOND STAGE************** * EH 99 98 99 49 1 G1 98 29 18 49 5.6667E-6 R5 98 29 100.37MEG V2 99 8 1.56 D1 29 8 DX D2 10 29 DX V3 10 50 1.56 * **************OUTPUT STAGE************** * F6 99 50 VA7 1 *^Dynamic supply current F5 99 35 VA8 1 D3 36 35 DX VA7 99 36 0 D4 35 99 DX E1 99 37 99 49 1 VA8 37 38 0 G6 38 40 49 29 16.667E-3 R16 38 40 2.3886K V4 30 40 .77 D5 30 99 DX V5 40 31 .77 D6 50 31 DX *Fp1=2.343 Hz C3 29 39 17P R6 39 40 1K * ***************MODELS USED************** * .MODEL DA D(IS=2E-14) .MODEL DB D(IS=1E-14) .MODEL DX D(IS=1E-14) .MODEL MOSFET PMOS(VTO=0 KP=1.842E-3) .ENDS *$