Bit Time Calculations for the Microchip CAN


Setup Criteria
Oscilator Frequency 12,000 MHz
Target CAN Bus Baud Rate 125,000 kbps


Selected Options
BRP-1 (Baud Rate Prescaler) 2
Tq (Time Quanta) 500,000 ns
Number of Time Quanta 16
% Error of Target Baud Rate 0,0 % (Actual Baud Rate is 125,000 kbps )


Bit Timing Setup in Tq
Propagation Delay 1
Phase Segment 1 8
Phase Segment 2 6
Syncronization Jump Width (SJW) 1

Multiple bit sampling is off. Wakeup filter is off.

Bit Timing Diagram


Configuration Register Setup (PIC18/MCP251X) (neoVI blue/green, ValueCAN 2)
Register Binary Hexadecimal
CNF1/BRGCON1 b'00000010' 0x02
CNF2/BRGCON2 b'10111000' 0xB8
CNF3/BRGCON3 b'00000101' 0x05
Configuration Register Setup (dsPIC33F,PIC24H,dsPIC30) (neoVI Red/Fire/Test/Yellow/ECU, ValueCAN 3)
Register Binary Hexadecimal
CICFG1 b'0000000000000010' 0x0002
CICFG2 b'0000010110111000' 0x05B8

Generated 5:16:35 pm 01.30.2015
Microchip CAN Bit Timing Calculator by Intrepid Control Systems, Inc. ( )