Version 4 SHEET 1 1652 680 WIRE 80 80 16 80 WIRE 368 80 304 80 WIRE 656 80 592 80 WIRE 16 112 16 80 WIRE 304 112 304 80 WIRE 592 112 592 80 WIRE 16 224 16 192 WIRE 304 224 304 192 WIRE 592 224 592 192 FLAG 304 224 0 FLAG 592 224 0 FLAG 16 224 0 FLAG 368 80 random IOPIN 368 80 Out FLAG 656 80 white IOPIN 656 80 Out FLAG 80 80 rand IOPIN 80 80 Out SYMBOL bv 304 96 R0 SYMATTR InstName B1 SYMATTR Value V=random(time*1K) SYMBOL bv 592 96 R0 SYMATTR InstName B2 SYMATTR Value V=white(time*1K) SYMBOL bv 16 96 R0 SYMATTR InstName B3 SYMATTR Value V=rand(time*1K) TEXT -8 -160 Left 2 !.tran 0 300m\n.options maxstep=10u TEXT -8 32 Left 2 ;rectangular 0 to +1.0 TEXT 296 32 Left 2 ;smooth 0 to +1.0 TEXT 568 32 Left 2 ;smoother -0.5 to +0.5 TEXT -16 -712 Left 2 ;The Random(Noise) Functions in LTSPICE\n \nThese time domain noise functions have a uniform distribution.\nIt means that every value has the same probability.\nThe time step is defined by the parameter FREQUENCY.\n \n rand(time*FREQUENCY) rectangular transitions 0...1.0\n random(time*FREQUENCY) smooth transitions 0...1.0\n white(time*FREQUENCY) more smoother transitions -0.5...+0.5 \n \nYou may add an offset and gain to the functions if you want \na distribution between other limits.\n Example: -1 < V(noise) <1 with random()\nB2 gorandom 0 V=2*random(time*FREQUENCY) -1\n \nChoose the time step for .TRAN less than 0.01/FREQUENCY.\nSwitch off any data compression of the simulator. TEXT -8 -72 Left 2 !.options plotwinsize=0 TEXT 280 -72 Left 2 ;Outpput data compression off TEXT 280 -128 Left 2 ;Plot step time <0.01*1/FREQUENCY. \nFREQUENCY is 1KHz in this example