---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: www.Circuit-Break.de -- Engineer: Jens Weiss -- -- Create Date: 22:28:14 12/03/2020 -- Design Name: -- Module Name: SRAM_Operation - Behavioral -- Project Name: -- Target Devices: -- Tool versions: -- Description: -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision: -- Revision 0.01 - File Created -- Additional Comments: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; entity SRAM_Operation is Generic (ADDR_WIDTH : integer range 8 to 24 := 19; DATA_WIDTH : integer range 8 to 32 := 8; INIT_CRC : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "01011010"); Port ( clk : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; SRAM_Addr : out std_logic_vector(ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); SRAM_Data_in : in std_ulogic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); SRAM_Data_out : out std_ulogic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); SRAM_CSn : out std_logic; SRAM_rw : out std_logic; SRAM_exe : out std_logic; SRAM_done : in std_logic; Execution : in std_logic); end SRAM_Operation; architecture Behavioral of SRAM_Operation is type state_type is (idle, read_ram1, read_ram2, read_ram3, modify1, modify2, write_ram1, write_ram2, write_ram3, increment, check); signal state_reg : state_type; signal int_SRAM_Addr : integer range 0 to (2**ADDR_WIDTH); signal internal_SRAM_Data_out : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal internal_SRAM_CSn : std_logic; signal internal_SRAM_rw : std_logic; signal internal_SRAM_exe : std_logic; begin process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then if (reset = '1') then internal_SRAM_CSn <= '1'; internal_SRAM_rw <= '0'; internal_SRAM_exe <= '0'; int_SRAM_Addr <= 0; state_reg <= idle; end if; case state_reg is --stay idle until "Execution" is triggered when idle => internal_SRAM_CSn <= '1'; internal_SRAM_rw <= '0'; internal_SRAM_exe <= '0'; int_SRAM_Addr <= 0; if(Execution = '1') then --if triggered, select SRAM internal_SRAM_CSn <= '0'; --select SRAM state_reg <= read_ram1; end if; when read_ram1 => internal_SRAM_rw <= '0'; state_reg <= read_ram2; when read_ram2 => --read value from SRAM if(SRAM_done = '1') then --wait for SRAM ready internal_SRAM_exe <= '1'; --start process state_reg <= read_ram3; end if; when read_ram3 => if (SRAM_done = '0') then --check that SRAM is working internal_SRAM_exe <= '0'; state_reg <= modify1; end if; when modify1 => if (SRAM_done = '1') then --wait for completion read operation internal_SRAM_Data_out <= to_stdlogicvector(SRAM_Data_in); --sample new value state_reg <= modify2; end if; when modify2 => internal_SRAM_Data_out <= internal_SRAM_Data_out XOR INIT_CRC; internal_SRAM_rw <= '1'; state_reg <= write_ram1; when write_ram1 => --write value back internal_SRAM_exe <= '1'; --start process state_reg <= write_ram2; when write_ram2 => if (SRAM_done = '0') then --check that SRAM is working internal_SRAM_exe <= '0'; state_reg <= write_ram3; end if; when write_ram3 => if (SRAM_done = '1') then --wait for completion read operation state_reg <= increment; end if; when increment => --increment address and go on int_SRAM_Addr <= int_SRAM_Addr + 1; state_reg <= check; when check => if(int_SRAM_Addr <= 2**ADDR_WIDTH-1) then state_reg <= read_ram1; else state_reg <= idle; --finish operation end if; when others => state_reg <= idle; end case; end if; end process; SRAM_Addr <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(int_SRAM_Addr, ADDR_WIDTH)); SRAM_Data_out <= to_stdulogicvector(internal_SRAM_Data_out); SRAM_CSn <= internal_SRAM_CSn; SRAM_rw <= internal_SRAM_rw; SRAM_exe <= internal_SRAM_exe; end Behavioral;