/* Copyright (c) 2004 Eric B. Weddington All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* $Id: iom16.h 2228 2011-03-05 15:33:19Z arcanum $ */ /* avr/iom16.h - definitions for ATmega16 */ #ifndef _AVR_IOM16_H_ #define _AVR_IOM16_H_ 1 /* This file should only be included from , never directly. */ #ifndef _AVR_IO_H_ # error "Include instead of this file." #endif #ifndef _AVR_IOXXX_H_ # define _AVR_IOXXX_H_ "iom16.h" #else # error "Attempt to include more than one file." #endif /* Registers and associated bit numbers */ #define TWBR _SFR_IO8(0x00) #define TWSR _SFR_IO8(0x01) #define TWPS0 0 #define TWPS1 1 #define TWS3 3 #define TWS4 4 #define TWS5 5 #define TWS6 6 #define TWS7 7 #define TWAR _SFR_IO8(0x02) #define TWGCE 0 #define TWA0 1 #define TWA1 2 #define TWA2 3 #define TWA3 4 #define TWA4 5 #define TWA5 6 #define TWA6 7 #define TWDR _SFR_IO8(0x03) /* Combine ADCL and ADCH */ #ifndef __ASSEMBLER__ #define ADC _SFR_IO16(0x04) #endif #define ADCW _SFR_IO16(0x04) #define ADCL _SFR_IO8(0x04) #define ADCH _SFR_IO8(0x05) #define ADCSRA _SFR_IO8(0x06) #define ADPS0 0 #define ADPS1 1 #define ADPS2 2 #define ADIE 3 #define ADIF 4 #define ADATE 5 #define ADSC 6 #define ADEN 7 #define ADMUX _SFR_IO8(0x07) #define MUX0 0 #define MUX1 1 #define MUX2 2 #define MUX3 3 #define MUX4 4 #define ADLAR 5 #define REFS0 6 #define REFS1 7 #define ACSR _SFR_IO8(0x08) #define ACIS0 0 #define ACIS1 1 #define ACIC 2 #define ACIE 3 #define ACI 4 #define ACO 5 #define ACBG 6 #define ACD 7 #define UBRRL _SFR_IO8(0x09) #define UCSRB _SFR_IO8(0x0A) #define TXB8 0 #define RXB8 1 #define UCSZ2 2 #define TXEN 3 #define RXEN 4 #define UDRIE 5 #define TXCIE 6 #define RXCIE 7 #define UCSRA _SFR_IO8(0x0B) #define MPCM 0 #define U2X 1 #define PE 2 #define DOR 3 #define FE 4 #define UDRE 5 #define TXC 6 #define RXC 7 #define UDR _SFR_IO8(0x0C) #define SPCR _SFR_IO8(0x0D) #define SPR0 0 #define SPR1 1 #define CPHA 2 #define CPOL 3 #define MSTR 4 #define DORD 5 #define SPE 6 #define SPIE 7 #define SPSR _SFR_IO8(0x0E) #define SPI2X 0 #define WCOL 6 #define SPIF 7 #define SPDR _SFR_IO8(0x0F) #define PIND _SFR_IO8(0x10) #define PIND0 0 #define PIND1 1 #define PIND2 2 #define PIND3 3 #define PIND4 4 #define PIND5 5 #define PIND6 6 #define PIND7 7 #define DDRD _SFR_IO8(0x11) #define DDD0 0 #define DDD1 1 #define DDD2 2 #define DDD3 3 #define DDD4 4 #define DDD5 5 #define DDD6 6 #define DDD7 7 #define PORTD _SFR_IO8(0x12) #define PD0 0 #define PD1 1 #define PD2 2 #define PD3 3 #define PD4 4 #define PD5 5 #define PD6 6 #define PD7 7 #define PINC _SFR_IO8(0x13) #define PINC0 0 #define PINC1 1 #define PINC2 2 #define PINC3 3 #define PINC4 4 #define PINC5 5 #define PINC6 6 #define PINC7 7 #define DDRC _SFR_IO8(0x14) #define DDC0 0 #define DDC1 1 #define DDC2 2 #define DDC3 3 #define DDC4 4 #define DDC5 5 #define DDC6 6 #define DDC7 7 #define PORTC _SFR_IO8(0x15) #define PC0 0 #define PC1 1 #define PC2 2 #define PC3 3 #define PC4 4 #define PC5 5 #define PC6 6 #define PC7 7 #define PINB _SFR_IO8(0x16) #define PINB0 0 #define PINB1 1 #define PINB2 2 #define PINB3 3 #define PINB4 4 #define PINB5 5 #define PINB6 6 #define PINB7 7 #define DDRB _SFR_IO8(0x17) #define DDB0 0 #define DDB1 1 #define DDB2 2 #define DDB3 3 #define DDB4 4 #define DDB5 5 #define DDB6 6 #define DDB7 7 #define PORTB _SFR_IO8(0x18) #define PB0 0 #define PB1 1 #define PB2 2 #define PB3 3 #define PB4 4 #define PB5 5 #define PB6 6 #define PB7 7 #define PINA _SFR_IO8(0x19) #define PINA0 0 #define PINA1 1 #define PINA2 2 #define PINA3 3 #define PINA4 4 #define PINA5 5 #define PINA6 6 #define PINA7 7 #define DDRA _SFR_IO8(0x1A) #define DDA0 0 #define DDA1 1 #define DDA2 2 #define DDA3 3 #define DDA4 4 #define DDA5 5 #define DDA6 6 #define DDA7 7 #define PORTA _SFR_IO8(0x1B) #define PA0 0 #define PA1 1 #define PA2 2 #define PA3 3 #define PA4 4 #define PA5 5 #define PA6 6 #define PA7 7 /* EEPROM Control Register */ #define EECR _SFR_IO8(0x1C) #define EERE 0 #define EEWE 1 #define EEMWE 2 #define EERIE 3 /* EEPROM Data Register */ #define EEDR _SFR_IO8(0x1D) /* EEPROM Address Register */ #define EEAR _SFR_IO16(0x1E) #define EEARL _SFR_IO8(0x1E) #define EEARH _SFR_IO8(0x1F) #define UCSRC _SFR_IO8(0x20) #define UCPOL 0 #define UCSZ0 1 #define UCSZ1 2 #define USBS 3 #define UPM0 4 #define UPM1 5 #define UMSEL 6 #define URSEL 7 #define UBRRH _SFR_IO8(0x20) #define URSEL 7 #define WDTCR _SFR_IO8(0x21) #define WDP0 0 #define WDP1 1 #define WDP2 2 #define WDE 3 #define WDTOE 4 #define ASSR _SFR_IO8(0x22) #define TCR2UB 0 #define OCR2UB 1 #define TCN2UB 2 #define AS2 3 #define OCR2 _SFR_IO8(0x23) #define TCNT2 _SFR_IO8(0x24) #define TCCR2 _SFR_IO8(0x25) #define CS20 0 #define CS21 1 #define CS22 2 #define WGM21 3 #define COM20 4 #define COM21 5 #define WGM20 6 #define FOC2 7 /* Combine ICR1L and ICR1H */ #define ICR1 _SFR_IO16(0x26) #define ICR1L _SFR_IO8(0x26) #define ICR1H _SFR_IO8(0x27) /* Combine OCR1BL and OCR1BH */ #define OCR1B _SFR_IO16(0x28) #define OCR1BL _SFR_IO8(0x28) #define OCR1BH _SFR_IO8(0x29) /* Combine OCR1AL and OCR1AH */ #define OCR1A _SFR_IO16(0x2A) #define OCR1AL _SFR_IO8(0x2A) #define OCR1AH _SFR_IO8(0x2B) /* Combine TCNT1L and TCNT1H */ #define TCNT1 _SFR_IO16(0x2C) #define TCNT1L _SFR_IO8(0x2C) #define TCNT1H _SFR_IO8(0x2D) #define TCCR1B _SFR_IO8(0x2E) #define CS10 0 #define CS11 1 #define CS12 2 #define WGM12 3 #define WGM13 4 #define ICES1 6 #define ICNC1 7 #define TCCR1A _SFR_IO8(0x2F) #define WGM10 0 #define WGM11 1 #define FOC1B 2 #define FOC1A 3 #define COM1B0 4 #define COM1B1 5 #define COM1A0 6 #define COM1A1 7 /* The ADHSM bit has been removed from all documentation, as being not needed at all since the comparator has proven to be fast enough even without feeding it more power. */ #define SFIOR _SFR_IO8(0x30) #define PSR10 0 #define PSR2 1 #define PUD 2 #define ACME 3 #define ADTS0 5 #define ADTS1 6 #define ADTS2 7 #define OSCCAL _SFR_IO8(0x31) #define OCDR _SFR_IO8(0x31) #define TCNT0 _SFR_IO8(0x32) #define TCCR0 _SFR_IO8(0x33) #define CS00 0 #define CS01 1 #define CS02 2 #define WGM01 3 #define COM00 4 #define COM01 5 #define WGM00 6 #define FOC0 7 #define MCUCSR _SFR_IO8(0x34) #define PORF 0 #define EXTRF 1 #define BORF 2 #define WDRF 3 #define JTRF 4 #define ISC2 6 #define JTD 7 #define MCUCR _SFR_IO8(0x35) #define ISC00 0 #define ISC01 1 #define ISC10 2 #define ISC11 3 #define SM0 4 #define SM1 5 #define SE 6 #define SM2 7 #define TWCR _SFR_IO8(0x36) #define TWIE 0 #define TWEN 2 #define TWWC 3 #define TWSTO 4 #define TWSTA 5 #define TWEA 6 #define TWINT 7 #define SPMCR _SFR_IO8(0x37) #define SPMEN 0 #define PGERS 1 #define PGWRT 2 #define BLBSET 3 #define RWWSRE 4 #define RWWSB 6 #define SPMIE 7 #define TIFR _SFR_IO8(0x38) #define TOV0 0 #define OCF0 1 #define TOV1 2 #define OCF1B 3 #define OCF1A 4 #define ICF1 5 #define TOV2 6 #define OCF2 7 #define TIMSK _SFR_IO8(0x39) #define TOIE0 0 #define OCIE0 1 #define TOIE1 2 #define OCIE1B 3 #define OCIE1A 4 #define TICIE1 5 #define TOIE2 6 #define OCIE2 7 #define GIFR _SFR_IO8(0x3A) #define INTF2 5 #define INTF0 6 #define INTF1 7 #define GICR _SFR_IO8(0x3B) #define IVCE 0 #define IVSEL 1 #define INT2 5 #define INT0 6 #define INT1 7 #define OCR0 _SFR_IO8(0x3C) /* SP [0x3D..0x3E] */ /* SREG [0x3F] */ /* Interrupt vectors */ /* Vector 0 is the reset vector. */ /* External Interrupt Request 0 */ #define INT0_vect_num 1 #define INT0_vect _VECTOR(1) #define SIG_INTERRUPT0 _VECTOR(1) /* External Interrupt Request 1 */ #define INT1_vect_num 2 #define INT1_vect _VECTOR(2) #define SIG_INTERRUPT1 _VECTOR(2) /* Timer/Counter2 Compare Match */ #define TIMER2_COMP_vect_num 3 #define TIMER2_COMP_vect _VECTOR(3) #define SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE2 _VECTOR(3) /* Timer/Counter2 Overflow */ #define TIMER2_OVF_vect_num 4 #define TIMER2_OVF_vect _VECTOR(4) #define SIG_OVERFLOW2 _VECTOR(4) /* Timer/Counter1 Capture Event */ #define TIMER1_CAPT_vect_num 5 #define TIMER1_CAPT_vect _VECTOR(5) #define SIG_INPUT_CAPTURE1 _VECTOR(5) /* Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A */ #define TIMER1_COMPA_vect_num 6 #define TIMER1_COMPA_vect _VECTOR(6) #define SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1A _VECTOR(6) /* Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B */ #define TIMER1_COMPB_vect_num 7 #define TIMER1_COMPB_vect _VECTOR(7) #define SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1B _VECTOR(7) /* Timer/Counter1 Overflow */ #define TIMER1_OVF_vect_num 8 #define TIMER1_OVF_vect _VECTOR(8) #define SIG_OVERFLOW1 _VECTOR(8) /* Timer/Counter0 Overflow */ #define TIMER0_OVF_vect_num 9 #define TIMER0_OVF_vect _VECTOR(9) #define SIG_OVERFLOW0 _VECTOR(9) /* Serial Transfer Complete */ #define SPI_STC_vect_num 10 #define SPI_STC_vect _VECTOR(10) #define SIG_SPI _VECTOR(10) /* USART, Rx Complete */ #define USART_RXC_vect_num 11 #define USART_RXC_vect _VECTOR(11) #define SIG_USART_RECV _VECTOR(11) #define SIG_UART_RECV _VECTOR(11) /* USART Data Register Empty */ #define USART_UDRE_vect_num 12 #define USART_UDRE_vect _VECTOR(12) #define SIG_USART_DATA _VECTOR(12) #define SIG_UART_DATA _VECTOR(12) /* USART, Tx Complete */ #define USART_TXC_vect_num 13 #define USART_TXC_vect _VECTOR(13) #define SIG_USART_TRANS _VECTOR(13) #define SIG_UART_TRANS _VECTOR(13) /* ADC Conversion Complete */ #define ADC_vect_num 14 #define ADC_vect _VECTOR(14) #define SIG_ADC _VECTOR(14) /* EEPROM Ready */ #define EE_RDY_vect_num 15 #define EE_RDY_vect _VECTOR(15) #define SIG_EEPROM_READY _VECTOR(15) /* Analog Comparator */ #define ANA_COMP_vect_num 16 #define ANA_COMP_vect _VECTOR(16) #define SIG_COMPARATOR _VECTOR(16) /* 2-wire Serial Interface */ #define TWI_vect_num 17 #define TWI_vect _VECTOR(17) #define SIG_2WIRE_SERIAL _VECTOR(17) /* External Interrupt Request 2 */ #define INT2_vect_num 18 #define INT2_vect _VECTOR(18) #define SIG_INTERRUPT2 _VECTOR(18) /* Timer/Counter0 Compare Match */ #define TIMER0_COMP_vect_num 19 #define TIMER0_COMP_vect _VECTOR(19) #define SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE0 _VECTOR(19) /* Store Program Memory Ready */ #define SPM_RDY_vect_num 20 #define SPM_RDY_vect _VECTOR(20) #define SIG_SPM_READY _VECTOR(20) #define _VECTORS_SIZE 84 /* Constants */ #define SPM_PAGESIZE 128 #define RAMSTART (0x60) #define RAMEND 0x45F #define XRAMEND RAMEND #define E2END 0x1FF #define E2PAGESIZE 4 #define FLASHEND 0x3FFF /* Fuses */ #define FUSE_MEMORY_SIZE 2 /* Low Fuse Byte */ #define FUSE_CKSEL0 (unsigned char)~_BV(0) #define FUSE_CKSEL1 (unsigned char)~_BV(1) #define FUSE_CKSEL2 (unsigned char)~_BV(2) #define FUSE_CKSEL3 (unsigned char)~_BV(3) #define FUSE_SUT0 (unsigned char)~_BV(4) #define FUSE_SUT1 (unsigned char)~_BV(5) #define FUSE_BODEN (unsigned char)~_BV(6) #define FUSE_BODLEVEL (unsigned char)~_BV(7) #define LFUSE_DEFAULT (FUSE_CKSEL1 & FUSE_CKSEL2 & FUSE_CKSEL3 & FUSE_SUT0) /* High Fuse Byte */ #define FUSE_BOOTRST (unsigned char)~_BV(0) #define FUSE_BOOTSZ0 (unsigned char)~_BV(1) #define FUSE_BOOTSZ1 (unsigned char)~_BV(2) #define FUSE_EESAVE (unsigned char)~_BV(3) #define FUSE_CKOPT (unsigned char)~_BV(4) #define FUSE_SPIEN (unsigned char)~_BV(5) #define FUSE_JTAGEN (unsigned char)~_BV(6) #define FUSE_OCDEN (unsigned char)~_BV(7) #define HFUSE_DEFAULT (FUSE_BOOTSZ0 & FUSE_BOOTSZ1 & FUSE_SPIEN & FUSE_JTAGEN) /* Lock Bits */ #define __LOCK_BITS_EXIST #define __BOOT_LOCK_BITS_0_EXIST #define __BOOT_LOCK_BITS_1_EXIST /* Signature */ #define SIGNATURE_0 0x1E #define SIGNATURE_1 0x94 #define SIGNATURE_2 0x03 /* Deprecated items */ #if !defined(__AVR_LIBC_DEPRECATED_ENABLE__) #pragma GCC system_header #pragma GCC poison #pragma GCC poison SIG_INTERRUPT0 #pragma GCC poison SIG_INTERRUPT1 #pragma GCC poison SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE2 #pragma GCC poison SIG_OVERFLOW2 #pragma GCC poison SIG_INPUT_CAPTURE1 #pragma GCC poison SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1A #pragma GCC poison SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1B #pragma GCC poison SIG_OVERFLOW1 #pragma GCC poison SIG_OVERFLOW0 #pragma GCC poison SIG_SPI #pragma GCC poison SIG_USART_RECV #pragma GCC poison SIG_UART_RECV #pragma GCC poison SIG_USART_DATA #pragma GCC poison SIG_UART_DATA #pragma GCC poison SIG_USART_TRANS #pragma GCC poison SIG_UART_TRANS #pragma GCC poison SIG_ADC #pragma GCC poison SIG_EEPROM_READY #pragma GCC poison SIG_COMPARATOR #pragma GCC poison SIG_2WIRE_SERIAL #pragma GCC poison SIG_INTERRUPT2 #pragma GCC poison SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE0 #pragma GCC poison SIG_SPM_READY #endif /* !defined(__AVR_LIBC_DEPRECATED_ENABLE__) */ #define SLEEP_MODE_IDLE (0x00<<4) #define SLEEP_MODE_ADC (0x01<<4) #define SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN (0x02<<4) #define SLEEP_MODE_PWR_SAVE (0x03<<4) #define SLEEP_MODE_STANDBY (0x0A<<4) #define SLEEP_MODE_EXT_STANDBY (0x0B<<4) #endif /* _AVR_IOM16_H_ */