%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Common style file for TeX, LaTeX and ConTeXt %% %% It is associated with the 'gnuplot.lua' script, and usually generated %% automatically. So take care whenever you make any changes! %% % check for the correct TikZ version \def\gpchecktikzversion#1.#2\relax{% \ifnum#1<2% \errmessage{PGF/TikZ version >= 2.0 is required!}% \fi} \expandafter\gpchecktikzversion\pgfversion\relax \def\gnuplot@output@ps{ps} % required for comparison in \gprawimage \expandafter\def\csname gnuplot@select@driver@pgfsys-dvi.def\endcsname {ps} \expandafter\def\csname gnuplot@select@driver@pgfsys-dvipdfm.def\endcsname {pdf} \expandafter\def\csname gnuplot@select@driver@pgfsys-dvipdfmx.def\endcsname{pdf} \expandafter\def\csname gnuplot@select@driver@pgfsys-dvips.def\endcsname {ps} \expandafter\def\csname gnuplot@select@driver@pgfsys-pdftex.def\endcsname {pdf} \expandafter\def\csname gnuplot@select@driver@pgfsys-luatex.def\endcsname {pdf} \expandafter\def\csname gnuplot@select@driver@pgfsys-tex4ht.def\endcsname {html} \expandafter\def\csname gnuplot@select@driver@pgfsys-textures.def\endcsname{ps} \expandafter\def\csname gnuplot@select@driver@pgfsys-vtex.def\endcsname {ps} \expandafter\def\csname gnuplot@select@driver@pgfsys-xetex.def\endcsname {pdf} \ifcsname gnuplot@select@driver@\pgfsysdriver\endcsname \edef\gnuplot@output@mode{\csname gnuplot@select@driver@\pgfsysdriver\endcsname} \else \errmessage{The driver \pgfsysdriver\space is not supported by gnuplot-lua-tikz}% \fi \ifcsname PackageWarning\endcsname \let\gnuplot@packagewarning\PackageWarning \else \def\gnuplot@packagewarning#1#2{\immediate\write-1{Package #1 Warning: #2}} \fi % uncomment the following lines to make font values "appendable" % and if you are really sure about that ;-) % \pgfkeyslet{/tikz/font/.@cmd}{\undefined} % \tikzset{font/.initial={}} % \def\tikz@textfont{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/font}} % % image related stuff % \def\gp@rawimage@pdf#1#2#3#4#5#6{% \def\gp@tempa{cmyk}% \def\gp@tempb{#1}% \ifx\gp@tempa\gp@tempb% \def\gp@temp{/CMYK}% \else% \def\gp@temp{/RGB}% \fi% \pgf@sys@bp{#4}\pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered{0 0}\pgf@sys@bp{#5}% \pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered{0 0 cm}% \pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered{BI /W #2 /H #3 /CS \gp@temp}% \pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered{/BPC 8 /F /AHx ID}% \pgfsysprotocol@literal{#6 > EI}% } \def\gp@rawimage@ps#1#2#3#4#5#6{% \def\gp@tempa{cmyk}% \def\gp@tempb{#1}% \ifx\gp@tempa\gp@tempb% \def\gp@temp{4}% \else% \def\gp@temp{3}% \fi% \pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered{0 0 translate}% \pgf@sys@bp{#4}\pgf@sys@bp{#5}\pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered{scale}% \pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered{#2 #3 8 [#2 0 0 -#3 0 #3]}% \pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered{currentfile /ASCIIHexDecode filter}% \pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered{false \gp@temp\space colorimage}% \pgfsysprotocol@literal{#6 >}% } \def\gp@rawimage@html#1#2#3#4#5#6{% \gnuplot@packagewarning{gnuplot-lua-tikz}{% \noexpand\gp@rawimage is not implemented for \gnuplot@output@mode\space output.% }% } % Select \gp@rawimage depending on the output mode \expandafter\let\expandafter\gp@rawimage\csname gp@rawimage@\gnuplot@output@mode\endcsname \def\gploadimage#1#2#3#4#5{% \pgftext[left,bottom,x=#1cm,y=#2cm] {\pgfimage[interpolate=false,width=#3cm,height=#4cm]{#5}};% } \def\gp@set@size#1{% \def\gp@image@size{#1}% } \def\gp@rawimage@#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{% \tikz@scan@one@point\gp@set@size(#6,#7)\relax% \tikz@scan@one@point\pgftransformshift(#2,#3)\relax% \pgftext{% \pgfsys@beginpurepicture% \gp@image@size% fill \pgf@x and \pgf@y \gp@rawimage{#1}{#4}{#5}{\pgf@x}{\pgf@y}{#8}% \pgfsys@endpurepicture% }% } %% \gprawimage{color model}{xcoord}{ycoord}{# of xpixel}{# of ypixel}{xsize}{ysize}{rgb/cmyk hex data RRGGBB/CCMMYYKK ...}{file name} %% color model is 'cmyk' or 'rgb' (default) \def\gprawimage#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{% \ifx &% \gp@rawimage@{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}% \else \ifx\gnuplot@output@mode\gnuplot@output@ps \gp@rawimage@{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#8}% \else \gploadimage{#2}{#3}{#6}{#7}{#9}% \fi \fi } % % gnuplottex compatibility % (see http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/gnuplottex.html) % \def\gnuplottexextension@lua{\string tex} \def\gnuplottexextension@tikz{\string tex} % % gnuplot variables getter and setter % \def\gpsetvar#1#2{% \expandafter\xdef\csname gp@var@#1\endcsname{#2} } \def\gpgetvar#1{% \csname gp@var@#1\endcsname % } % % some wrapper code % % short for a filled path \def\gpfill#1{\path[line width=0.1\gpbaselw,draw,fill,#1]} % short for changing the line width \def\gpsetlinewidth#1{\pgfsetlinewidth{#1\gpbaselw}} % short for changing the line type \def\gpsetlinetype#1{\tikzset{gp path/.style={#1,#1 add}}} % short for changing the dash pattern \def\gpsetdashtype#1{\tikzset{gp path/.append style={#1}}} % short for changing the point size \def\gpsetpointsize#1{\tikzset{gp point/.style={mark size=#1\gpbasems}}} % wrapper for color settings \def\gpcolor#1{\tikzset{global #1}} \tikzset{rgb color/.code={\pgfutil@definecolor{.}{rgb}{#1}\tikzset{color=.}}} \tikzset{global rgb color/.code={\pgfutil@definecolor{.}{rgb}{#1}\pgfutil@color{.}}} \tikzset{global color/.code={\pgfutil@color{#1}}} % prevent plot mark distortions due to changes in the PGF transformation matrix % use `\gpscalepointstrue' and `\gpscalepointsfalse' for enabling and disabling % point scaling % 3-parameter variant gp3point passes style options as well as point type and coordinates % \newif\ifgpscalepoints \tikzset{gp shift only/.style={% \ifgpscalepoints\else shift only\fi% }} \def\gppoint#1#2{% \path[solid] plot[only marks,gp point,mark options={gp shift only},#1] coordinates {#2};% } \def\gp3point#1#2#3{% \path[solid#2] plot[only marks,gp point,mark options={gp shift only},#1] coordinates {#3};% } % % char size calculation, that might be used with gnuplottex % % Example code (needs gnuplottex.sty): % % % calculate the char size when the "gnuplot" style is used % \tikzset{gnuplot/.append style={execute at begin picture=\gpcalccharsize}} % % \tikzset{gnuplot/.append style={font=\ttfamily\footnotesize}} % % \begin{tikzpicture}[gnuplot] % \begin{gnuplot}[terminal=lua,% % terminaloptions={tikz solid nopic charsize \the\gphcharsize,\the\gpvcharsize}] % test % \end{gnuplot} % \end{tikzpicture} % %%% % The `\gpcalccharsize' command fills the lengths \gpvcharsize and \gphcharsize with % the values of the current default font used within nodes and is meant to be called % within a tikzpicture environment. % \newdimen\gpvcharsize \newdimen\gphcharsize \def\gpcalccharsize{% \pgfinterruptboundingbox% \pgfsys@begininvisible% \node at (0,0) {% \global\gphcharsize=1.05\fontcharwd\font`0% \global\gpvcharsize=1.05\fontcharht\font`0% \global\advance\gpvcharsize by 1.05\fontchardp\font`g% };% \pgfsys@endinvisible% \endpgfinterruptboundingbox% } % % define a rectangular node in tikz e.g. for the plot area % % #1 node name % #2 coordinate of "south west" % #3 coordinate of "north east" % \def\gpdefrectangularnode#1#2#3{% \expandafter\gdef\csname pgf@sh@ns@#1\endcsname{rectangle}% \expandafter\gdef\csname pgf@sh@np@#1\endcsname{% \def\southwest{#2}% \def\northeast{#3}% }% \pgfgettransform\pgf@temp% % once it is defined, no more transformations will be applied, I hope \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@sh@nt@#1\endcsname{\pgf@temp}% \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@sh@pi@#1\endcsname{\pgfpictureid}% } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% You may want to adapt the following to fit your needs (in your %% individual style file and/or within your document). %% % % style for every plot % \tikzset{gnuplot/.style={% >=stealth',% line cap=round,% line join=round,% }} \tikzset{gp node left/.style={anchor=mid west,yshift=-.12ex,line width=0pt}} \tikzset{gp node center/.style={anchor=mid,yshift=-.12ex,line width=0pt}} \tikzset{gp node right/.style={anchor=mid east,yshift=-.12ex,line width=0pt}} % basic plot mark size (points) \newdimen\gpbasems \gpbasems=.4pt % basic linewidth \newdimen\gpbaselw \gpbaselw=.4pt % this is the default color for pattern backgrounds \colorlet{gpbgfillcolor}{white} % set background color and fill color \def\gpsetbgcolor#1{% \pgfutil@definecolor{gpbgfillcolor}{rgb}{#1}% \tikzset{tight background,background rectangle/.style={fill=gpbgfillcolor},show background rectangle}% } % this should reverse the normal text node presets, for the % later referencing as described below \tikzset{gp refnode/.style={coordinate,yshift=.12ex}} % to add an empty label with the referenceable name "my node" % to the plot, just add the following line to your gnuplot % file: % % set label "" at 1,1 font ",gp refnode,name=my node" % % enlargement of the bounding box in standalone mode (only used by LaTeX/ConTeXt) \def\gpbboxborder{0mm} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% The following TikZ-styles are derived from the 'pgf.styles.*' tables %% in the Lua script. %% To change the number of used styles you should change them there and %% regenerate this style file. %% % arrow styles settings \tikzset{gp arrow 1/.style={>=latex}} \tikzset{gp arrow 2/.style={>=angle 90}} \tikzset{gp arrow 3/.style={>=angle 60}} \tikzset{gp arrow 4/.style={>=angle 45}} \tikzset{gp arrow 5/.style={>=o}} \tikzset{gp arrow 6/.style={>=*}} \tikzset{gp arrow 7/.style={>=diamond}} \tikzset{gp arrow 8/.style={>=open diamond}} \tikzset{gp arrow 9/.style={>={]}}} \tikzset{gp arrow 10/.style={>={[}}} \tikzset{gp arrow 11/.style={>=)}} \tikzset{gp arrow 12/.style={>=(}} % plotmark settings \tikzset{gp mark 0/.style={mark size=.5\pgflinewidth,mark=*}} \tikzset{gp mark 1/.style={mark=+}} \tikzset{gp mark 2/.style={mark=x}} \tikzset{gp mark 3/.style={mark=star}} \tikzset{gp mark 4/.style={mark=square}} \tikzset{gp mark 5/.style={mark=square*}} \tikzset{gp mark 6/.style={mark=o}} \tikzset{gp mark 7/.style={mark=*}} \tikzset{gp mark 8/.style={mark=triangle}} \tikzset{gp mark 9/.style={mark=triangle*}} \tikzset{gp mark 10/.style={mark=triangle,every mark/.append style={rotate=180}}} \tikzset{gp mark 11/.style={mark=triangle*,every mark/.append style={rotate=180}}} \tikzset{gp mark 12/.style={mark=diamond}} \tikzset{gp mark 13/.style={mark=diamond*}} \tikzset{gp mark 14/.style={mark=otimes}} \tikzset{gp mark 15/.style={mark=oplus}} % pattern settings \tikzset{gp pattern 0/.style={white}} \tikzset{gp pattern 1/.style={pattern=north east lines}} \tikzset{gp pattern 2/.style={pattern=north west lines}} \tikzset{gp pattern 3/.style={pattern=crosshatch}} \tikzset{gp pattern 4/.style={pattern=grid}} \tikzset{gp pattern 5/.style={pattern=vertical lines}} \tikzset{gp pattern 6/.style={pattern=horizontal lines}} \tikzset{gp pattern 7/.style={pattern=dots}} \tikzset{gp pattern 8/.style={pattern=crosshatch dots}} \tikzset{gp pattern 9/.style={pattern=fivepointed stars}} \tikzset{gp pattern 10/.style={pattern=sixpointed stars}} \tikzset{gp pattern 11/.style={pattern=bricks}} % if the 'tikzplot' option is used the corresponding lines will be smoothed by default \tikzset{gp plot axes/.style=} \tikzset{gp plot border/.style=} \tikzset{gp plot 0/.style=smooth} \tikzset{gp plot 1/.style=smooth} \tikzset{gp plot 2/.style=smooth} \tikzset{gp plot 3/.style=smooth} \tikzset{gp plot 4/.style=smooth} \tikzset{gp plot 5/.style=smooth} \tikzset{gp plot 6/.style=smooth} \tikzset{gp plot 7/.style=smooth} % linestyle settings \tikzset{gp lt axes/.style=dotted} \tikzset{gp lt border/.style=solid} % linestyle "addon" settings for overwriting a default linestyle within the % TeX document via eg. \tikzset{gp lt plot 1 add/.style={fill=black,draw=none}} etc. \tikzset{gp lt axes add/.style={}} \tikzset{gp lt border add/.style={}} \tikzset{gp lt plot 0 add/.style={}} \tikzset{gp lt plot 1 add/.style={}} \tikzset{gp lt plot 2 add/.style={}} \tikzset{gp lt plot 3 add/.style={}} \tikzset{gp lt plot 4 add/.style={}} \tikzset{gp lt plot 5 add/.style={}} \tikzset{gp lt plot 6 add/.style={}} \tikzset{gp lt plot 7 add/.style={}} \tikzset{gp lt plot 0/.style={}} \tikzset{gp lt plot 1/.style={}} \tikzset{gp lt plot 2/.style={}} \tikzset{gp lt plot 3/.style={}} \tikzset{gp lt plot 4/.style={}} \tikzset{gp lt plot 5/.style={}} \tikzset{gp lt plot 6/.style={}} \tikzset{gp lt plot 7/.style={}} % linestyle color settings \colorlet{gp lt color axes}{black!30} \colorlet{gp lt color border}{black} % dash type settings % Define this as a macro so that the dash patterns expand later with the current \pgflinewidth. \def\gpdashlength{\pgflinewidth} \tikzset{gp dt 0/.style={solid}} \tikzset{gp dt 1/.style={solid}} \tikzset{gp dt 2/.style={dash pattern=on 7.5*\gpdashlength off 7.5*\gpdashlength}} \tikzset{gp dt 3/.style={dash pattern=on 3.75*\gpdashlength off 5.625*\gpdashlength}} \tikzset{gp dt 4/.style={dash pattern=on 1*\gpdashlength off 2.8125*\gpdashlength}} \tikzset{gp dt 5/.style={dash pattern=on 11.25*\gpdashlength off 3.75*\gpdashlength on 1*\gpdashlength off 3.75*\gpdashlength}} \tikzset{gp dt 6/.style={dash pattern=on 5.625*\gpdashlength off 5.625*\gpdashlength on 1*\gpdashlength off 5.625*\gpdashlength}} \tikzset{gp dt 7/.style={dash pattern=on 3.75*\gpdashlength off 3.75*\gpdashlength on 3.75*\gpdashlength off 11.25*\gpdashlength}} \tikzset{gp dt 8/.style={dash pattern=on 1*\gpdashlength off 3.75*\gpdashlength on 11.25*\gpdashlength off 3.75*\gpdashlength on 1*\gpdashlength off 3.75*\gpdashlength}} \tikzset{gp dt solid/.style={solid}} \tikzset{gp dt axes/.style={dotted}} % command for switching to colored lines \def\gpcoloredlines{% \colorlet{gp lt color 0}{red}% \colorlet{gp lt color 1}{green}% \colorlet{gp lt color 2}{blue}% \colorlet{gp lt color 3}{magenta}% \colorlet{gp lt color 4}{cyan}% \colorlet{gp lt color 5}{yellow}% \colorlet{gp lt color 6}{orange}% \colorlet{gp lt color 7}{purple}% } % command for switching to monochrome (black) lines \def\gpmonochromelines{% \colorlet{gp lt color 0}{black}% \colorlet{gp lt color 1}{black}% \colorlet{gp lt color 2}{black}% \colorlet{gp lt color 3}{black}% \colorlet{gp lt color 4}{black}% \colorlet{gp lt color 5}{black}% \colorlet{gp lt color 6}{black}% \colorlet{gp lt color 7}{black}% } % % some initialisations % % by default all lines will be colored \gpcoloredlines \gpsetpointsize{4} \gpsetlinetype{gp lt solid} \gpscalepointsfalse \endinput