grep nach Schlagwörtern wie ECC, CRC, ERROR, RATE, COUNT, 194, 199 ================================================================== >man smartctl > /dev/shm/smartctl_mp.txt mw@linux-kwm1:~ >vi /dev/shm/smartctl_mp.txt mw@linux-kwm1:~ >grep -i ECC /dev/shm/smartctl_mp.txt Correction (ECC) codes are inconsistent. In effect, this means that the data can not be read. mw@linux-kwm1:~ >grep -i CRC /dev/shm/smartctl_mp.txt ICRC: Interface Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC) error mw@linux-kwm1:~ >grep -i Error /dev/shm/smartctl_mp.txt '-H -i -c -A -l error -l selftest -l selective' '-H -i -A -l error -l selftest'. '-H -i -c -A -l error'. '-H -i -g all -g wcreorder -c -A -f brief -l xerror,error -l xselftest,selftest -l selective -l directory -l scttemp -l scterc -l devstat '-H -i -g all -A -l error -l selftest -l background -l sasphy -l defects -l env_rep'. '-H -i -c -A -l error'. errorsonly - only print: For the '-l error' option, if nonzero, the number of errors recorded in the SMART error log and the power-on time when they occurred; For the '-l selftest' option, errors recorded in the device self-test log; For the '-H' option, SMART "disk failing" (required e.g. for '-l xerror', see below) do not work with all of these bridges and are therefore disabled by default. These commands can be enabled by '-d usbjmicron,x'. If two disks are connected to a bridge with two ports, an error message is printed if no PORT is speci- ',x' for a device which does not support it results in I/O errors and may disconnect the drive. The same applies if the specified PORT the ones with the type field equal to 3. If the incorrect device is addressed, please read the warning/error messages carefully. They Important: the Areca controller must have firmware version 1.46 or later. Lower-numbered firmware versions will give (harmless) SCSI error that on some devices, issuing unimplemented optional SMART commands doesn't cause an error. This can result in misleading smartctl mes- [ATA only] Specifies the action smartctl should take if a checksum error is detected in the: (1) Device Identity Structure, (2) SMART Self- Test Log Structure, (3) SMART Attribute Value Structure, (4) SMART Attribute Threshold Structure, or (5) ATA Error Log Structure. problems or errors are detected, the values of these Attributes will go below their failure thresholds; some types of errors may also ap- pear in the SMART error log. These are visible with the '-A' and '-l error' options respectively. Any errors detected in the self testing will be shown in the SMART self-test log, which can be examined using the '-l selftest' option. manufacturers set this bit by default. This prevents error counters, power-up hours and other useful data from being placed in non- of the different SMART commands. For example it shows if the device logs errors, if it supports offline surface scanning, and so on. If error - [ATA] prints the Summary SMART error log. SMART disks maintain a log of the most recent five non-trivial errors. For each of these errors, the disk power-on lifetime at which the error occurred is recorded, as is the device status (idle, standby, etc) at the time of the error. For some common types of errors, the Error Register (ER) and Status Register (SR) values are decoded and printed as text. ICRC: Interface Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC) error UNC: UNCorrectable Error in Data In addition, up to the last five commands that preceded the error are listed, along with a timestamp measured from the start of the corre- The key ATA disk registers are also recorded in the log. The final column of the error log is a text-string description of the ATA command The ATA Specification (ATA ACS-2 Revision 7, Section A.7.1) says: "Error log data structures shall include, but are not limited to, Uncor- rectable errors, ID Not Found errors for which the LBA requested was valid, servo errors, and write fault errors. Error log data struc- tures shall not include errors attributed to the receipt of faulty commands." The definitions of these terms are: UNC (UNCorrectable): data is uncorrectable. This refers to data which has been read from the disk, but for which the Error Checking and If the command that caused the error was a READ or WRITE command, then the Logical Block Address (LBA) at which the error occurred will be the limitations of the SMART error log, if the LBA is greater than 0xfffffff, then either no error log entry will be made, or the error log Please note that some manufacturers ignore the ATA specifications, and make entries in the error log if the device receives a command which error - [SCSI] prints the error counter log pages for reads, write and verifies. The verify row is only output if it has an element other error[,NUM] - [NVMe] prints the NVMe Error Information log. Only the 16 most recent log entries are printed by default. This number can xerror[,NUM][,error] - [ATA only] prints the Extended Comprehensive SMART error log (General Purpose Log address 0x03). Unlike the Summary SMART error log (see '-l error' above), it provides sufficient space to log the contents of the 48-bit LBA register set introduced with Only the 8 most recent error log entries are printed by default. This number can be changed by the optional parameter NUM. If ',error' is appended and the Extended Comprehensive SMART error log is not supported, the Summary SMART self-test log is printed. Please note that recent drives may report errors only in the Extended Comprehensive SMART error log. The Summary SMART error log may be wraps after 2^16 hours, or 2730 days and 16 hours, or about 7.5 years.] If any errors were detected, the Logical Block Address (LBA) of the first error is printed in decimal notation. single byte. The Logical Block Address (LBA) of the first error is printed in hexadecimal notation. If provided, the SCSI Sense Key (SK), the logs at address 1 [Summary SMART error log] and at address 6 [SMART self-test log] may be printed using the previously-described error unrecoverable errors. That latter group may need some attention. There is a description of the background scan mechanism in section 4.18 scterc[,READTIME,WRITETIME][,p|reset] - [ATA only] prints values and descriptions of the SCT Error Recovery Control settings. These are error if this is the case. raw24/raw32 - Raw attribute is an error rate which consists of a 24-bit error count and a 32-bit total count. 200,writeerrorcount - same as: 200,raw48,Write_Error_Count. (2) very large numbers of ATA errors reported in the ATA error log; (3) strange and impossible values for the ATA error log timestamps. samsung2 - In some Samsung disks the number of ATA errors reported is byte swapped. Enabling this option tells smartctl to evaluate this but there are a very large number of errors in the SMART error log. This is because the error count is byte swapped. Thus a disk with five errors (0x0005) will appear to have 20480 errors (0x5000). xerrorlba - Fixes LBA byte ordering in Extended Comprehensive SMART error log. Some disks use little endian byte ordering instead of ATA pressions and settings for syntax errors. normal system operation. The effects of this test are visible only in that it updates the SMART Attribute values, and if errors are found they will appear in the SMART error log, visible with the '-l error' option. the Self Test Error Log, readable with the '-l selftest' option. Note that on some disks the progress of the self-test can be monitored by Selective self-tests are helpful if (based on SYSLOG error messages, previous failed self-tests, or SMART error log entries) you suspect one or more of the select,N-M options above. If the LBAs that have been specified in the Selective self-test pass the test with no errors only used to update the SMART Attributes, visible with the '-A' option. If any device errors occur, they are logged to the SMART error log, which can be seen with the '-l error' option. smartctl -q errorsonly -H -l selftest /dev/sda Produces output only if the device returns failing SMART status, or if some of the logged self-tests ended with errors. Attributes are out of bound, if the SMART status is failing, if there are errors recorded in the self-test log, or if there are errors recorded in the disk error log. turned off). If a problem occurs, or an error, potential error, or fault is detected, then a non-zero status is returned. In this case, the Bit 2: Some SMART or other ATA command to the disk failed, or there was a checksum error in a SMART data structure (see '-b' option above). Bit 6: The device error log contains records of errors. Bit 7: The device self-test log contains records of errors. [ATA only] Failed self-tests outdated by a newer successful extended self-test are mw@linux-kwm1:~ >grep -i Rate /dev/shm/smartctl_mp.txt [This man page is generated for the Linux version of smartmontools. It does not contain info specific to other platforms.] 's': Outputs JSON object elements sorted by key. By default, object elements are ordered as generated internally. uses a port multiplier to connect multiple disks to one port. The disks appear under separate /dev/ice names then. CAUTION: Specifying ten leads to confusion. In fact these first two categories of online and offline testing could have been more accurately described as on- "Worst" value for some "rate-type" Attributes.] raw24/raw32 - Raw attribute is an error rate which consists of a 24-bit error count and a 32-bit total count. mw@linux-kwm1:~ >grep -i Count /dev/shm/smartctl_mp.txt manufacturers set this bit by default. This prevents error counters, power-up hours and other useful data from being placed in non- -a' will issue a warning. Use on to clear the GLTSD bit and thus enable saving counters to non-volatile storage. For extreme streaming- For example Attribute 12 is "power cycle count": how many times has the disk been powered up. [SCSI] For SCSI devices the "attributes" are obtained from the temperature and start-stop cycle counter log pages. Certain vendor specific printed in base 10 and base 16. The LBA is a linear address, which counts 512-byte sectors on the disk, starting from zero. (Because of error - [SCSI] prints the error counter log pages for reads, write and verifies. The verify row is only output if it has an element other sataphy[,reset] - [SATA only] prints values and descriptions of the SATA Phy Event Counters (General Purpose Log address 0x11). If '-l sa- taphy,reset' is specified, all counters are reset after reading the values. This also works for SATA devices with Packet interface like phy,reset' is specified, all counters are reset after reading the values. writes a binary representation of the one sector log 0x11 (SATA Phy Event Counters) to file log.bin. raw24/raw32 - Raw attribute is an error rate which consists of a 24-bit error count and a 32-bit total count. 197,increasing - same as: 197,raw48,Total_Pending_Sectors. Also means that Attribute number 197 (Current Pending Sector Count) is not re- 198,increasing - same as: 198,raw48,Total_Offl_Uncorrectabl. Also means that Attribute number 198 (Offline Uncorrectable Sector Count) is 200,writeerrorcount - same as: 200,raw48,Write_Error_Count. 201,detectedtacount - same as: 201,raw48,Detected_TA_Count. but there are a very large number of errors in the SMART error log. This is because the error count is byte swapped. Thus a disk with mw@linux-kwm1:~ >grep -i 195 /dev/shm/smartctl_mp.txt mw@linux-kwm1:~ >grep -i 199 /dev/shm/smartctl_mp.txt smartctl -t select,1000-1999 /dev/sda