#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* this code is an aternative software for Bosch vaccuumcleaner, tested and working on the BCH6L2560 & BBH7360K model. Other Bosch models may work, but YOU must chek first if your hardware is supported ! We take no responsability at all for this code, use it on your own risk. Here you find basic schematics (uncomplete) and fotos…. https://www.mikrocontroller.net/topic/513088 Many thaks to Daniel F.(per48or) for programming with me Lena S.(lena_s) this piece of code to awaken this vaccuumclears again. */ // SET your Board to MiniCore ATmega328PB @ 8Mhz Internal, BOD=2.7V, no Bootloader // https://github.com/MCUdude/MiniCore#how-to-install #include #define SWVERSION 240619 /* //values for 25.2V-model BCH6L2560: #define TYPE "BCH6L2560" #define NUM_OF_CELLS 7 // for BCH6L2560: number of battery cells for cell monitoring #define VAC_PWM_LOW 80 // for BCH6L2560: PWM vac-motor for switch-level LOW #define VAC_PWM_MID 120 // for BCH6L2560: PWM vac-motor for switch-level MID #define VAC_PWM_HIGH 180 // for BCH6L2560: PWM vac-motor for switch-level HIGH #define BRUSH_PWM_LOW 130 // for BCH6L2560: PWM brush for switch-level LOW #define BRUSH_PWM_MID 140 // for BCH6L2560: PWM brush for switch-level MID #define BRUSH_PWM_HIGH 180 // for BCH6L2560: PWM brush for switch-level HIGH #define BRUSH_I_MAX 2.0 // for BCH6L2560: overcurrent limit for brush motor [amperes] #define VBAT_LOW 21.0 // for BCH6L2560: Battery Voltage level for LED LOW (discharging) discharge voltage levels are lower due high current of motor #define VBAT_MID 22.6 // for BCH6L2560: Battery Voltage level for LED MID (discharging) #define VBAT_HIGH 24.1 // for BCH6L2560: Battery Voltage level for LED HIGH (discharging) #define VBAT_CHG_LOW 22.4 // for BCH6L2560: Battery Voltage level for LED LOW (charging 33%) #define VBAT_CHG_MID 25.2 // for BCH6L2560: Battery Voltage level for LED MID (charging 66%) // no VBAT_CHG_HIGH, charging ends when current goes low */ /* //values for 25.2V-model Bosch Athlet 25,2 Pro_Perfom, Modelnummer: BBH6P25K: #define TYPE "BBH6P25K" #define NUM_OF_CELLS 7 // for BCH6L2560: number of battery cells for cell monitoring #define VAC_PWM_LOW 100 // for BCH6L2560: PWM vac-motor for switch-level LOW #define VAC_PWM_MID 140 // for BCH6L2560: PWM vac-motor for switch-level MID #define VAC_PWM_HIGH 190 // for BCH6L2560: PWM vac-motor for switch-level HIGH #define BRUSH_PWM_LOW 120 // for BCH6L2560: PWM brush for switch-level LOW #define BRUSH_PWM_MID 140 // for BCH6L2560: PWM brush for switch-level MID #define BRUSH_PWM_HIGH 165 // for BCH6L2560: PWM brush for switch-level HIGH #define BRUSH_I_MAX 2.2 // for BCH6L2560: overcurrent limit for brush motor [amperes] #define VBAT_LOW 21.0 // for BCH6L2560: Battery Voltage level for LED LOW (discharging) discharge voltage levels are lower due high current of motor #define VBAT_MID 22.6 // for BCH6L2560: Battery Voltage level for LED MID (discharging) #define VBAT_HIGH 24.1 // for BCH6L2560: Battery Voltage level for LED HIGH (discharging) #define VBAT_CHG_LOW 22.4 // for BCH6L2560: Battery Voltage level for LED LOW (charging 33%) #define VBAT_CHG_MID 25.2 // for BCH6L2560: Battery Voltage level for LED MID (charging 66%) // no VBAT_CHG_HIGH, charging ends when current goes low */ //values for 32.4V-model BBH7360K: #define TYPE "BBH7360K" #define NUM_OF_CELLS 9 // for BBH7360K: number of battery cells for cell monitoring #define VAC_PWM_LOW 95 // for BBH7360K: PWM vac-motor for switch-level LOW Motor-Voltage 11V #define VAC_PWM_MID 135 // for BBH7360K: PWM vac-motor for switch-level MID Motor-Voltage 16V #define VAC_PWM_HIGH 165 // for BBH7360K: PWM vac-motor for switch-level HIGH Motor-Voltage 22V #define BRUSH_PWM_LOW 135 // for BBH7360K: PWM brush for switch-level LOW Motor-Voltage 18V #define BRUSH_PWM_MID 145 // for BBH7360K: PWM brush for switch-level MID Motor-Voltage 19V #define BRUSH_PWM_HIGH 160 // for BBH7360K: PWM brush for switch-level HIGH Motor-Voltage 22V #define BRUSH_I_MAX 1.8 // for BBH7360K: overcurrent limit for brush motor [amperes] #define VBAT_LOW 27.0 // for BBH7360K: Battery Voltage level for LED LOW (discharging) discharge voltage levels are lower due high current of motor #define VBAT_MID 29.0 // for BBH7360K: Battery Voltage level for LED MID (discharging) #define VBAT_HIGH 31.0 // for BBH7360K: Battery Voltage level for LED HIGH (discharging) #define VBAT_CHG_LOW 32.0 // for BBH7360K: Battery Voltage level for LED LOW (charging 33%) #define VBAT_CHG_MID 34.3 // for BBH7360K: Battery Voltage level for LED MID (charging 66%) // no VBAT_CHG_HIGH, charging ends when current goes low //Pins Arduino #define LED_HIGH 11 #define LED_MID 12 #define LED_LOW 13 #define LED_BLAU 20 #define LED_ROT 21 #define POWER 6 // 12V for FETs #define VAC 9 // motor for vaccuum PWM (max18V) #define BRUSH 10 // Motor for brush PWM #define ECO 3 // on switch pos 1 #define NORM 4 // on switch pos 2 #define TURBO 5 // on switch pos 3 #define PRESSURE 8 // pressure sensor #define IBAT A3 // IBAT from BQ77PL900 monitors charge (=positive) und brush (=negative) currents #define VBAT A7 // VBAT from BQ77PL900 monitors batt voltages #define BQWRITE 16 // EEPROM BQ write (enable = HIGH) //Variables float BAT=35; float UCELL=0; float UCELLMIN=0; float UCELLMAX=0; float I_CHG_BRUSH=0; int IBAT_ZERO=0; int t_off=0; int t_meas=10; byte VAC_PWM_SET=0; byte BRUSH_PWM_SET=0; byte VAC_PWM_ACT=0; byte BRUSH_PWM_ACT=0; byte TEMP=0; boolean charging=LOW; boolean chargemode=LOW; boolean brush_OC=LOW; boolean toogle=LOW; void setup() { Wire.begin(); Serial.begin(115200); // higher speed is better agaist timeloss for printing comments Serial.println("########################################"); Serial.print("Starting: "); Serial.print(TYPE); Serial.print(" v"); Serial.println(SWVERSION); TCCR1B = TCCR1B & B11111000 | B00000001; // Set PWM frequency for D9 & D10 to 16kHz pinMode(PRESSURE,INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(ECO,INPUT); pinMode(NORM,INPUT); pinMode(TURBO,INPUT); //enables cell balancing and update eeprom registers, but dont write to eeprom I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 2, 0b00000010); //IGAIN=10, VGAIN=0.15, 0, 0, 0, 0, HOST=1, SHDN=0 ->switch to host-mode if (NUM_OF_CELLS==9){ I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 3, 0b01010011); //CBAL10=0, CBAL9=1, TOUT=0, BAT=1, PACK=0, IACAL=0, IAEN=1, VAEN=1 I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 4, 0b11111111); //CellBalance enabled for cells 9...1 }else{ I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 3, 0b00010011); //CBAL10=0, CBAL9=0, TOUT=0, BAT=1, PACK=0, IACAL=0, IAEN=1, VAEN=1 I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 4, 0b01111111); //CellBalance only enabled for cells 7...1 } I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 6, 0b00000000); //OV: 4.15V Hyst0.1 Delay0.5 I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 7, 0b00001111); //UV: 2.90V Hyst0.2 I2C_8Bit_writeFlag(0x10, 9, 7, 1); //CBEN = 1: Automatic cell balancing on I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 0xb, 0b01100010); //EEPROM read-writing /* this is just for test things, dont write to eeprom, its only allowed 3 times! Serial.println("EEPROM writing..."); I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 0xb, 0b01000001); //EEPROM writing delay(1); digitalWrite(BQWRITE,1); //EEPROM-Pin HIGH delay(100); I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 0xb, 0b00000000); //EEPROM reading digitalWrite(BQWRITE,0); //EEPROM-Pin LOW */ // (Bosch balancing resistors are 2k. Resistors between 500 Ω and 1 kΩ are recommended for effective cell balancing.) analogReference(DEFAULT); // Vref=3.3 V delay(25); for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) { IBAT_ZERO = IBAT_ZERO + (analogRead(IBAT));} delay(20); IBAT_ZERO = (IBAT_ZERO / 10); //measure offset voltage for IBAT without load, it isnt exactly 1.2V Serial.print("IBAT_ZERO="); Serial.println(IBAT_ZERO); I2C_8Bit_writeFlag(0x10, 2, 1, 0); //HOST = 0: switch to standalone-mode digitalWrite(POWER,1); //switch on power for motors etc } void loop() { if ((digitalRead(TURBO)==1)&&(digitalRead(NORM)==1)&&(digitalRead(ECO)==1)){ //switch is in off-position t_off++; if(t_off>1) { poweroff(); //switch off with delay 1.0s (debounce for switch) shutdwn(); t_off=0; } } else{ //switch is in position LOW, MID od HIGH if (digitalRead(TURBO)==0) {VAC_PWM_SET=VAC_PWM_HIGH; BRUSH_PWM_SET=BRUSH_PWM_HIGH;} //switch is in position HIGH if (digitalRead( NORM)==0) {VAC_PWM_SET=VAC_PWM_MID; BRUSH_PWM_SET=BRUSH_PWM_MID ;} //switch is in position MID if (digitalRead( ECO )==0) {VAC_PWM_SET=VAC_PWM_LOW; BRUSH_PWM_SET=BRUSH_PWM_LOW ;} //switch is in position LOW t_off=0; pressmon(); } do{ if (t_meas++ >10) battmeas(); //measure voltage every 10th cycle (5s) if (brush_OC) {BRUSH_PWM_SET=0; BRUSH_PWM_ACT=0;} //immediately disable brush for the next 5s in overcurrent-case battdisplay(); if (charging) { poweroff(); //switch off power for brush and vac while charging for sure if switch was not in off-position chargemode=HIGH; //remember a charging state, then dont switch on again, no matter what switch position } if (chargemode && !charging && t_meas==0) shutdwn(); //try to shutdown after charging every 5s (not possible while charger is plugged in) for (int x=0; x<50; x++) { // wait 500ms and do ramp function for VAC and BRUSH motors if(VAC_PWM_SET>VAC_PWM_ACT) VAC_PWM_ACT++; if(VAC_PWM_SETBRUSH_PWM_ACT) BRUSH_PWM_ACT++; if(BRUSH_PWM_SETswitch to host-mode I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 1, 0b00000110); //MOSFETs CHG=1, DSG=1 ->manually switch on mosfets again //measure current for charge and brush analogReference(DEFAULT); // Vref=3.3 V delay(20); //stabilize voltages Serial.println("----- start of cyclic measurement -------"); I_CHG_BRUSH = IBAT_ZERO - analogRead(IBAT); //compensate offset voltage I_CHG_BRUSH = I_CHG_BRUSH*3.3/1023.0/10.0/0.005; //IOUT=USENSE/10/RSENSE Serial.print("I_CHG_BRUSH="); Serial.print(I_CHG_BRUSH,2); if (I_CHG_BRUSH > 0.15) charging=HIGH; if (I_CHG_BRUSH < 0.10) charging=LOW; //Hysteresis Serial.print("A -> CHARGE:"); Serial.println(charging); brush_OC = (I_CHG_BRUSH < (BRUSH_I_MAX*-1.0)); //measure pack voltage analogReference(INTERNAL); // Vref=1.1 V delay(5); //stabilize voltages BAT = analogRead(VBAT)*1.1/1023.0*50.0; //VBAT=VOUT*50 Serial.print("U_PACK = "); Serial.print(BAT,2); Serial.println("V"); //measure cells volatges //first switch off cell balancing for accurate readings I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 3, 0b00000001); //CBAL10=0, CBAL9=0, TOUT=0, BAT=0, PACK=0, IACAL=0, IAEN=0, VAEN=1 I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 4, 0b00000000); //CBAL8..1 =0 UCELLMIN=5.0; //Reset min and max before reading UCELLMAX=0.0; for (int x = 0; x < NUM_OF_CELLS; x++) { I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 05, x); // select CELL_NUMBER x delay(5); UCELL = ((0.975 - analogRead(VBAT)*1.1/1023.0)/0.15); //VCell = (0.975-VBAT)/0.15 Serial.print("Ucell_");Serial.print(x+1);Serial.print("= "); Serial.print(UCELL, 3); Serial.println("V"); if (UCELL < UCELLMIN) {UCELLMIN = UCELL;} if (UCELL > UCELLMAX) {UCELLMAX = UCELL;} } Serial.print("Ucmin= "); Serial.print(UCELLMIN,3);Serial.print("V / Ucmax= "); Serial.print(UCELLMAX,3);Serial.print("V / delta= ");Serial.print(UCELLMAX-UCELLMIN,3);Serial.println("V"); //after reading switch cell balancing on if (NUM_OF_CELLS==9){ I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 3, 0b01010011); //CBAL10=0, CBAL9=1, TOUT=0, BAT=1, PACK=0, IACAL=0, IAEN=1, VAEN=1 I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 4, 0b11111111); //CellBalance enabled for cells 9...1 }else{ I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 3, 0b00010011); //CBAL10=0, CBAL9=0, TOUT=0, BAT=1, PACK=0, IACAL=0, IAEN=1, VAEN=1 I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 4, 0b01111111); //CellBalance only enabled for cells 7...1 } Serial.println("------ end of cyclic measurement --------"); Serial.println(""); I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 2, 0b11000000); //HOST = 0: switch to standalone-mode t_meas=0; } void battdisplay(){ if (charging) { //display blinking led-bar for battery-status depending of battery voltage and charge-levels if (BAT>VBAT_CHG_LOW || toogle) digitalWrite(LED_LOW, HIGH); else digitalWrite(LED_LOW, LOW); if (BAT>VBAT_CHG_LOW && ( BAT>VBAT_CHG_MID || toogle )) digitalWrite(LED_MID, HIGH); else digitalWrite(LED_MID, LOW); if (BAT>VBAT_CHG_MID && toogle) digitalWrite(LED_HIGH, HIGH); else digitalWrite(LED_HIGH, LOW); //no upper VBAT, charging ends when current goes low } else{ //display led-bar for battery-status depending of battery voltage and discharge-levels if (BAT>VBAT_HIGH) digitalWrite(LED_HIGH, HIGH); else digitalWrite(LED_HIGH, LOW); if (BAT>VBAT_MID) digitalWrite(LED_MID, HIGH); else digitalWrite(LED_MID, LOW); if (BAT>VBAT_LOW || toogle) digitalWrite(LED_LOW, HIGH); else digitalWrite(LED_LOW, LOW); } toogle=!toogle; } void pressmon() { //switches blue and red leds depending on pressure sensor status or brush-overcurrent if (digitalRead(PRESSURE)==0 || brush_OC){ digitalWrite(LED_BLAU, LOW); //led blue off digitalWrite(LED_ROT, HIGH); //led red on } else{ digitalWrite(LED_BLAU, HIGH); //led blue on digitalWrite(LED_ROT, LOW); //led red off } } void poweroff() { //switch off power for brush and vac and status-leds analogWrite(VAC,0); analogWrite(BRUSH,0); digitalWrite(POWER,0); digitalWrite(LED_BLAU, LOW); digitalWrite(LED_ROT, LOW); } void shutdwn(){ Serial.println("set battery-ic to shutdown-mode (energy saving), goodnight!"); delay(100); //time to send serial data I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(0x10, 2, 0b00000011); } //include functions for easy I2C reading and writing (bytes and bits) imported from https://github.com/Wh1teRabbitHU/Arduino-I2C void I2C_8Bit_writeFlag(uint8_t i2cAddr, uint8_t registerAddr, uint8_t pos, uint8_t value) { uint8_t registerValue = I2C_8Bit_readFromModule(i2cAddr, registerAddr); registerValue = I2C_8Bit_setBinary(registerValue, pos, value); I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(i2cAddr, registerAddr, registerValue); } uint8_t I2C_8Bit_setBinary(uint8_t binary, uint8_t pos, uint8_t flagVal) { if (flagVal == 1) { return binary | (1 << pos); } return binary & (~(1 << pos)); } uint8_t I2C_8Bit_readFlag(uint8_t i2cAddr, uint8_t registerAddr, uint8_t pos) { uint8_t registerValue = I2C_8Bit_readFromModule(i2cAddr, registerAddr); return ((registerValue >> pos) & 1) ; } int8_t I2C_8Bit_readFromModule(uint8_t i2cAddr, uint8_t registerAddr) { uint8_t byteCount = 1; Wire.beginTransmission(i2cAddr); Wire.write(registerAddr); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(i2cAddr, byteCount); if (Wire.available()) { return Wire.read(); } return 0; } void I2C_8Bit_writeToModule(uint8_t i2cAddr, uint8_t registerAddr, uint8_t data) { Wire.beginTransmission(i2cAddr); Wire.write(registerAddr); Wire.write(data); Wire.endTransmission(); }