; RCS Header $Id: fp24.a16 2.7 1996/10/07 13:50:29 F.J.Testa Exp $ ; $Revision: 2.7 $ ; PIC16 24 BIT FLOATING POINT LIBRARY ; ; Unary operations: both input and output are in AEXP,AARG ; ; Binary operations: input in AEXP,AARG and BEXP,BARG with output in AEXP,AARG ; ; All routines return WREG = 0x00 for successful completion, and WREG = 0xFF ; for an error condition specified in FPFLAGS. ; ; ; Routine Function ; ; ; NRM2424 24 bit normalization of unnormalized 24 bit floating point numbers ; ; ; FLO2424 24 bit integer to 24 bit floating point conversion ; ; ; NRM3224 32 bit normalization of unnormalized 24 bit floating point numbers ; ; ; INT2424 24 bit floating point to 24 bit integer conversion ; ; ; FPA24 24 bit floating point add ; ; ; FPS24 24 bit floating point subtract ; ; ; FPM24 24 bit floating point multiply ; ; ; FPD24 24 bit floating point divide ; ;********************************************************************************************** ; ; 24 bit floating point representation ; ; EXPONENT 8 bit biased exponent ; It is important to note that the use of biased exponents produces ; a unique representation of a floating point 0, given by ; EXP = HIGHBYTE = LOWBYTE = 0x00, with 0 being the only ; number with EXP = 0. ; ; HIGHBYTE 8 bit most significant byte of fraction in sign-magnitude representation, ; with SIGN = MSB, implicit MSB = 1 and radix point to the right of MSB ; ; LOWBYTE 8 bit least significant byte of sign-magnitude fraction ; ; EXPONENT HIGHBYTE LOWBYTE ; ; xxxxxxxx S.xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ; ; | ; RADIX ; POINT ; ;********************************************************************************************** ; Normalization routine ; Input: 24 bit unnormalized floating point number in AEXP, AARGB0, AARGB1, ; with sign in SIGN,MSB and other bits zero. ; Use: CALL NRM2424 or CALL NRM24 ; Output: 24 bit normalized floating point number in AEXP, AARGB0, AARGB1 ; Result: AARG <-- NORMALIZE( AARG ) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NRM2424 NRM24 CLRF TEMP ; clear exponent decrement MOVF AARGB0,W ; test if highbyte=0 BTFSS _Z GOTO NORM2424 MOVF AARGB1,W ; if so, shift 8 bits by move MOVWF AARGB0 BTFSC _Z ; if highbyte=0, result=0 GOTO RES024 CLRF AARGB1 BSF TEMP,3 NORM2424 MOVF TEMP,W SUBWF EXP,F BTFSS _Z BTFSS _C GOTO SETFUN24 BCF _C ; clear carry bit NORM2424A BTFSC AARGB0,MSB ; if MSB=1, normalization done GOTO FIXSIGN24 RLF AARGB1,F ; otherwise, shift left and RLF AARGB0,F ; decrement EXP DECFSZ EXP,F GOTO NORM2424A GOTO SETFUN24 ; underflow if EXP=0 FIXSIGN24 BTFSS SIGN,MSB BCF AARGB0,MSB ; clear explicit MSB if positive RETLW 0 RES024 CLRF AARGB0 ; result equals zero CLRF AARGB1 CLRF AARGB2 ; clear extended byte CLRF EXP RETLW 0 ;********************************************************************************************** ; Integer to float conversion ; Input: 24 bit 2's complement integer right justified in AARGB0, AARGB1, AARGB2 ; Use: CALL FLO2424 ; Output: 24 bit floating point number in AEXP, AARGB0, AARGB1 ; Result: AARG <-- FLOAT( AARG ) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLO2424 MOVLW D'23'+EXPBIAS ; initialize exponent and add bias MOVWF EXP CLRF SIGN BTFSS AARGB0,MSB ; test sign GOTO NRM3224 COMF AARGB2,F ; if < 0, negate and set MSB in SIGN COMF AARGB1,F COMF AARGB0,F INCF AARGB2,F BTFSC _Z INCF AARGB1,F BTFSC _Z INCF AARGB0,F BSF SIGN,MSB ;********************************************************************************************** ; Normalization routine ; Input: 32 bit unnormalized floating point number in AEXP, AARGB0, AARGB1, ; AARGB2, with sign in SIGN,MSB ; Use: CALL NRM3224 ; Output: 24 bit normalized floating point number in AEXP, AARGB0, AARGB1 ; Result: AARG <-- NORMALIZE( AARG ) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NRM3224 CLRF TEMP ; clear exponent decrement MOVF AARGB0,W ; test if highbyte=0 BTFSS _Z GOTO NORM3224 MOVF AARGB1,W ; if so, shift 8 bits by move MOVWF AARGB0 MOVF AARGB2,W MOVWF AARGB1 CLRF AARGB2 BSF TEMP,3 ; increase decrement by 8 MOVF AARGB0,W ; test if highbyte=0 BTFSS _Z GOTO NORM3224 MOVF AARGB1,W ; if so, shift 8 bits by move MOVWF AARGB0 CLRF AARGB1 BCF TEMP,3 ; increase decrement by 8 BSF TEMP,4 MOVF AARGB0,W ; if highbyte=0, result=0 BTFSC _Z GOTO RES024 NORM3224 MOVF TEMP,W SUBWF EXP,F BTFSS _Z BTFSS _C GOTO SETFUN24 BCF _C ; clear carry bit NORM3224A BTFSC AARGB0,MSB ; if MSB=1, normalization done GOTO NRMRND3224 RLF AARGB2,F ; otherwise, shift left and RLF AARGB1,F ; decrement EXP RLF AARGB0,F DECFSZ EXP,F GOTO NORM3224A GOTO SETFUN24 ; underflow if EXP=0 NRMRND3224 BTFSC FPFLAGS,RND BTFSS AARGB1,LSB GOTO FIXSIGN24 BTFSS AARGB2,MSB ; round if next bit is set GOTO FIXSIGN24 INCF AARGB1,F BTFSC _Z INCF AARGB0,F BTFSS _Z ; has rounding caused carryout? GOTO FIXSIGN24 RRF AARGB0,F ; if so, right shift RRF AARGB1,F INCF EXP,F BTFSC _Z ; check for overflow GOTO SETFOV24 GOTO FIXSIGN24 ;********************************************************************************************** ; Float to integer conversion ; Input: 24 bit floating point number in AEXP, AARGB0, AARGB1 ; Use: CALL INT2424 ; Output: 24 bit 2's complement integer right justified in AARGB0, AARGB1, AARGB2 ; Result: AARG <-- INT( AARG ) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT2424 CLRF AARGB2 MOVF EXP,W ; test for zero argument BTFSC _Z RETLW 0x00 MOVF AARGB0,W ; save sign in SIGN MOVWF SIGN BSF AARGB0,MSB ; make MSB explicit MOVLW EXPBIAS+D'23' ; remove bias from EXP SUBWF EXP,F BTFSS EXP,MSB GOTO SETIOV24 COMF EXP,F INCF EXP,F MOVLW 8 ; do byte shift if EXP >= 8 SUBWF EXP,W BTFSS _C GOTO TSHIFT2424 MOVWF EXP RLF AARGB2,F ; rotate next bit for rounding MOVF AARGB1,W MOVWF AARGB2 MOVF AARGB0,W MOVWF AARGB1 CLRF AARGB0 MOVLW 8 ; do another byte shift if EXP >= 8 SUBWF EXP,W BTFSS _C GOTO TSHIFT2424 MOVWF EXP RLF AARGB2,F ; rotate next bit for rounding MOVF AARGB1,W MOVWF AARGB2 CLRF AARGB1 MOVLW 8 ; do another byte shift if EXP >= 8 SUBWF EXP,W BTFSS _C GOTO TSHIFT2424 MOVWF EXP RLF AARGB2,F ; rotate next bit for rounding CLRF AARGB2 MOVF EXP,W BTFSS _Z BCF _C GOTO SHIFT2424OK TSHIFT2424 MOVF EXP,W ; shift completed if EXP = 0 BTFSC _Z GOTO SHIFT2424OK SHIFT2424 BCF _C RRF AARGB0,F ; right shift by EXP RRF AARGB1,F RRF AARGB2,F DECFSZ EXP,F GOTO SHIFT2424 SHIFT2424OK BTFSC FPFLAGS,RND BTFSS AARGB2,LSB GOTO INT2424OK BTFSS _C GOTO INT2424OK INCF AARGB2,F BTFSC _Z INCF AARGB1,F BTFSC _Z INCF AARGB0,F BTFSC AARGB0,MSB ; test for overflow GOTO SETIOV24 INT2424OK BTFSS SIGN,MSB ; if sign bit set, negate RETLW 0 COMF AARGB0,F COMF AARGB1,F COMF AARGB2,F INCF AARGB2,F BTFSC _Z INCF AARGB1,F BTFSC _Z INCF AARGB0,F RETLW 0 IRES024 CLRF AARGB0 ; integer result equals zero CLRF AARGB1 CLRF AARGB2 RETLW 0 SETIOV24 BSF FPFLAGS,IOV ; set integer overflow flag BTFSS FPFLAGS,SAT ; test for saturation RETLW 0xFF ; return error code in WREG CLRF AARGB0 ; saturate to largest two's BTFSS SIGN,MSB ; complement 24 bit integer MOVLW 0xFF MOVWF AARGB0 ; SIGN = 0, 0x 7F FF FF MOVWF AARGB1 ; SIGN = 1, 0x 80 00 00 MOVWF AARGB2 RLF SIGN,F RRF AARGB0,F RETLW 0xFF ; return error code in WREG ;********************************************************************************************** ; Floating Point Multiply ; Input: 24 bit floating point number in AEXP, AARGB0, AARGB1 ; 24 bit floating point number in BEXP, BARGB0, BARGB1 ; Use: CALL FPM24 ; Output: 24 bit floating point product in AEXP, AARGB0, AARGB1 ; Result: AARG <-- AARG * BARG ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FPM24 MOVF AEXP,W ; test for zero arguments BTFSS _Z MOVF BEXP,W BTFSC _Z GOTO RES024 M24BNE0 MOVF AARGB0,W XORWF BARGB0,W MOVWF SIGN ; save sign in SIGN MOVF BEXP,W ADDWF EXP,F MOVLW EXPBIAS-1 BTFSS _C GOTO MTUN24 SUBWF EXP,F BTFSC _C GOTO SETFOV24 ; set multiply overflow flag GOTO MOK24 MTUN24 SUBWF EXP,F BTFSS _C GOTO SETFUN24 MOK24 MOVF AARGB0,W MOVWF AARGB2 ; move result to AARG MOVF AARGB1,W MOVWF AARGB3 BSF AARGB2,MSB ; make argument MSB's explicit BSF BARGB0,MSB BCF _C CLRF AARGB0 ; clear initial partial product CLRF AARGB1 MOVLW D'16' MOVWF TEMP ; initialize counter MLOOP24 BTFSS AARGB3,LSB ; test next bit GOTO MNOADD24 MADD24 MOVF BARGB1,W ADDWF AARGB1,F MOVF BARGB0,W BTFSC _C INCFSZ BARGB0,W ADDWF AARGB0,F MNOADD24 RRF AARGB0,F RRF AARGB1,F RRF AARGB2,F RRF AARGB3,F BCF _C DECFSZ TEMP,F GOTO MLOOP24 BTFSC AARGB0,MSB ; check for postnormalization GOTO MROUND24 RLF AARGB2,F RLF AARGB1,F RLF AARGB0,F DECF EXP,F MROUND24 BTFSC FPFLAGS,RND BTFSS AARGB1,LSB GOTO MUL24OK BTFSS AARGB2,MSB ; round if next bit is set GOTO MUL24OK INCF AARGB1,F BTFSC _Z INCF AARGB0,F BTFSS _Z ; has rounding caused carryout? GOTO MUL24OK RRF AARGB0,F ; if so, right shift RRF AARGB1,F INCF EXP,F BTFSC _Z ; check for overflow GOTO SETFOV24 MUL24OK BTFSS SIGN,MSB BCF AARGB0,MSB ; clear explicit MSB if positive RETLW 0 SETFOV24 BSF FPFLAGS,FOV ; set floating point underflag BTFSS FPFLAGS,SAT ; test for saturation RETLW 0xFF ; return error code in WREG MOVLW 0xFF MOVWF AEXP ; saturate to largest floating MOVWF AARGB0 ; point number = 0x FF 7F FF MOVWF AARGB1 ; modulo the appropriate sign bit RLF SIGN,F RRF AARGB0,F RETLW 0xFF ; return error code in WREG ;********************************************************************************************** ; Floating Point Divide ; Input: 24 bit floating point dividend in AEXP, AARGB0, AARGB1 ; 24 bit floating point divisor in BEXP, BARGB0, BARGB1 ; Use: CALL FPD24 ; Output: 24 bit floating point quotient in AEXP, AARGB0, AARGB1 ; Result: AARG <-- AARG / BARG ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FPD24 MOVF BEXP,W ; test for divide by zero BTFSC _Z GOTO SETFDZ24 MOVF AEXP,W BTFSC _Z GOTO RES024 D24BNE0 MOVF AARGB0,W XORWF BARGB0,W MOVWF SIGN ; save sign in SIGN BSF AARGB0,MSB ; make argument MSB's explicit BSF BARGB0,MSB TALIGN24 CLRF TEMP ; clear align increment MOVF AARGB0,W MOVWF AARGB2 ; test for alignment MOVF AARGB1,W MOVWF AARGB3 MOVF BARGB1,W SUBWF AARGB3, f MOVF BARGB0,W BTFSS _C INCFSZ BARGB0,W SUBWF AARGB2, f CLRF AARGB2 CLRF AARGB3 BTFSS _C GOTO DALIGN24OK BCF _C ; align if necessary RRF AARGB0,F RRF AARGB1,F RRF AARGB2,F MOVLW 0x01 MOVWF TEMP ; save align increment DALIGN24OK MOVF BEXP,W ; compare AEXP and BEXP SUBWF EXP,F BTFSS _C GOTO ALTB24 AGEB24 MOVLW EXPBIAS-1 ADDWF TEMP,W ADDWF EXP,F BTFSC _C GOTO SETFOV24 GOTO DARGOK24 ; set overflow flag ALTB24 MOVLW EXPBIAS-1 ADDWF TEMP,W ADDWF EXP,F BTFSS _C GOTO SETFUN24 ; set underflow flag DARGOK24 MOVLW D'16' ; initialize counter MOVWF TEMPB1 DLOOP24 RLF AARGB3,F ; left shift RLF AARGB2,F RLF AARGB1,F RLF AARGB0,F RLF TEMP,F MOVF BARGB1,W ; subtract SUBWF AARGB1,F MOVF BARGB0,W BTFSS _C INCFSZ BARGB0,W SUBWF AARGB0,F RLF BARGB0,W IORWF TEMP,F BTFSS TEMP,LSB ; test for restore GOTO DREST24 BSF AARGB3,LSB GOTO DOK24 DREST24 MOVF BARGB1,W ; restore if necessary ADDWF AARGB1,F MOVF BARGB0,W BTFSC _C INCF BARGB0,W ADDWF AARGB0,F BCF AARGB3,LSB DOK24 DECFSZ TEMPB1,F GOTO DLOOP24 DROUND24 BTFSC FPFLAGS,RND BTFSS AARGB3,LSB GOTO DIV24OK BCF _C RLF AARGB1,F ; compute next significant bit RLF AARGB0,F ; for rounding RLF TEMP,F MOVF BARGB1,W ; subtract SUBWF AARGB1,F MOVF BARGB0,W BTFSS _C INCFSZ BARGB0,W SUBWF AARGB0,F RLF BARGB0,W IORWF TEMP,W ANDLW 0x01 ADDWF AARGB3,F BTFSC _C INCF AARGB2,F BTFSS _Z ; test if rounding caused carryout GOTO DIV24OK RRF AARGB2,F RRF AARGB3,F INCF EXP,F BTFSC _Z ; test for overflow GOTO SETFOV24 DIV24OK BTFSS SIGN,MSB BCF AARGB2,MSB ; clear explicit MSB if positive MOVF AARGB2,W MOVWF AARGB0 ; move result to AARG MOVF AARGB3,W MOVWF AARGB1 RETLW 0 SETFUN24 BSF FPFLAGS,FUN ; set floating point underflag BTFSS FPFLAGS,SAT ; test for saturation RETLW 0xFF ; return error code in WREG MOVLW 0x01 ; saturate to smallest floating MOVWF AEXP ; point number = 0x 01 00 00 CLRF AARGB0 ; modulo the appropriate sign bit CLRF AARGB1 RLF SIGN,F RRF AARGB0,F RETLW 0xFF ; return error code in WREG SETFDZ24 BSF FPFLAGS,FDZ ; set divide by zero flag RETLW 0xFF ;********************************************************************************************** ; Floating Point Subtract ; Input: 24 bit floating point number in AEXP, AARGB0, AARGB1 ; 24 bit floating point number in BEXP, BARGB0, BARGB1 ; Use: CALL FPS24 ; Output: 24 bit floating point sum in AEXP, AARGB0, AARGB1 ; Result: AARG <-- AARG - BARG ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FPS24 MOVLW 0x80 XORWF BARGB0,F ;********************************************************************************************** ; Floating Point Add ; Input: 24 bit floating point number in AEXP, AARGB0, AARGB1 ; 24 bit floating point number in BEXP, BARGB0, BARGB1 ; Use: CALL FPA24 ; Output: 24 bit floating point sum in AEXP, AARGB0, AARGB1 ; Result: AARG <-- AARG - BARG ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FPA24 MOVF AARGB0,W ; exclusive or of signs in TEMP XORWF BARGB0,W MOVWF TEMP CLRF AARGB2 ; clear extended byte CLRF BARGB2 MOVF AEXP,W ; use AARG if AEXP >= BEXP SUBWF BEXP,W BTFSS _C GOTO USEA24 MOVF BEXP,W ; use BARG if AEXP < BEXP MOVWF AARGB4 ; therefore, swap AARG and BARG MOVF AEXP,W MOVWF BEXP MOVF AARGB4,W MOVWF AEXP MOVF BARGB0,W MOVWF AARGB4 MOVF AARGB0,W MOVWF BARGB0 MOVF AARGB4,W MOVWF AARGB0 MOVF BARGB1,W MOVWF AARGB4 MOVF AARGB1,W MOVWF BARGB1 MOVF AARGB4,W MOVWF AARGB1 USEA24 MOVF BEXP,W ; return AARG if BARG = 0 BTFSC _Z RETLW 0x00 MOVF AARGB0,W MOVWF SIGN ; save sign in SIGN BSF AARGB0,MSB ; make MSB's explicit BSF BARGB0,MSB MOVF BEXP,W ; compute shift count in BEXP SUBWF AEXP,W MOVWF BEXP BTFSC _Z GOTO ALIGNED24 MOVLW 8 SUBWF BEXP,W BTFSS _C ; if BEXP >= 8, do byte shift GOTO ALIGNB24 MOVWF BEXP MOVF BARGB1,W ; keep for postnormalization MOVWF BARGB2 MOVF BARGB0,W MOVWF BARGB1 CLRF BARGB0 MOVLW 8 SUBWF BEXP,W BTFSS _C ; if BEXP >= 8, BARG = 0 relative to AARG GOTO ALIGNB24 MOVF SIGN,W MOVWF AARGB0 RETLW 0x00 ALIGNB24 MOVF BEXP,W ; already aligned if BEXP = 0 BTFSC _Z GOTO ALIGNED24 ALOOPB24 BCF _C ; right shift by BEXP RRF BARGB0,F RRF BARGB1,F RRF BARGB2,F DECFSZ BEXP,F GOTO ALOOPB24 ALIGNED24 BTFSS TEMP,MSB ; negate if signs opposite GOTO AOK24 COMF BARGB2,F COMF BARGB1,F COMF BARGB0,F INCF BARGB2,F BTFSC _Z INCF BARGB1,F BTFSC _Z INCF BARGB0,F AOK24 MOVF BARGB2,W ADDWF AARGB2,F MOVF BARGB1,W BTFSC _C INCFSZ BARGB1,W ADDWF AARGB1,F MOVF BARGB0,W BTFSC _C INCFSZ BARGB0,W ADDWF AARGB0,F BTFSC TEMP,MSB GOTO ACOMP24 BTFSS _C GOTO NRMRND3224 RRF AARGB0,F ; shift right and increment EXP RRF AARGB1,F RRF AARGB2,F INCFSZ AEXP,F GOTO NRMRND3224 GOTO SETFOV24 ACOMP24 BTFSC _C GOTO NRM3224 ; normalize and fix sign COMF AARGB2,F COMF AARGB1,F ; negate, toggle sign bit and COMF AARGB0,F ; then normalize INCF AARGB2,F BTFSC _Z INCF AARGB1,F BTFSC _Z INCF AARGB0,F MOVLW 0x80 XORWF SIGN,F GOTO NRM24 ;******************************* end of FP24.A16 ************************************