Forum: Markt [V] AVR (Atmega16, Atmega32) Minimum System Development Board mit Textool Sockel

von Mark E. (mark-erik)


AVR (Atmega16, Atmega32) Minimum System Development Board

Ich habe ein unbenutztes Entwicklungsboard mit Textool Sockel
für Atmega 16, Atmega32 für € 6 plus Versand anzubieten.

Technische Daten des Herstellers:
1. 32 I/O pin all the leads.
2. Classic ATmega16 minimum system, eliminating the hassle of soldering
3. Crystal: The socket hole welding facilitate the buyer to replace the 
crystal, 12M crystal
4. support chips: ATmega16/ATmega32 and chip which pin-compatible
5. Power supply: power adapter or external expansion pin power supply 
(not support ISP download interface power supply)
6. DC-005 Power Block (supporting the transposon is 5.5*2.1mm)
7. expand outside 4 channel VCC, GND
8. Reset: Power-on reset and reset button
9. Power LED (D1) and the program run indicator (D2)
10 standard ISP download interface

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