Hello, Please I need your advices, I am trying to define one sram Model just for simulation with VERILOG: CYPRESS CY62167EV30 MoBL 16 MBit(1M x 16)32 Byte = 2^4 x 16 bits in order to test the sram controller. So I did this: module ram(Address,Clk,CS,ME,WE,Dout); input[3:0] Address; input Clk; input CS; input ME; input WE; inout[15:0] Dout; // ---------------------------------------------------------- reg[15:0] memory[15:0]; // Memory block 32Bytes = 16x 2 x 8 Bits = 2^4 x 16 Bits reg[15:0] Data_Read; assign Dout=Data_Read; // Memory Write Block integer i; parameter init=""; initial begin if(init=="file") $readmemb("init.dat", memory); else begin if(init=="address") begin for(i=0;i<=15;i=i+1) memory[i]=i; end else begin if(init=="random") begin for(i=0;i<=15;i=i+1) memory[i]= $random; end else begin if(init=="zero") begin for(i=0;i<=15;i=i+1) memory[i]=0; end else begin if(init=="x") begin for(i=0;i<=15;i=i+1) memory[i]=1'bx; end else begin $display("Error: Incorrect parameter init=%s",init); $stop; end end end end end end always@(posedge Clk) begin if(CS==1) begin if(WE==1) begin Data_Read<=16'bz; //Write in the memory memory[Address]<=Dout; end else begin if(ME==1) //Read from the memory Data_Read<=memory[Address]; end end else Data_Read<=16'bz; end endmodule After simulation I realise that my memory has 16 bits word for that there is one Adress for each 16 bits see the attached files So what I am doing wrong in order to get one address for each 8 Bits? and when i tried this reg[7:0] memory[31:0] it didn't match to my Data bus ?
You have a 16 bit bus and defined a 16 bit wide register. If you want both 8 and 16 bit access, then you either need one more address bit or two byte enables, like most (all?) 16 bit wide SRAMs have.
with two byte enables you can then select witch portion of the bus you want to aceess:
1 | wire [15:0] memory_word; |
2 | assign memory_word = memory[address]; // Workaround |
3 | |
4 | always@(posedge Clk) |
5 | begin
6 | if (CS==1) |
7 | begin
8 | if(WE==1) |
9 | begin
10 | Data_Read <= 16'hzz; |
11 | //Write in the memory |
12 | if (low_byte == 1'b1) |
13 | memory[Address] <= { memory_word[15:8], Dout[7:0] }; |
14 | if (high_byte == 1'b1) |
15 | memory[Address][15:8] <= { Dout[15:8], memory_word[7:0]}; |
16 | end
17 | else
18 | begin
19 | if(ME==1) |
20 | //Read from the memory |
21 | if (low_byte == 1'b1) |
22 | Data_Read[7:0] <= memory_word[Address][7:0]; |
23 | if (high_byte == 1'b1) |
24 | Data_Read[15:8] <= memory_word[Address][15:8]; |
25 | end
26 | end
27 | else Data_Read<=16'bz; |
28 | end
Dann when you pull both low_byte and high_byte high you can access the full 16 bit... Note: No idea if such a workaround works for writting... for reading should it work.
Thanks, but in my case, I need to pull my 2 byte Enable to zero because I have a direct access with 16 bits. So my concern is doing so I don't get one adress for each byte instead I have one adress for 16 bits(2 Bytes). Take a look at the grafic I send in my first mail.
If you only want byte access to the memory then make a model with only byte access! If you tie the /BYTE input (of the cypress SRAM) to GND, then you get your extra address line (A0) and only use IO0 to IO7... (Wild guess follows...) Maybe you want a model that performs both as a 16 and 8 bit memory ?... than you have to add another if to the model above... (code not tested...) Note... if the inputs react to HIGH or LOW is not really an issue... because you can change it in the code! expand address to 5 bits...
1 | wire [15:0] memory_word; |
2 | assign memory_word = memory[address[4:1]]; // Workaround |
3 | |
4 | always@(posedge Clk) |
5 | begin
6 | if (CS == 1'b0) // active low |
7 | begin
8 | if (WE == 1'b0) // active low |
9 | begin
10 | Data_Read <= 16'hzz; |
11 | if (BYTE == 1'b0) // active low, byte access, extra address line address[0] used! |
12 | if (address[0] == 1'b0) // low byte |
13 | memory[Address] <= { memory_word[15:8], Dout[7:0] }; |
14 | else
15 | memory[Address] <= { Dout[7:0], memory_word[7:0]}; |
16 | else
17 | begin
18 | //Write memory, up to 16 bit at a time |
19 | if (low_byte == 1'b1) |
20 | memory[Address] <= { memory_word[15:8], Dout[7:0] }; |
21 | if (high_byte == 1'b1) |
22 | memory[Address] <= { Dout[15:8], memory_word[7:0]}; |
23 | end
24 | end
25 | else
26 | begin
27 | if (ME == 1'b0) |
28 | begin
29 | if (BYTE == 1'b0) // byte access |
30 | begin
31 | if (address[0] == 1'b0) // low byte |
32 | Data_Read[7:0] <= memory_word[7:0]; |
33 | else
34 | Data_Read[7:0] <= memory_word[15:8]; |
35 | end
36 | else
37 | begin
38 | //Read from the memory |
39 | if (low_byte == 1'b1) |
40 | Data_Read[7:0] <= memory_word[7:0]; |
41 | if (high_byte == 1'b1) |
42 | Data_Read[15:8] <= memory_word[15:8]; |
43 | end // else: !if(BYTE == 1'b0) |
44 | end // if (ME == 1'b0) |
45 | end // else: !if(WE == 1'b0) |
46 | end // if (CS == 1'b0) |
47 | else
48 | Data_Read<=16'bz; |
49 | end
I appreciate your contribution.. In order to get a better understanding of my purpose please just take a look at this new grafic which presents the output (Wishbone + Memory Controller + Memory Model Content) after simulation and then my question. Because one picture replaces 1000 words.... I would appreciate any advice before starting with the place/routing
So your Host (wishbone) uses byte addressing und your RAM uses word addressing. This is very trivial to adjust, just connect the address lines like this: WB A1 -> RAM A0 WB A2 -> RAM A1 ...
Sorry unfortunately it didn't help me instead it complicated the simulation output by inserting the following in the instanciation: ....... .sram_addr (WishSRAM_ADR[17:1]), just take a look
Easy again, the simulation tells you that the highest address bit is undriven! You don't have a problem with the SRAM Model, you have a problem with your whole system design and i am sorry to say, you seem to lack very basic understanding of system architecture.
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