Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik NGW100 AVR Studio GPIO.h

von o. B. (Firma: BHT) (olinwg)


I use the NGW100 and the buildroot verion 3.0.0 from Atmel.
Now I want to write a C-Programm to controll the GPIO-Pins.

I use the AVR Studio and did the following steps before I started with 
the programming.

Open AVR-Studio
New --> AVR C Project --> Target device (AT32AP7000); Project type 
(AVR32 Linux Executable) --> Project name (TEST) --> Finish

Then I create a c-File named Test.c

I have read the documentation "AVR32408: AVR32 AP7 Linux GPIO driver". 
On page 6 is the reference to include "gpio.h". Path 
"include/asm/gpio.h". I've searched my system after gpio.h and more than 
600 files found. Not in this path specified.

The files have all other sizes and different content.
Does anyone know where I can find the correct file???
Do I need to provide more specific header files. E.g. at32ap7000.h?

Does anyone know a simple manual to program the NGW100 with AVR Studio?

I want a port to switch on / off and query its status.
And I want to use the SPI Interface.

Thank, for your help!

von ... (Gast)


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