Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik AVRISP MK II für AT89S8253

von Juppo N. (juppo)


Moin an alle .

Ist es überhaubt möglich mit dem AVRisp MKII auf dei AT89C8253 usw. zu 
erweitern ?

Hat jemmand die Files für die Listen.

Suche einen USB/RS232 ISP Prommer für die AT89 (8051) Kerne.

Man findet nur Programmer Für AVR usw.

Gruß und frohen Tag.

von Martin e. C. (eduardo)


von Juppo N. (juppo)


Den Besten
Wie ich so deute muss man sann aber den BIPROG Programmer haben .
Richtig ?

von Jan W. (wek)


Honestly, I don't know whether it is possible to program an AT89S8253 
using the AVRISP mkII or not. You can experiment with the definition 
files for AVRStudio (as outlined on the BIPROG webpage), or with avrdude 
(see ), but I have no idea 
wheter this would work out or not.

But, the idea is, that once you have the AVRISP mkII, you can build 
yourself the BIPROG - you can build one on a piece of protoboard quite 
easily, the instructions are relatively clear and detailed. I have built 
it and used for some of my hobby work successfully, that's why I am 
recommending it.

You might also want to have a look at Ulrich Bangert's ATMELISP , which uses the signals of 
a COM port for the ISP (after having them level-converted between RS-232 
levels and 5V logic levels, of course); but if you don't have a "real" 
COM port, I doubt it will work satisfactorily on an USB-COM 


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