Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik Atmega48 welche Revision

von error (Gast)

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Um welche Revision des Atmega48 handelt es sich hier?

von error (Gast)


Dann Antworte ich mir mal selber. :)
Habe im Forum folgende Antwort gefunden:


You need to look at the back of the chip. The device code are usually
printed there. It is 355xxy for the new parts where xx is the part
number and y the revision letter. Older parts have the number 196xxy,
same system.

For some of the small devices there is not room for the device code.
those you will have to contact support to get the revision

The date code is not reliable enough.

Best Regards
Asmund Saetre
Atmel AVR Technical Support

Somit sollte der Atmega48 auf dem Bild die Revision "D" sein.

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