Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik Problem using Noise Reduction Int for ADC Mega328P

von Josef M. (josefm)


Yes, I know just another entry with ADC but I did not find a hint
for my problem in the forum yet.

I have a Problem reading an adc value with ATMega328P in noise reduction
mode ( with a Interrupt Service routine ).
Because reading per polling the ADSC Bit is OK, I get the right value 
that way, I suppose the error has to do with the initialization of ADC 
my function EnableADCInt(... ).
The ISR is definitely not called !

adcValue in ISR is volatile in my header.

Where is the missing bit ?

By the way:
This forum is very helpful for me. I found already many important

Here the code:

void EnableADCInt(uint8_t channel)
    // Clear PRADC to startup ADC
    PRR &= ~(1<<PRADC);  // Power Reduction Register

    ADMUX = 0;
    ADMUX |= (1 << REFS1)  |  (1 << REFS0);
    ADMUX |=   channel;
    ADCSRA =  ( 1 << ADPS2)  |  ( 0 << ADPS1) | ( 1 << ADPS0) ;

  // Für Interrupt bei Free Running ?
  // ADCSRA |= ( 1 << ADATE);

  // Free running mode !?
  // ADCSRB = 0;

  // sleep Mode

  // Bit 3 – ADIE: ADC Interrupt Enable
  // Bit 7 – ADEN: ADC Enable
  // Bit 6 – ADSC: ADC Start Conversion   but not for noise reduction ?
    ADCSRA |= (1 << ADEN)  |  (1 << ADIE);

  // enable Global Int

void DisableADCInt()
  // disable ADC Int
  // Bit 3 – ADIE: ADC Interrupt Disable
  // Bit 7 – ADEN: ADC Disable
  // Bit 6 – ADSC: ADC Stop Conversion
  ADCSRA = 0;

  PRR |= (1<<PRADC);

// Oversampling to improve the value
int16_t GetADCTemp(uint8_t channel)
  sleep_cpu();  // throw away first reading

  while( adcCount < 64 )


  int16_t  ticksresult = (adcValue >> 6);
  return ticksresult;

  adcValue =  ADC;   // low + high byte

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