Forum: Digitale Signalverarbeitung / DSP / Machine Learning Multiplex Frage

von Owen S. (senmeis)



Ich lese gerade Dokumente über das sogenannte Common Data Link:


Auf Seite 9 der PDF Datei erkennt man gleich, der PN Generator ist mit 
Multiplex und Spread verbunden. Die Frage ist, warum mit Multiplex?

Zitat aus dem anderen Dokument:

Multiplexer simultaneously provides multiple dedicated channels to users 
and mixes the data bits from each channel to form one aggregate bit 
stream. The method used to mix data from the channels is to organize the 
bits into multiplexer frames. These frames are then used to create the 
aggregate bit stream. A Multiplexer frame is a fixed length sequence of 
bits, with each user channel being allocated specific bit position 
within a frame. Synchronization (SYNC) code is a sequence of bits that 
is also included in each multiplexer frame. These SYNC codes provide the 
ability to identify each frame within the aggregate bit stream and the 
relative bit position within the frame. The Multiplexer provides a clock 
to each channel and accepts data bit according to the clock. The 
Multiplexer function is used in the Forward Link (FL) and in all modes 
of the Return Link (RL).

Also das ist PN Code unabhängig. Mache ich hier einen falschen Gedanke?


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