Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik Pic18f13k50 und Tsop 4838

von melvin S. (siffup)



nach viel Lektüre habe ich nur noch diese Frage:
kann Das überhaupt funktionieren????

void LCD_vString(char str[])
 byte max = 0;
 byte i;

 while (str[max] != '\0') //Loop until the end of the string has been 
  max++; //Get the length of the string

 for (i = 0;i < max;i++) //Loop until the end of the string is reached
  LCD_Send(str[i]); //Display each character in the string on the LCD

* Function: LCD_String(auto const far rom char *str) 
* Variables: 
* *str -> Points to the constant string that is passed into the function 
* Description: 
* This function will display a constant string for the user on the LCD. 
void LCD_String(auto const far rom char *str)
 byte max = 0;
 byte i;

 while (str[max] != '\0') //Loop until the end of the string has been 
  max++; //Get the length of the string

 for (i = 0;i < max;i++)  //Loop until the end of the string is reached
  LCD_Send(str[i]); //Display each character in the string on the LCD

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