Forum: Markt [V] Quectel M10 GSM Modul

von Stefan B. (-stefan-)



Ich verkaufe mehrere neue Quectel M10 GSM Module. Folgend ein paar 

850/ 900/ 1800/ 1900 MHz
GPRS Multi-slot Class 12/10/8
GPRS Mobile Station class B
Compliant to GSM Class 4
Supply Voltage Range 3.4~4.5 V 4.0V nominal
Low Power 1.1mA @ DRX=5
Consumption 0.7mA @ DRX=9
Operation Temperature -45 °C to +85 °C
Dimensions 29mm × 29mm × 3.6mm

Preis: 23,90€/Stk

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