Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik at91rm9200EK internal rom deleted.

von Super M. (techbuddy)



I am using a AT91RM9200EK which is a very old board but still powerful 
enough for my applications. The question is, if there a possiblity to 
delete the internal ROM of AT91RM9200EK?
At the beginning when I am communicatin with the board over the serial 
communication I saw the following on the console.. -- CCCCCC..which 
shows that the software is running from the internal rom.
Then I connected the BDI wth the board and accidentaly erased the 
internal rom area. the jumper was set to INT.
Is it at all possible because I have heard that hte internal rom is a 
maskable rom..

Help would be highly appreciated.


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