Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik micromite ist fertig, Basic Interpreter mit PIC 32

von Sonyboy (Gast)


von Guido L. (guidol1970)

Angehängte Dateien:


This MicroMite Module gives you access to the full set of 33 I/Os all 
controlled by easy MMBasic commands. Simply plug in a single USB lead to 
connect it to your computer and immediately start exploring the world of 
the MicroMite.

Suitable for everyone, from absolute beginner, to seasoned professional 


von Guido L. (guidol1970)

Angehängte Dateien:


The MicroMite Companion MMC

The board uses both the Propeller and the Micromite in concert providing 
a self-contained, MMBASIC enviroment. Full support has been maintained 
for the Propeller side, allowing reprogramming, and access to it's open 
I/O pins. In addition the Micromite's I/O is open as well. The software 
combines the strenghts of the two chips is a way to provide a 
stand-alone user experience that is exicting for the retro computer 
enthusist, the Propellerhead, or a beginner to intermediate 
microcontroller user.

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