Forum: Markt [S] USB-WiFi für industrielle Umgebung

von Manuel K. (manuel_k38)


Hallo Leute,

Ich benötige für ein Projekt einen USB-to-Wifi Adapter, der für 
industrielle Anwendung (min. -20°C) geeignet ist.
Der Adapter sollte geeignet sein für Ad-Hoc-Verbindungen und als 
Habe selbst schon gesucht 
( , 
wollte aber mal fragen ob ihr eventuelle Alternativen kennt.

Danke im Voraus für Vorschläge.

von Glen Manning (Gast)


The LM006 USB Wi-Fi adapter is available in various formats and one of 
them are for industrial applications, where temperature the range of 
-20c is a requirement.

As a manufacturer we can modify our adapter or module to meet either 
higher or lower temperature requirements when requested.

We always recommend our adapters or modules should be tested in the 
intended environment, so at least the user will have their own test 
results from the actual field testing.

We welcome any sample requests for testing based on the merit of the 

Please note; As we have a rolling development road map not all our 
adapters and modules are on our website, so feel free to send in a 
request as we welcome a technical challenge to meet a application 

von never ever (Gast)


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