Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik ATmega+ADS1232

von Cristi P. (nico_2010)


recently I receive one A/D 24 bits converter ADS1232 and I want to test 
For this reason I wrote the project attached who aims to read voltage 
below 2.5V with 4 decimals. In software you can modify gain and speed of 
conversion (comments are in my language, romanian), but as is the 
project come with gain = 1 and the speed is setup at 80SPS.
Despite the fact that I use breadboard for setup (relatively bad idea), 
the results are quite good.
As you can see, with nothing connected to input the noise is small (I 
think), and the measurements are quite good in my opinion.
I hope to serve to someone.
Best regards from Romania,

P.S. I forgot to upload schematic. Sorry, now it's OK.

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