Forum: Analoge Elektronik und Schaltungstechnik Energy Harvesting

von AG (Gast)


Hey everybody!

I would like to assemble  an Energy Harvesting circuit . The main idea 
is that I put an AC Voltage from a coil as Input and get a DC Voltage at 
the output .

For me the LTC3331 from Analog is the best option :

I’m inducing  voltage at the coil ( 10V max with 0.5A).
The Coil and a Back up Battery will be connected(with separated inputs) 
to LTC3331. Important thing is that I can’t induce the voltage in the 
coil all time , and in a time when I get no voltage in the coil the back 
up battery will compensate the lack of input power.

The only problem is that the max current at the LTC3331 Output is 50mA .

Perhaps if you know similar IC with a bigger current (2-3 A or more ) I 
would really appreciate this !

: Verschoben durch Moderator
von Christian L. (cyan)


Ein Thread reicht doch aus:
Beitrag "Energy Harvesting , LTC3331"

von Purzel H. (hacky)


Energy Harvesting is about conserving power, about harvesting tiny 
amounts of power, not about Amps.

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