Forum: Markt [V] Owon vds1022i PC Oszilloskop

von Experience2080 .. (experience2080)

Angehängte Dateien:


Guter Zustand, kompletter Originallieferumfang, siehe Bild.

Isolierter USB Anschluss, 2x Tastkopf inkl. Zubehör.

Artikelstandort: Österreich. Versand Europaweit möglich.

VP: 50 Euro

Technische Daten laut Hersteller:

Bandwidth: 25MHZ
Channel:2+1 (multi)
Sample Rate: 100MSa/s
Horizontal Scale (s/div): 5ns/div~100s/div, step by 1~2~5
Rise Time: ≤14 ns
Record Length: 5K
Input Coupling: DC, AC, GND
Input Impedance: 1MΩ±2%,in parallel with10pF±5pF
Channels Isolation 50Hz : 100 : 1, 10MHz : 40 : 1
Max Input Voltage:400V (PK - PK) (DC+AC, PK - PK)
DC Gain Accuracy: ±3%
DC Accuracy: Average≥16: ±(3% reading + 0.05div) for △T
Probe Attenuation Factor: 1X, 10X, 100X, 1000X
LF Respond (AC, -3dB): ≥5Hz (at input, AC coupling, -3dB)
Sampling Rate / Relay Time Accuracy: 150ps
Interpolation: sin(x) / x
Interval (△T) Accuracy(full bandwidth):Single: ± (1 interval time + 
100ppm × reading + 0.6ns), Average >16: ±(1 interval time + 100ppm × 
reading + 0.4ns)
Vertical Resolution (A/D): 8 bits (2 channels simultaneously)
Vertical Sensitivity: 5mV/div~5V/div
Trigger Type: Edge, Pulse, Video, Slope, and Alternate
Trigger Mode: Auto, Normal, and Single
Trigger Level:±5 divisions from screen center
Acquisition Mode: Sample, Peak Detect, and Average
Line / Field Frequency (video): NTSC, PAL, and SECAM standard
Cursor Measurement :△V, and △T between cursors
Package Listing:
1X CD Rom
1X User Manual
1X USB Cable
1X Probe
1X Probe Adjust

von Experience2080 .. (experience2080)



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