Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik Microchip AVRxxDDyy-Series

von Randy B. (rbrecker)


Hallo zusammen,

hat jemand irgendetwas Belastbares zum Einführungsdatum der DD-Serie 
(downsized DA/DB)?


von Veit D. (devil-elec)



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The DD-series is a smaller-pincount line; parts are available with 14-32 
pins. They've got the MVIO (3 or 4 MVIO pins depending on pincount). The 
product brief claims 10 output pins, 11 input pins, on the 14-pin 
package. With VDD, VDDIO, and GND. That implies that there will be a way 
to configure the UPDI pin to act as an I/O pin, and Reset to act as an 
input only if configured appropirately in the fuses. We'll have to wait 
until more information is available, but it sounds like the reset pin on 
these parts will be the pin that needs the HV pulse (likely)

von Randy B. (rbrecker)


Es gibt auch schon ein offizielles Product-Brief von MicroChip dazu.

von Wilhelm M. (wimalopaan)


Die 28/32er sollen Mitte des Jahres erscheinen, die 14/20er am Ende des 

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