Forum: PC-Programmierung Sonderzeichen:Question for programmers who write with 10 fingers

von Swies (Gast)


Question for programmers who write with 10 fingers:
How do you type the following characters on a German keyboard?
@ {}[]|~. specially which fingers do you use to press "Ctrl "+"Alt" at 
the same time?. Can you recommend a program/tool to learn this?

von Adam P. (adamap)


@ |
Right thumb and finger from left hand

{} [] ~
Only with the left hand (thumb + finger)

von g457 (Gast)


> How do you type the following characters on a German keyboard?
> @

rhs tumb + lhs pinky

> {}[]|~.

rhs thumb + rhs middle finger/ring finger/pinky

> specially which fingers do you use to press "Ctrl "+"Alt"
> at the same time?.

None, at least not for these characters. We tend to have 'alt gr' 
(alternate graphics) over here, as on pretty much every standard 
keyboard since tens of years. If you have a really-really-really-really 
old keyboard you might want to consider thinking about upgrading. 
Otherwise, if you insist on ctrl+alt key combos, lhs pinky + lhs thumb 
are the way to go.


von Jim M. (turboj)


The 10 finger system has close to zero benfit for programmers.

You need waaay more time to think about a line than to actually write 

Some of us also have spare en/us keyboards - or simply switch layout.

von Swies (Gast)


@von g457 -> Thank you

@Jim M.
wrote:"The 10 finger system has close to zero benfit for programmers."
not agree with you. It's exhausting to look at the keys all the time.

von eggspert (Gast)


While beeing able to use all ten fingers one doesn't look on the caps 
anymore, so remap.

there's even an old german saying:

Jmd. ein X für ein U vormachen ;)

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