Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik Condrad RDS Manager (anyone has?)

von Mitja K. (veso266)


Hello there, I hope this if fine if I post here, and the post is in 
English as I cannot write german (can read it if I read it slowly and 
think a lot but writing is a different story) I was wondering if anyone 
maybe still has any Condrad RDS Manager (this thing: ) in 
their garage and would be prepared to sell it, I am looking at this for 
ages, even found one on ebay recently for 15€ but unfortunately someone 
offered 50 cents more in the last second (so I was left empty handed :( 

I also wrote to Condrad (yea maybe I should write to German Condrad not 
our local Slovenian one :) (but I think they are connected so if they 
don't have it in Slovenija, they can sure ask their head office in 
Germany if they maybe have it) if maybe they still had any in their 
storage but they informed me that they don't sell this anymore :(

So if anyone maybe has any and is prepared to sell it I would be realy 

Thanks for Anwsering and Best Regards

von Kurt A. (hobbyst)

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Hallo Mitja
Ich habe noch ein RDS-Manager von der Einbauversion da. Bei Interesse 
bitte PN

Hello Mitja
I still have an RDS manager from the built-in version. If you are 
interested, please PN

von Mitja K. (veso266)


Hi Kurt, yours looks great, but I am a bit confused as at first it seems 
that the only difference between yours and this one in the box:

is the box itself, but I got realy confused as to why your looks 
different internaly as well (ok it doesn't have any lights, but is seems 
that some RF section is different as well (your only has 1 adjustable 
pot, while the one in the box has 2 of them

since I would like to connect this to the audio output of a reciever, 
not mount it direcly (and connect direcly to MPX signal inside a 
reciever) I am afraid that yours is not made for that

just asking as I am really confused now, at first I thought that condrad 
only sold the one that has its own box but now I gues they sold 
different variants

Thanks for Anwsering and Best Regards
PS: Do you also have the manual and the power supply maybe for it as 

von Jochen (Gast)


Are you still interested in such a device? I'm having one here, 
including the (german) manual, although not fully tested.

von Mitja K. (veso266)


Sorry for late reply,

Got one from Kurt A, so don't need anymore

But I would be interested in the manual, if u can maybe take pictures 
and scan it, that would be great

von Kurt A. (hobbyst)

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