Forum: Markt V Arduino 9 axismotion Sensor Shields 12 Stück

von Steffen L. (steffendb1ulm)


Verkaufe Arduino 9 Axis Motion Shield

 9 Axes Motion Shield is based on the BNO055 absolute orientation sensor 
from Bosch Sensortec GmbH which integrates a triaxial 14-bit 
accelerometer, a triaxial 16-bit gyroscope with a range of ±2000 degrees 
per second and a triaxial geomagnetic sensor with a 32-bit 
microcontroller running the BSX3.0 FusionLib software.
The sensor features three-dimensional acceleration, yaw rate and 
magnetic field strength data each in 3 perpendicular axes.

12 Stück: 100 Euro
5 Stück: 50 Euro
2 Stück: 25 Euro
1 Stück: 17 Euro

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