Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik Cnc2102 Eprom dump

von Eryk M. (Firma: PSG) (erykcnc)


Hello, I have problem with deckel FP3a controler CNC2102 MNP51 board - 
display stuck o  00 and not responce to keyboard. I need eproms dump 
from MNP51 or NMP50 from CNC2101 to test system.

von Mario M. (thelonging)


Error 00 is emergency off or PLC undervoltage. Check cables and 
connectors and the power supply. There is no need to fiddle around with 
the EPROMs.

von Eryk M. (Firma: PSG) (erykcnc)


I repair plc board  5v and -15v section. Now plc lamp "?" go off after 
Ein and i can switch on collant pump and spindle breaker.
Undervoltage - i have schematic but power section are mising. I dont 
understand communication between plc and processor board.
00 is always on, if i remove all axis cards, ram card and serial 
communication card is still on. I change all 6821 I/O chip and check
cables. On CRT i have only 00 and nothing else.

I check all ram chip on beeprog programer.

My idea is CPU schow 00 and stuck on error in code but its only idea.

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Eryk M. (Firma: PSG) (erykcnc)

Movie from machine.

von Eryk (Gast)


I dump all eprom-s from this controler and disassembly code. In first 
look code have lot of errors but i use 6800 disassembler and on board i 
have 6809 - more 16bit cpu. After this hange code look good.

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