Forum: PC Hard- und Software Frage zu den Datenströmen bei der Verwendung von USB-Hubs

von Jefe (Gast)


iVier Geräte hängen an einem USB-Hub. Der dann am PC. Sagen wir mal 
Maus, Tastatur, Drucker und ein RS232-Konverter. Die ersten drei werden 
ja vom Betriebssystem verwendet und meinetwegen mittels 
Terminal-Programm der RS232-Konverter.

Frage zu dem Datenströmen. Bekommen die vier Geräte die Datenströme von 
und zu den anderen Geräten mit? Die für eine andere ID werden verworfen. 
Oder werden die vom USB-Hub sauber auseinandergehalten?


von -gb- (Gast)


Man sollte es USB Switch nennen.

von Niklas G. (erlkoenig) Benutzerseite


> During normal transmission, hubs are essentially transparent: data received from 
its upstream port is broadcast to all devices attached to its downstream ports 
(pictorially described in the USB 2.0 specification in Figure 11–2, Hub Signalling 
Connectivity). Data received from a downstream port is generally forwarded to the 
upstream port only. This way, what is sent by the host is received by all hubs and 
devices, and what is sent by a device is received by the host but not by the other 
devices (an exception is resume signalling). Downstream routing has been changed 
in USB 3.0 with the addition of Point to Point routing: A route string sent in the 
packet header allows a USB 3.0 host to only send a downstream packet to a single 
destination port, decreasing congestion and power consumption.[12]

> Hubs are not transparent when dealing with changes in the status of downstream 
ports, such as insertion or removal of devices. In particular, if a downstream 
port of a hub changes status, this change is dealt with in an interaction between 
the host and this hub; with any hubs between the host and "changed hub" acting as 

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