Forum: HF, Funk und Felder HF docs

von Markus W. (dl8mby)


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Beitrag "23cm Yagi-Antenne"

auf den u.g. Link der Uni von Houston (
gestoßen und habe weitere HF relevante Docs dort gefunden.

Diese Info wollte ich Euch nicht vorenthalten, falls nicht
bereits bekannt.

Viel Spaß beim Lesen.


'Notes 10 5317-6351 Waveguiding Structures Part 5 (Coax).pdf'

'Notes 11 5317-6351 Waveguiding Structures Part 6 (Planar Transmission 

'Notes 12 5317-6351 Waveguiding Structures Part 7 (TEN).pdf'

'Notes 13 5317-6351 Waveguiding Structures Part 8 (Dispersion and Wave 

'Notes 14 5317-6351 Surface Waves.pdf'

'Notes 1 5317-6351 Introduction to Waveguiding Systems.pdf'

'Notes 15 5317-6351 Transverse Resonance Method.pdf'

'Notes 16 5317-6351 Network Analysis.pdf'

'Notes 17 5317-6351 S Parameter Measurements.pdf'

'Notes 18  5317-6351 Impedance Matching.pdf'

'Notes 18 5317-6351 Impedance Matching.pdf'

'Notes 19  5317-6351 Multistage transformers.pdf'

'Notes 19 5317-6351 Multistage transformers.pdf'

'Notes 20  5317-6351 Power Dividers and Circulators.pdf'

'Notes 20 5317-6351 Power Dividers and Circulators.pdf'

'Notes 21  5317-6351 Quadrature Coupler and Rat-Race Coupler.pdf'

'Notes 21 5317-6351 Quadrature Coupler and Rat-Race Coupler.pdf'

'Notes 22 5317-6351 Filter Design Part 1 (Insertion Loss Method).pdf'

'Notes 23 5317-6351 Filter Design Part 2 (General Filter Design).pdf'

'Notes 24 5317-6351 Filter Design Part 3 (Transmission Line 
'Notes 2 5317-6351 Transmission Lines Part 1 (TL Theory).pdf'

'Notes 3 5317-6351 Transmission Lines Part 2 (TL Formulas).pdf'

'Notes 4 5317-6351 Transmission Lines Part 3 (Baluns).pdf'

'Notes 5 5317-6351 Transmission Lines Part 4 (Smith Charts).pdf'

'Notes 6 5317-6351 Waveguiding Structures Part 1 (General Theory).pdf'

'Notes 7 5317-6351 Waveguiding Structures Part 2 (Attenuation).pdf'

'Notes 8 5317-6351 Waveguiding Structures Part 3 (Parallel Plates).pdf'

'Notes 9 5317-6351 Waveguiding Structures Part 4 (Rectangular and 
Circular Waveguide).pdf'

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