Forum: Markt [V] pocketVNA 2.0 Network Analyzer

von Hendrik S. (hentrick)

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verkaufe pocketVNA Rev. 2.0 Network Analyzer

Daten des Herstellers:
Hardware specifications:
2-port Vector Network Analyzer
Measure reflection and transmission coefficients (S11, S21) - magnitude 
and phase
Frequency range: 500 kHz to 4 GHz
Linear, logarithmic and listed scan
Dynamic range (typically):
@350 MHz up to 70 dB (System dynamic range);
@4 GHz up to 40 dB (System dynamic range)
Not that the dynamic range varies upon frequency, calibration parameters 
and measurement speed. See example measurements of couple of examples
Output power -14 dBm at 100MHz
Impedance from 3 to 1000 Ohms
Measurement speed: about 10 ms per step plus communication (for example 
a 1001 points scan takes 12 seconds)
Number of steps: 1 to 10001
Frequency setting resolution: 1 Hz

General information:
Connection to PC: mini-USB
RF connectors: SMA female

Software features:
Available for Windows, MacOS and Linux
OSL calibration functionality
Time domain measurements (DTF)
Plot S-Parameter, Impedance, Phase, Resistance, Reactance, VSWR
Plot in Smith chart
Export in Excel, Touchstone
Save complete sets of measurement together in one proprietary project 

VNA wurde 03/2017 gekauft und nur einmal benutzt. Funktioniert ohne 
Probleme. Karton ist verschmutzt.
Lieferung inkl. SMA-Kalibrierkit!

Preis: 200,-€ (VB) inkl. Versand

: Verschoben durch Moderator
von Hendrik S. (hentrick)



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