Hallo Noch 10 neue Silabs 8051er USB EFM8UB20F64G QFP32 abzugeben. EFM8 USB Capable Universal Bee 8-bit Microcontrollers (MCUs) The USB capable EFM8UB20F64G-QFP32 8-bit MCUs are built on top of a low power platform this device operates at 48 MHz. In addition to USB support, the EFM8UB20F64G-QFP32 includes 64 kB Flash, 4 kB RAM, 25 Dig I/O Pins, 6 x 16-bit timers, 5 PCA Channels, and additional communication peripherals. https://www.mouser.de/ProductDetail/Silicon-Labs/EFM8UB20F64G-B-QFP32?qs=OycAS1CGnlj3PApaQXt1oA%3D%3D https://www.silabs.com/mcu/8-bit-microcontrollers/efm8-universal-bee/device.efm8ub20f64g-qfp32?tab=specs 10€ + 1€ Kompaktbrief (PS: Sind auch mehr da! Anfrage per PM) (Versand DHL/Post und Paypal) Bei Interesse bitte PM mit Artikelangabe. Danke!
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