Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik ZigBee Channel Mask

von Andreas P. (andyp17)


Hallo allerseits,

Ich habe eine generelle Frage zu ZigBee. Was genau versteht man unter 
dem Begriff "CHANNEL MASK"? Kann nicht wirklich was dazu finden!


von Andreas P. (andyp17)


Hat keiner eine Ahnung über ZigBee?

von Michael (Gast)


Zweiter Google Treffer:

Sets the list of channels that the radio is allowed to choose from. (See 
Section 7 - Frequency Selection.) For a base radio, it is generally 
recommended that one channel be selected in the mask. This gives it a 
known channel for frequency planning purposes. If more than one channel 
is enabled, the base will pick one of them at random at startup, and not 
switch from it unless the radio is reset or power-cycled. For a remote 
radio, the channel mask specifies which channels it will look for a base
on. For greatest flexibility, it is useful to set a remote for all 
channels, so that the remotes need not all be reconfigured if it is 
necessary to reassign the base to a new frequency. For a slightly faster 
link time, set the remote's mask to a single channel. If a remote loses 
link, is reset, or is power-cycled, it will rescan all of the channels 
its mask continually until its base is found.

Viele Grüße

von Andreas P. (andyp17)


He, danke!!

Wo hast du das her??


von Michael (Gast)


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