AVR32 Studio.Einstiegshilfe.Toolchain
Aus der Mikrocontroller.net Artikelsammlung, mit Beiträgen verschiedener Autoren (siehe Versionsgeschichte)
Hier ensteht eine knappe Referenz zu Commandline-Parametern der Toolchain.
- --help output:
C:\>avr32gdbproxy --help
Usage: avr32gdbproxy [OPTION]...
-h, --help Print this message.
-V, --version Print version information.
--config Print configuration for bug reports and exit.
-d, --debug, --debug=<level> Enable debug output.
Optionally specify debug level (1-3, default 1).
-l, --log <file name> Log debug info to file
-c, --comport <port> Connect to given serial port. If <port> is
'USB', connect to a USB device. If <port> is
'USB:serial', the emulator with the given
serial number will be used. The default is to
connect to a USB device.
-e, --emulator <tool> Use tool of given type for debugging. Available
emulators are 'avrone' and 'jtagicemkii'. By
default connect to a sole device on USB.
-f <type@address> Notify avr32gdbproxy of a <type> flash memory
at <address>. <type> can be either 'cfi' or
example: -f cfi@0 or -f cfi@0x0
-t, --traceaddress <[hostname]:port>
Specify host name and port number for
trace communication.
example 1: -t anyhost.anydomain.com:4242
example 2: -t :4242
If no hostname is given, avr32gdbproxy
listens on all network interfaces.
The default port is 4712.
-a, --gdbaddress <[hostname]:port>
Specify host name and port number for GDB
example 1: -a anyhost.anydomain.com:4242
example 2: -a :4242
If no hostname is given, avr32gdbproxy
listens on all network interfaces.
The default port is 4711.
-x, --xmlpath <path> Specify the path to the part description files.
-p, --pc <address> Start execution from specified address.
-k, --keepalive Keep running when avr32-gdb disconnects.
-R, --no-reset Do not reset target when connecting.
-s, --simulate <part> Specify part to simulate.
example: -s ap7000
-m, --memory <address,size> Specify memory to simulate. Note that it is not
necessary to specify internal memories.
example: -m 0,8Mb
-F, --file <filename> Specify program to run in simulator or program
onto target before debugging. Support is
limited to ELF files.
-E, --chiperase Erase entire chip before programming target.
--clock <source> Specify CPU clock source when programming.
Valid clock sources are 'xtal' (crystal
connected to osc0), 'extclk' (external clock
connected to osc0), and 'int' (internal RC
oscillator (default)).
-b, --bufferfile <filename> Specify file to use in replay session.
If specified, avr32gdbproxy will serve trace
data from file instead of from target.
-D, --daisy <devbefore,devafter,bitsbefore,bitsafter>
Specify JTAG daisy-chain parameters.
-T, --transactions Print protocol transactions.
Between trace client and avr32gdbproxy:
--) prefix = rx and (-- prefix = tx
Between GDB and avr32gdbproxy:
--> prefix = rx and <-- prefix = tx
--part <partname> Specify part name, fail unless target matches.
avr32gdbproxy -cUSB:00A0000000BB -f cfi@0 -l log.txt -a anyhost.anydomain.com:42