Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik Code Execution from external Flash in AT89C51ED2 uC

von Thirumalesha N. (thirumalesha_n)


Dear All,

      I'm facing issue with executing the code from external flash with 
AT89C51ED2 based controller card.

     I done EA/ pin GND while executing code from external flash.. but 
its not executing.

     Is there any other setting to do...? Bez I'm new to this 

      Your reply greatl appreciated....

Thiru N

von Peter D. (peda)


Show us your schematic.


von Thirumalesha N. (thirumalesha_n)

Angehängte Dateien:


Dear Sir,

      Thank you for your valuable response

  Please find the schematic of board. My flash is "SST39SF010A-32TSOP"

 EA/ is connected to GND with 3 pin jumper(Vcc, EA, GND).

 The same schematic is working for At89S52 controller, but for 
AT89c51Ed2 its not working..

  Need to do any setting for this controller...?

   Please Reply

Thiru n

von Joerg L. (Firma: 100nF 0603 X7R) (joergl)


Many Atmel 8051 devices have security fuses set by factory that disables 
external code execution. I have experienced this at the 89C51AC2 and AC3 
models. Took me 2 days to figure this out.

You need to use a programmer device (like the Galep4) with appropriate 
adapter and reset all (!) security fuses. This cannot be done by any 
in-circuit programming.
Datasheet explains this in only a vew very short sentences.

After doing this, my AC2 does code execution from external memory.

I assume that the ED2 device is similarily pre-programmed.
Please check datasheet.


von Thirumalesha N. (thirumalesha_n)


Dear Sir,

    Ok, thank you for your suggestion,

 The data sheet says that

 "External Access Enable: EA must be externally held low to enable the
device to fetch code from external program memory locations 0000H to
FFFFH. If security level 1 is programmed, EA will be internally latched 

 And also its says BLJB bit decides either boot from (BLJB = 0) boot 
loader or (BLJB = 1) application code.

   I'm not getting how to access HSB(Hardware Security Byte), in data 
sheet doesn't mentioned it.

   If you have any idea please suggest me...

Thiru N

von Joerg L. (Firma: 100nF 0603 X7R) (joergl)


Please look at Datasheet 4235K-8051-05/08
page 95 (section 24.3.2)
Table 24-2
Security Level 4: external execution is disabled (DEFAULT)

This is exactly the same as the 89C51AC2/AC3 device.

You need a parallel programmer, because resetting these bits is not 
possible by ISP. Please read pages 94 and 95 in the Datasheet !!!

von Route_66 H. (route_66)


You must the signal /PSEN combine into the chip-select-logic of the 
flash. In your schematic there are only the signals /RD and /WR 
connected to the Flash. That brings you only an external DATA-memory - 
no PROGRAM-memory.

von Thirumalesha N. (thirumalesha_n)

Angehängte Dateien:


Dear Sir,

     Thanks for your reply,

           Please find the schematic of control logic.

 I read the datasheet of AT89C51Ed2, it says that we can access the 
Security bytes by using APIs.. but i didn't get how to use, please 
suggest me to how to use APIs...

Thiru N

von Joerg L. (Firma: 100nF 0603 X7R) (joergl)


Thirumalesha N. schrieb:
> ...please suggest me to how to use APIs...

Did you understand what i was writing?

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