Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik welche arduino mit jtag besser?

von synoptik (Gast)


von Achim M. (minifloat)


Why don't you try to ask in English?

synoptik schrieb:
> Arduino 2560

As you can read here...
...the '2560 comes w/ JTAG debugging interface.

The Arduino board you mentioned...
... lets you access the JTAG pins via the ADCL(provides TDI, TDO, TMS, 
TCK) and POWER(provides SRST, GND) pin headers, respectively. TRST is 
not needed, according to the '2560s data sheet.

For debugging this processor you will need an parallel port and an 
parallel port to JTAG adapter or an Atmel USB debug adapter like the 
Atmel Dragon or an JTAG-ICE II/III. Even with open-source debugging 
software on PC side only Atmel or other commercially sold debuggers can 
be used. The FTDIs don't work afaik.

synoptik schrieb:
> STM32 Arduino

At the LinkSprite product page...
... is stated " It can be used in GCC+Eclipse+openocd+openJtag and 
Arduino enviroment! ", which means, a cheap FTDI JTAG adapter will work.

I will leave the decision which board to use up to you, since i don't 
know how much experience you have with the one or the other processor 
families and i don't know anythig about how much "numbercrunching 
power", RAM and built-in features as ADC, PWM... your specific project 
will need.

regards, mf

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