Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik S1D13700 GLCD initialization help

von Wong J. (wong_j)

Angehängte Dateien:


Attached with my coding and the picture i had initial(not success all 
the time).

This screen only show up on certain number of try.

I start my program and kill it, and start again, until this screen 

I am using parallel pin with parapin library.

anyone can help on this ?

* after initial, i kill my program without RST again and run a 0x58 and 
0x59 loop (command), it work.
* after reset crystal is in high states, after 0x40, crystal was 
measured, it osilate in 10MHz

I am using TOPWAY LM2088E

timing diagram clk is the /WR

i had tight my RD to the VDD

von 6A66 (Gast)


Wong J. schrieb:
> anyone can help on this ?

Hello Wong,

I'd suggest you try your code step by step and measure the output at the 
LCD every step - try to learn to debug the problems yourself. Then you 
can find out if there is anything wrong and what.

And it would be a good idea to check whether the timings are correct, 
whether there are additional prerequisites and initializations.

And third I'd suggest you improve your english and try to explain your 
problem a bit deeper and in a more logical context.


von JunWanG W. (junwang_w)


ok, i will try to explain again on my progress, i had debug more than 
two weeks time, so hope there is some added information to driving this 

just for information, I only able to use screen on and screen off after 
a random success initialization process.

I had no clue due to the command for 0x58 and 0x59 just work well, 0x40 
and a delay can make the crystal start oscillate. But the initialization 
process not really working, and no even a cursor in text mode and only 
show the screen i attached on the last post.

*bad english, I had tried my best to explain my situation. Thanks for 

von Wong J. (wong_j)

Angehängte Dateien:


I had try everything i can done, Now I am using 18F4520 now to generate 
more sharp output.

Same to parallel port, only able to make the oscillator to work after 
reset follow with a 0x40 command.

note 1: WR toggle inside the CS toggle.

WAIT pin produce a pulse on each WR fallig edge.

any idea on this ?

I really hope someone can give me a set of working initialization signal 
capture so I can generate the same pattern of wave to light up my LCD. 
At least using the same timing as possible.

von Wong J. (wong_j)


Problem solve:

The supply for GLCD and signaling output must be the same. Common ground 
and voltage.

Different controller with different command sequence


/CS - /WR - CS - WR


/CS - /WR - WR - CS


Check the WAIT pin to determine the pattern of sending is  a valid 
communication or not.

WAIT signal is triggered when the WR pin low. A small pulse is detected.

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