Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik Hersteller gesucht Bild angefügt

von Tobi (Gast)

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kennt jemand den Hersteller, der so ein Logo verwendet? Es handelt sich 
um einen alten Hochlastwiderstand.
Vielen Dank.

Beitrag #5014672 wurde von einem Moderator gelöscht.
von hinz (Gast)


Rosenthal in Selb, hieß später Draloric, wurde dann von Vishay gekauft.

Beitrag #5014675 wurde von einem Moderator gelöscht.
von ●DesIntegrator ●. (Firma: FULL PALATINSK) (desinfector) Benutzerseite


grob geschätzt

Krone und das "R" = Royal

C = Ceramics

Hersteller = Royal Ceramics?

von Helmut K. (hk_book)


KKE17 in google eingeben nicht möglich?


von Tobi (Gast)


@hinz: Vielen Dank, es ist tatsächlich die alte Krone von Rosenthal

von Pete K. (pete77)


"In 1900 in Germany, Mr. Philip Rosenthal, as a sideline to his 
established business of porcelain tableware, started to manufacture 
ceramics for electronic applications. Starting in 1910, these were also 
made in Selb, Germany. In 1936 this electronic ceramics activity was 
separated from Rosenthal AG and made part of a joint venture with AEG 
named Rosenthal Isolatoren GmbH, or "RIG".

The RIG name lasted until 1974, when AEG took over all of RIG and 
renamed it "CRL" because of its portfolio of passive components. The 
name was changed again in 1974 to Draloric Electronic GmbH.

With the acquisition of Draloric Electronic GmbH by the electronics 
division of Corning Glass Works in 1981, the name was changed to 
Corning-Draloric, which lasted until its acquisition by Vishay 
Intertechnology in 1987.

Vishay Draloric is a leading brand for MELF resistors and ceramic 
capacitor products. The Vishay Draloric product portfolio also includes 
thin film flat chip resistors, leaded film and wirewound resistors, and 
large ceramic power capacitors.

As part of Vishay Intertechnology, Draloric Electronic has had 
production sites in Israel since 1989 and in the Czech Republic since 

Draloric competitors Roederstein GmbH (resistors and capacitors) and 
Vitramon GmbH (capacitors only) were acquired by Vishay Intertechnology 
in 1993 and 1994, respectively, and merged with Draloric Electronic 
GmbH, which has its headquarters in Selb. Since then, the name Vishay 
Draloric has been used as a brand name for resistor products."

von hinz (Gast)


● J-A V. schrieb:
> grob geschätzt

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