Forum: Mechanik, Gehäuse, Werkzeug Hallo welche Infrarot Lötstationen benutzt ihr

von Antuan B. (Firma: AIR-Electronics GmbH) (columbus40)


Hallo welche  Infrarot Lötstationen  benutzt  ihr  ?

von Jörg W. (dl8dtl) (Moderator) Benutzerseite


Einen alten Küchengrill aus DDR-Zeiten. :)  Umgebaut, damit die
Oberhitze statt ursprünglich der Unterhitze abschaltbar ist: so kann
man mit der Unterhitze vorwärmen und durch Zuschalten der Oberhitze
auf Löttemperatur gehen.

Leistung reicht dennoch gerade so aus.

von Antuan B. (Firma: AIR-Electronics GmbH) (columbus40)


Und wo soll man sowas finden ?
ich habe ueber die Profi Geraete gefragt, wie  z.B IR6500 BGA IR 
Infrarot-Rework-Lötstation Schweißer Löten-Arbeitsplatz 1250W 220V
IR6500 BGA IR Infrarot-Rework-Lötstation

von Jörg W. (dl8dtl) (Moderator) Benutzerseite


Antuan F. schrieb:
> ich habe ueber die Profi Geraete gefragt

Davon sehe zumindest ich in deiner Frage jedoch nichts.

von Deus D. (deus)

Angehängte Dateien:


Antuan F. schrieb:
> Und wo soll man sowas finden ?
> ich habe ueber die Profi Geraete gefragt, wie  z.B IR6500 BGA IR
> Infrarot-Rework-Lötstation Schweißer Löten-Arbeitsplatz 1250W 220V
> IR6500 BGA IR Infrarot-Rework-Lötstation

Bin Auslander, verstehe Deutsch. Schaue gelegentlich dieses Forum an.
Schreiben aber ist zu schwierig... Also hoffentlich ist English kein 

IR6500 are cheap IR Rework stations, not professional.
Also watch out which model you get. There are models using only 1 square 
800 watt heater in bottom and probably 400-450 on top.
Like the one you describe, would be a bad choice.

Bottom heater is ok for small pcbs maybe but way too low powered for 
large ones. Especially on high mass multilayer pcbs.
Other models have 3x 600 watt bottom and a 400-450 watt top. These are 
usable but for larger boards an IR Pro using 4x600 watt gives much 
better result.
Also, these machines are using cheap Chinese heaters. Might perform 
well, or not. If not replacing them with e.g. Elstein elements boosting 
performance seriously. Will still be cheaper than buying a 
"professional" machine.
They also don't have an optical placement system which can make life 
easier with small grid bgas. But it can be done manually.

Next thing is they have pretty simple pid controllers. Bottom one is 
only a setpoint without profiles, ramp...
On the top controller you can set ramp, dwell and temp. Basic but once 
you get how it works more than capable.
The professional machines might give better control and profiles maybe 
follow the programmed curve more accurately but the other's simplicity 
can be an advantage too.
Like say if a profile ends and still no lift it can start an "emergency" 
profile with a higher temp setting. This I can do within a few seconds 
so the pcb is still about the same temp.
Once I see solder gets liquid can press a pauze button or let it go up a 
few extra degrees to be sure and pause it then, Wait a few seconds, 
swing heater sidewards and lift component.
No lift? Swing heater back... Which of course isn't advisable when you 
want to reball and use same bga again. But when experimenting and 
learning how to use the machine, it helps you to know what temps you 
have to set to create profiles.

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