Forum: /dev/null So läuft ein Interview bei Elon Musk

von HR-Mensch (Gast)


What is it like to be interviewed by Elon Musk?

You’re never gonna have another interview like it.

Last semester I applied for a software internship working on Tesla’s 
autopilot programs. There’s so much mystique around Tesla these days. 
Around Elon Musk. And let me tell you, he doesn’t have time for any of 
that in person. He’s a busy man, and an important one.

The competition for one of his internships is one of the toughest in 
today’s job market, and that’s saying something. I was doing technical 
interviews over the phone for weeks. One day, an interviewer called in 
the morning and grilled me for so long that I just straight up skipped 
one of my classes!

Sacrifices. Elon appreciates those.

At long last I made it to the final round. It’s true what they say-- he 
interviews everybody who will ever work for him. They flew me out to the 
Fremont factory in California, and my hands started shaking as soon as I 
stepped into the building.

I was led into a conference room. And there he was. Elon Musk, in the 

We exchanged pleasantries. Our tone was light, but Elon’s eyes never 
left mine. I could tell what he was doing. He was sizing me up. Testing 
the waters. Seeing if I would crack under the pressure.

Ever so slowly, we meandered closer to actual interview territory. “So 
your resume mentions app development. Tell me about that.”

I had to stop a smile from breaking out onto my face. Oh, wow, Elon Musk 
read my resume!

“So I, uh, had to spend a little time getting used to Swift, but--”

Elon cut me off. “You an iOS fan?”

“Yes. Yes, sir.”

“Here. Gimme a sec.” Elon disappeared from the conference room.

I let out a shaky breath and collapsed into my chair. Was I doing great? 
Poorly? Incredibly poorly? I’d heard the stories. Engineers fired after 
screaming rages, careers snuffed out in seconds. Oh, god, he wasn’t 
coming back with security, was he? He was only gone for a couple of 
minutes, but it felt like hours.

The door crashed open. I sat back up, ramrod straight. Here came Elon, 
and there was something in his hands. It was a jet-black container, 
shiny and spherical. Except that it wasn’t a sphere, exactly. There was 
a dent near the top, and it flared inwards towards the bottom. What did 
that remind me of...?

Elon unscrewed the top and gently tapped some of the container’s 
contents onto the table. A whitish dust spilled out. He took his credit 
card out of his wallet and started chopping the pile into lines.

My eyes bugged out of my head. Elon glanced up.

“Oh, no, don’t worry, it’s not coke. Take a look! You don’t have to 

He slid the open container over to me and got back to his work. I picked 
it up. The stuff inside was a light gray, so he was right. It probably 
wasn’t coke. But what the hell was it?

I heard a guttural snort, and I almost dropped the container before 
setting it down. Elon reared up from his desk with fire in his eyes. 
“Woah! Still kicks.”

He had a rolled-up dollar bill in one hand, and he shoved it into my 
face. “Your turn.”

“Hang on. What...what’s happening? What is this?”

Elon looked at me like I was an idiot. “What do you think it is? Guess. 
I went and got this because you mentioned iOS. I want you to guess.”

Then it hit me. That container. It wasn’t just a sphere, and it wasn’t 
just an apple.

It was an apple-shaped urn.

“Oh my God, are you snorting Steve Jobs’ ashes?”

Elon did another line and clapped his hands. “Fantastic, man! Not a lot 
of people even know he was cremated. I knew I had a good feeling about 

This was a prank. It had to be. This all had to be one big, bizarre 
test, so I figured I would play along. “Security wasn’t that tight 
around his grave, huh?”

“Nope,” said Elon, too calmly. “Security at Alta Mesa’s a joke. Couple 
of months ago I just stayed until midnight, dug them out myself.”

Elon dipped a finger into the jar and rubbed his gums. “You know I met 
him once? Steve. He was such an asshole. He hated me. My companies. 
Well, look who’s laughing now.” He smiled at me, then coughed. A grey, 
powdery cloud billowed into the air. I tried not to breathe.

“Steve’s grave was unmarked,” he continued. “But that wasn’t a problem. 
I could smell him.”

Elon’s eyes started to unfocus. “I could smell the animus that drove his 
soul. The energy. And, soon, it will be mine.”

Nobody spoke for a while.

“It will all be mine,” whispered Elon, and it was like I wasn’t even in 
the room.

He blinked. “Anyways. You want a hit?”

For the first time in what felt like forever I felt like I was allowed 
to speak. “...No, man, I’m good.”

There’s no way I can do this. I fought back the urge to gag. That’s a 
human being floating in the air right now. There have to be laws against 
that kind of thing, right? And even if there weren’t, this feels so 
deeply, deeply wrong. I might have to talk to the authorities after 
this. After all, I still have my character, my convictions--

“Listen.” Elon clapped a hand on my shoulder. “One little bump, and 
you’re walking out that door with a job.”

Anyways, I start next quarter.

: Gesperrt durch Moderator
von Weich W. (Firma: Weichwarengesellschaft mbH) (hand_werker)


30k brutto bei 85h würde ich schätzen

von อวัยวะเพศชายใหญ่ (Gast)


Wer ist Elon Musik?

von yusuf (Gast)


อวัยวะเพศชายใหญ่ schrieb:
> Wer ist Elon Musik?

Scheint irgendson HR Typ zu sein. Der Text klingt nach 
Bewerbungsgespräch in einer kleineren Klitsche.

von Mattis (Gast)


Besser als die typische Mattis-Geschichte, good read.

von Kanzlei Lakai (Gast)


Hab's den Tesla Anwälten gemailt, mal schauen was die für ne 
Klageschrift draus basteln.

PS: Bitte IP-sichern.

von Weich W. (Firma: Weichwarengesellschaft mbH) (hand_werker)


Elon Musk wird die harte Hand des deutschen Arbeitsschutzes zu spüren 
bekommen. Da kann er sehen wo er bleibt und wird sicher böse Tweets 
gegen die Deutschen schreiben.

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Erwin D. (Gast)


yusuf schrieb:
>> Wer ist Elon Musik?
> Scheint irgendson HR Typ zu sein.

Wirklich? Ist der tatsächlich ein Hesse?
"Erbarme, de Hesse komme" :-)

von observer (Gast)


อวัยวะเพศชายใหญ่ schrieb
the king sucks!

von Jan H. (j_hansen)


Mattis schrieb:
> Besser als die typische Mattis-Geschichte

Ja, das ist aber nicht schwer.

> , good read.


Beitrag #6363911 wurde von einem Moderator gelöscht.
von Erwin D. (Gast)


Germanischer Reader schrieb im Beitrag #6363911:
> Könnt ihr nicht in englischer Sprache antworten? Schließlich
> postet der
> TO ja auch den englischen Text im deutschen Forum.

Selbst schuld, wenn er deutsch nicht kann (oder nicht will).
Wie du richtigerweise sagst:

Germanischer Reader schrieb im Beitrag #6363911:
> im deutschen Forum.

Dieser Beitrag ist gesperrt und kann nicht beantwortet werden.