Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik STM32F411RE Nucleo Board save data to flash memory

von Max M. (Firma: conglomat gmbh) (dasjhdsajkhda)


I have a STM32F411RE nucleo board which I connect to an external button. 
The button is connected via following pins:
+5V, GND and GPIO_PIN_8 (PB_8)
I also have the USART connection to PUTTY.

My code does the follows:
when the button is pressed, the onboard green LED is on. In PUTTY the 
message "button is pressed" is shown.
when the button is not pressed, the onboard green LED is off and in 
PUTTY the message "button not pressed" is shown.

I would like to save the input from GPIO_PIN_8 in some form of file 
either directly on an external drive (microsd oder usb) so that I can 
open it later on. Since the STM32F411RE does not have EEPROM 
functionality, I read that storing data to flash memory is an option. 
Could someone explain to me
a) how can I store data in flash memory
b) how can I "export" data from flash memory to a readable file later on

Any help appreciated, thanks guys

von search engine user (Gast)


von Max M. (Firma: conglomat gmbh) (dasjhdsajkhda)


thank you very much. Now I have to find out how to access the flash 
memory as a file 😅

: Bearbeitet durch User
von search engine user (Gast)


Max M. schrieb:
> Now I have to find out how to access the flash
> memory as a file


Now first you will have to learn how to really program your
problem regarding item a)

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