Forum: Analoge Elektronik und Schaltungstechnik Agilent 54832D full HDD Recovery needed

von Tom (tsei)


Hello Community,
I got an Agilent 54832D with a damaged HDD. I guess I will find a hdd 
which could be used as a replacement but actually l'm sure I have no 
access to any type of sw. Are any owner of a 54832D in this Forum who 
have a

 - sw replacement kit
 - source where i can get/Download
 - an Image of his own HDD
 - any other stuff which may help to restore
 the SW of my scope??
and ist willing to share the information/Data with me?

Key facts:
Agilent 54832D
SN MY5130xxxx
VIN # A52 Rev. A04.20
WinXP Pro ( Licence Sticker in rear Side)

Each good and helpful idea or posting is very welcome.

Best regards

von Alexander (alecxs)


try to clone hdd with gddrescue

von Tom (tsei)


Alexander schrieb:
> try to clone hdd with gddrescue

Good Idea, but unfortunately does your answer do not fit to my threat. 
If you ready carefully you will recognize that my original HDD is 
But it may help in case of finding an User who would be willing to make 
a clone of his own HDD

Therefore thanks for your comment. IT could help later.


von Christoph db1uq K. (christoph_kessler)

Angehängte Dateien:


Does Agilent sell replacement parts and software?
Here ist just a drawing of the mechanical replacement on pg. 136:
looks like a usual notebook harddisk.

Maybe the "Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy" can help you:
"Product Support Status: Extended Service Period: calibration available 
and repair subject to parts availability
Begin Extended Service Period date: 1.12.2011"
Windows XP Pro Open System
Want to run Windows applica-
tions inside your Infiniium
scope? Yes you can. All Infiniium
54830 Series scopes are based on
Windows XP Pro open platform
that allows you to run Windows
applications inside the Infiniium
to add advanced analysis and
functionaliy to the scope.

service manual:
but it doesn't say much about the software.

on page 101:
Award Modular Bios v6.00PG
Main Processor: Intel Pentium III 866 MHz
Memory Testing: 262144 K Ok
Primary Master: IBM DJSA-205...
Primary Slave: SLIM4 00
Secondary Master: MATSHITA CR-122 7508

so the harddisk ist a IBM DJSA-205...

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von Alexander (alecxs)


Tom schrieb:
> If you ready carefully you will recognize that my original HDD is
> death...

of course if completely dead there is no hope, but if hdd hasn't started 
making unusual sounds/clicks, and no major head crash has occurred, it 
is the best tool to recover from physical bad sectors

von Tom (tsei)


Hey friends,

@von Christoph db1uq K. (christoph_kessler)11.02.2024 19:23:
Thanks for your information. I will follow the links and try to see what 
I can achieve. You are right with your assumtion. The HDD looks like a 
typical HHD with parallel port connector, like the old laptop HDD's had 
had before they switched to SATA. That's the reason why I guess I will 
find a propper HDD more easy than the software. Thanks for your answer.

@von Alexander (alecxs)11.02.2024 20:15:
Death means death, Supply voltage is available, the spindle motor 
dosen't turn. Therefore I hope I will find a source for a firmware 
recovery or a full firmware backup.

best regards

von Jörg W. (dl8dtl) (Moderator) Benutzerseite


Trying to ping Keysight support?

When the company label was still "Agilent", they used to have many of 
the software distributions online. E.g. the entire Windows app for 16900 
logic analyzers was available online, and could be run on arbitrary (now 
old) Windows setups, and the setup CD-ROM for 16700 LAs (including the 
required HP-UX OS) was also online.

When they switched to Keysight, I didn't see these online resources 
anymore, but it's quite possible their support folks could still somehow 
access it internally.

von Tom (tsei)



Jörg W. schrieb:
> Trying to ping Keysight support?

Hello Jörg,
I didn't try to get in contact with Keysight. I saw in another threat 
that someone said that Keysight would give definitive no support for 
systems, marked as obsolete.
But I can try it, I just can get a refusal in worst Case.

Do you have a poc beside the official customer address?

Best regards

von Jörg W. (dl8dtl) (Moderator) Benutzerseite


Tom schrieb:
> Do you have a poc beside the official customer address?

Alas not. My last contact with them dates back some years ago, at a 
previous employer.

Btw., I have to correct myself: the 16700 CD-ROM was not online, but 
they sent it to me free of charge, as a physical CD-ROM.

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